Sunday 31 January 2016

11 Words of the Year from Around the World

11 Words of the Year from Around the World

America isn't the only nation that wraps up the year by determining the words that defined it.
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The Resilient Pagans of Russia

The Resilient Pagans of Russia

Raffaele Petralla captures the resilient traditions of the Mari in Russia’s tiny Mari-El republic.
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To Rebuild 'The Collapse of Parenting,' It's Going to be a Challenge

To Rebuild 'The Collapse of Parenting,' It's Going to be a Challenge

Parents struggle with the balance of being a friend versus being a taskmaster. Their job, says Dr. Leonard Sax, is to "keep your child safe" and "give kids choices in some domains but not in others."
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Crown Casino high-roller named as threat to Australian sport

Crown Casino high-roller named as threat to Australian sport

One of Asia's biggest unregulated bookmakers, an alleged organised crime figure, is identified by law enforcement as a potential threat to the integrity of sport across Australia.
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Research integrity: Don't let transparency damage science

Research integrity: Don't let transparency damage science

Stephan Lewandowsky and Dorothy Bishop explain how the research community should protect its members from harassment, while encouraging the openness that has become essential to science.
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Japan is sinking in a sea of money

Japan is sinking in a sea of money

Author: Masanaga Kumakura, Komazawa University According to conventional economic theory, the monetisation of government debt is a recipe for fiscal profligacy and hyperinflation. It should be the last thing any credible central bank turns its hand to. But this is precisely what the Bank of Japan (BOJ) has been doing for the last three years.
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George RR Martin: when writers just can't finish their books

George RR Martin: when writers just can't finish their books

The Game of Thrones creator still hasn’t finished the sixth book in A Song of Ice and Fire – placing him in a long tradition of writers, from Chaucer to Dickens
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'Hand of God’ The Cloud That Resembles a Fireball in the Sky

'Hand of God’ The Cloud That Resembles a Fireball in the Sky

This cloud was recently observed over the Portuguese island of Madeira, but why does it look like a fireball?
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See inside a notorious Siberian prison

See inside a notorious Siberian prison

Travellers can now check into a “sweat-box” punishment cell at the Prison Castle – where Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Tsar Nicholas II and Stalin’s victims did time.
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Why a bright idea for growing food in the city had to move . . . to the country

Why a bright idea for growing food in the city had to move . . . to the country

It’s the greenhouse that got away: An urban farming initiative that ended up becoming rural.
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Nikon Awards Prize to Badly 'Shopped Photo, Hilarity Ensues

Nikon Awards Prize to Badly 'Shopped Photo, Hilarity Ensues

Nikon Singapore posted an announcement on its Facebook page yesterday, congratulating a photographer named Chay Yu Wei for capturing a perfect shot of an airplane framed by a ladder in Chinatown. Photographers quickly pointed out that the photo is clearly the result of editing, and sarcastic comments soon flooded the post.
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Cave Artists of Sulawesi

Cave Artists of Sulawesi

A red-hued hand stencil made by spraying wet pigment over a hand laid flat on the cave wall—was recently confirmed as the oldest known hand stencil image anywhere in the world: It was painted at least 39,900 years ago.
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Dear Carey

Dear Carey

A letter to a brother two decades after his death. By Shael Risman.
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Gardens: drug therapy for plants

Gardens: drug therapy for plants

How aspirin and cinnamon can help stave off infections and boost root growth.
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A Stranded Sloth, A Drone's Ice Cave Mission, And Other Amazing Images Of The Week

A Stranded Sloth, A Drone's Ice Cave Mission, And Other Amazing Images Of The Week

Plus, some of the brightest stars in the galaxy
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Sir Terry Wogan: Veteran broadcaster dies, aged 77

Sir Terry Wogan: Veteran broadcaster dies, aged 77

Veteran BBC broadcaster Sir Terry Wogan has died aged 77, after a "short but brave battle with cancer", his family says.
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Indigenous Leaders Fight Bill Promoting Citizen Archaeology: "Do Not Disturb the Spirits of the Water"

Indigenous Leaders Fight Bill Promoting Citizen Archaeology: "Do Not Disturb the Spirits of the Water"

A bill pending in the Florida Legislature would let anyone pay $100 for a so-called "citizen archaeology permit" and then be able to dig up historical artifacts from submerged lands like riverbeds and lakes — and keep what they find.  Collectors are psyched about the bill. Archaeologists say that only they have the expertise to collect and catalog such artifacts. And some Native Americans say leave the artifacts the hell alone. Passage of the bill, they warn, would result in looting.
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Cincinnati Built a Subway System 100 Years Ago–But Never Used It

Cincinnati Built a Subway System 100 Years Ago–But Never Used It

Interstate 75 slices the city of Cincinnati in half like an orange. On one side is the city’s Catholic working class west, while the east side is favored by...
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It's time for these 101 ridiculous science 'facts' to die

It's time for these 101 ridiculous science 'facts' to die

These myths, misconceptions, and inaccuracies have been passed down through the ages. It's time to put an end to them.
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The archaeology of childhood

The archaeology of childhood

A sledge made from a horse’s jaw, the remains of a medieval puppet, the coffin of a one-year-old Roman child, and the skeleton of an Anglo-Saxon girl will all go on display in Cambridge today as part of a unique exhibition illuminating the archaeology of childhood.
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The Language Barrier Is About to Fall

The Language Barrier Is About to Fall

Within 10 years, earpieces will whisper nearly simultaneous translations—and help knit the world closer together.
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Judge rules FBI unlawfully refused to comply with information act requests

Judge rules FBI unlawfully refused to comply with information act requests

FBI’s policy ‘at odds’ with the Foia statute as court rules in favor of plaintiffs, who contend government was trying to shield itself from scrutiny
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Five steps to kiss someone without sexually assaulting them

Five steps to kiss someone without sexually assaulting them

Contracts for consent take all the romance, and sanity, out of sexual activity.
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ESA launches the first node of its space ‘data superhighway’

ESA launches the first node of its space ‘data superhighway’

The European Space Agency (ESA) on Friday launched the first part of a new space-based “data superhighway” into orbit Friday night.
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Marietta Police K-9 to be auctioned off despite handler's request to keep him

Marietta Police K-9 to be auctioned off despite handler's request to keep him

A Marietta police officer who retired earlier this week wants his partner to retire with him. Instead, the city says Ajax, his K-9 partner for the last four years, will be auctioned off.
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Saturday 30 January 2016

Italians rally against rights for gay couples

Italians rally against rights for gay couples

Italy is the last major country in Western Europe to not offer rights or recognition to same-sex couples
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Denmark wants to watch everything you do online

Denmark wants to watch everything you do online

The Danish telecommunications industry has expressed concerns over the Justice Ministry’s plan to reintroduce so-called internet session logging, the registration of residents’ online activity.
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Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his warchest

Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his warchest

There were stays at boutique hotels featuring rooftop pools, private soirees at members-only, jacket-and-tie clubs and fundraisers at the Four Seasons, the St. Regis and the Mandarin Oriental. By Michelle Conlin and Grant Smith.
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Uriel, the Universe’s Best-Dressed Spiritual Leader

Uriel, the Universe’s Best-Dressed Spiritual Leader

In the 1970s, Ruth Norman became an author, UFO expert, and archangel, By Marie Lodi.
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How to stop the sexual harassment of women in science: reboot the system

How to stop the sexual harassment of women in science: reboot the system

The public outing of a number of high profile scientists in sexual harassment cases shows the current system of protecting women isn't working. But there is a solution.
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Obama Pledges $4 Billion to Computer Science in US Schools

Obama Pledges $4 Billion to Computer Science in US Schools

President Obama today revealed his plan to give students across the nation to learn computer science skills in school.
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How Nigerian Romance Novelists Sneak Feminism Into Their Plots

How Nigerian Romance Novelists Sneak Feminism Into Their Plots

Say you've run into a spot of trouble–some relationship issues, or family drama, or your friends are angry at you. Or maybe it's worse–you're in a discriminatory situation, or even a dangerous one. You need help from someone smart; someone who really gets it. Who do you turn to? If you're living in Kano, Nigeria, you'll probably do the opposite of what you'd do anywhere else. You'd pick up a romance novel.
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A Harvard psychologist says this is the first thing you should do when you wake up

A Harvard psychologist says this is the first thing you should do when you wake up

Hint: It's not drink coffee. :(
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Georgian jailbirds and celebrity highwaymen shaped modern Britain, say historians

Georgian jailbirds and celebrity highwaymen shaped modern Britain, say historians

Eighteenth-century thieves, paupers, prostitutes and highwaymen helped shape the evolution of modern justice and welfare systems, according to new evidence uncovered by historians.
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10 Things You’re Taught Growing Up as a Christian Woman

10 Things You’re Taught Growing Up as a Christian Woman

As you read the examples below of things you learn in conservative Christianity about godly womanhood, imagine that you are a young woman and these are the messages you are receiving from the people that you trust the most in your life. Some of these messages are taught directly and others are mostly just implied or demonstrated in the Bible.
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New Yorker writer returns to high school English class — for a year

New Yorker writer returns to high school English class — for a year

David Denby "embedded” in a tenth-grade English class to see what happened as a good teacher worked with 15-year-olds. He read everything the kids read and listened all year, interviewing kids along the way. Read an excerpt from his new book, "Lit Up."
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The secret world of membership libraries

The secret world of membership libraries

Before Andrew Carnegie, most libraries in America were subscription-based. As free public libraries sprouted up across the United States, membership libraries mostly died off, but 19 non-profit membership libraries still exist.
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World's oldest tea remains discovered on ancient trade route

World's oldest tea remains discovered on ancient trade route

Residues found in burial pits near tomb of Han dynasty emperor Liu Qi shows plant was being transported along Silk Road route over 2,000 years ago. The oldest physical remains ever discovered previously were hundreds of years younger than the new find – dating from the northern Song Dynasty (AD960-AD1,127).
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What’s stupid this month: Xerox patents sharing documents online

What’s stupid this month: Xerox patents sharing documents online

Xerox gets a new toy, and it may be visiting a courthouse near you.
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Is gambling a kind of play, or a narcotic trap for the soul?

Is gambling a kind of play, or a narcotic trap for the soul?

My father was hopelessly, joyously addicted to gambling and I his moral critic. Why did I end up playing pro blackjack?
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What's The Best Way To Keep Mosquitoes From Biting?

What's The Best Way To Keep Mosquitoes From Biting?

Mosquitoes have quirky olfactory preferences. For example, many of them, especially the Aedes variety that transmits the Zika virus, love the smell of feet. Researchers who need to avoid mosquito bites tell what works and what doesn't for them.
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Special Collections: Brian Collier's Teeny Tiny Things

Special Collections: Brian Collier's Teeny Tiny Things

Very Small Objects is an ongoing project of Collier's. He identifies himself as a re-naturalist. "I've always been really interested in the history of natural history," he says, noting "the level of subjectivity in the invention of classification systems." It probably doesn't hurt that Collier's grandfather was a watch repairman.
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Elizabeth Jane Howard: Hilary Mantel on the novelist she tells everyone to read

Elizabeth Jane Howard: Hilary Mantel on the novelist she tells everyone to read

Elizabeth Jane Howard’s exquisite and understated novels have been overshadowed by her turbulent private life. But is the real reason why they are underestimated because they are books ‘about women, by a woman’?
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Dog Flu Virus Spreading Across The United States

Dog Flu Virus Spreading Across The United States

One strain of dog flu causing outbreaks in the U.S. appears to be especially contagious, making it likely more dogs than usual will get sick, veterinarians say. Still, 90 percent of cases are mild.
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The Great Whiskey Heist

The Great Whiskey Heist

How one distillery worker enlisted friends, family, and a few fellow steroid enthusiasts to liberate hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of premium bourbon, one barrel at a time. By Reeves Wiedeman.
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Meanwhile In Canada, A Real Estate Bargain Emerges. ($2.4 million CAD)

Meanwhile In Canada, A Real Estate Bargain Emerges. ($2.4 million CAD)

We’ve long known that Canada, like Sweden and Denmark, is sitting on a giant housing bubble. Indeed we took a close look at the issue back in March of last year and have revisited in on several occasions since.
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In Fragments from Fustat, Glimpses of a Cosmopolitan Old Cairo

In Fragments from Fustat, Glimpses of a Cosmopolitan Old Cairo

Its 2015 exhibition A Cosmopolitan City: Muslims, Christians and Jews in Old Cairo introduced the urban world of Islamic Egypt, a world much closer to our own today yet often overlooked amid the spectacular wonders of the country’s deep Pharaonic past. The show focused on the now-obscure medieval city of Fustat through artifacts of daily life and items highlighting the art and literature of the period—many of which were brought newly to light out of the Institute’s own storerooms.
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“We cannot talk about it”: Factory workers for major fashion labels live confined by guards

“We cannot talk about it”: Factory workers for major fashion labels live confined by guards

Many female workers were only allowed to leave their "hostels" for two hours a week.
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‘The Last of the Mohicans’

‘The Last of the Mohicans’

Remembering Giorgio Gomelsky, 1934–2016. By Brian Cullman.
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Russian Lawyer Claims Coverage of Tiger-Goat Friendship Is 'Gay Propaganda'

Russian Lawyer Claims Coverage of Tiger-Goat Friendship Is 'Gay Propaganda'

A lawyer in Novosibirsk has called for a ban on stories about a goat and a tiger in a national park in Russia's Far East, arguing that the widespread media coverage of the pair is 'covert gay propaganda.'
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