Tuesday 31 May 2016

Glass: An Oscar-winning documentary short on Dutch glassblowing from 1958

Glass: An Oscar-winning documentary short on Dutch glassblowing from 1958

Glass is a 1958 non-verbal documentary short by Bert Haanstra that contrasts glassblowing techniques used inside the Royal Leerdam Glass Factory with more modern industrial machines. The first half shows several men at work using traditional glassblowing to create ornate objects like vases and mugs..
Read more: http://snapzu.com/tranxene/glass-an-oscar-winning-documentary-short-on-dutch-glassblowing-from-1958



Read more: http://snapzu.com/tranxene/boat

Ten unique Basque words you need to learn right now

Ten unique Basque words you need to learn right now

The Local looks at some key unique words in Basque you can try out during your next visit to northern Spain.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/lostwonder/ten-unique-basque-words-you-need-to-learn-right-now

Sharon Armstrong spent two years in an Argentinian jail after being caught in an online dating scam

Sharon Armstrong spent two years in an Argentinian jail after being caught in an online dating scam

MORE than a third of marriages now start online, but thousands of people around the world are also falling victim to online dating scams.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/sharon-armstrong-spent-two-years-in-an-argentinian-jail-after-being-caught-in-an-online-dating-scam

Perdita Rose

Perdita Rose

Perdita is a David Austin rose, and one of the first I planted in my garden, some ten years ago. The buds are pinkish, and the flowers open as a blush color and then grow whiter as they mature. It doesn't grow as large as my other roses, but I have it at the end of the row, where it is not overshadowed by its more raucous cousins.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/gladsdotter/perdita-rose

Should We Get Rid Of The Penny?

Should We Get Rid Of The Penny?

Right now making a penny costs 1.7 cents. Yet we continue to mint more pennies every year, costing the government several million of dollars.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/should-we-get-rid-of-the-penny

5 Tips For Packing Light

5 Tips For Packing Light

Read more: http://snapzu.com/rti9/5-tips-for-packing-light

The Nature of Death

The Nature of Death

Professor Kagan introduces the course and the material that will be covered during the semester. He aims to clarify what the class will focus on in particular and which subjects it will steer away from. The emphasis will be placed on philosophical questions that arise when one contemplates the nature of death. The first half of the course will address metaphysical questions while the second half will focus on value theory.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/drunkenninja/the-nature-of-death

Google's 3 Rules For Designing Virtual Reality

Google's 3 Rules For Designing Virtual Reality

Google has spent the past year running experiments in VR. Here's what the company has learned about what you can and can't do.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/geekster/googles-3-rules-for-designing-virtual-reality

Is Exclusion Still the Norm? Saudi Arabia and Women in the Olympic Games

Is Exclusion Still the Norm? Saudi Arabia and Women in the Olympic Games

After considerable international pressure, Saudi Arabia agreed to send two female athletes to the London 2012 Games–the first time in history the nation sent female athletes to the games. Qatar and Brunei’s female athletes at the London Games were also the first female members in the history of their Olympic participation, but in both of those countries, the policies restricting women in sports are significantly less harsh.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/is-exclusion-still-the-norm-saudi-arabia-and-women-in-the-olympic-games

Global Slavery Index 2016 Estimates 45.8 Million People Trapped In Modern Slavery

Global Slavery Index 2016 Estimates 45.8 Million People Trapped In Modern Slavery

The Global Slavery Index 2016, released Tuesday, found that India topped the list with the highest absolute number of people in modern slavery.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/global-slavery-index-2016-estimates-458-million-people-trapped-in-modern-slavery

David Mitchell buries latest manuscript for a hundred years

David Mitchell buries latest manuscript for a hundred years

Mitchell is the second contributor to the Scottish artist Katie Paterson’s Future Library project, for which 1,000 trees were planted two years ago in Oslo’s Nordmarka forest. Starting with Margaret Atwood, who last year handed over the manuscript of a text called Scribbler Moon, each year for the next 100 years an author will deliver a piece of writing which will only be read in 2114, when the trees are chopped down to make paper on which the 100 texts will be printed.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/gladsdotter/david-mitchell-buries-latest-manuscript-for-a-hundred-years

Welcome to Disturbia

Welcome to Disturbia

Picture a suburban housewife of the 1950s. Her name is Mrs. John Drone (Mary), and she lives in Rolling Knolls Estates, a new development of what the salesman calls "California Cape Cod Ramblers" on the outskirts of Washington, D.C. Whatever knolls might have rolled gently over the land at one time have been flattened for muddy streets of two-bedroom houses, named after famous conflicts of World War II.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/weekendhobo/welcome-to-disturbia

T.S. Eliot, Poet for a Fallen Culture

T.S. Eliot, Poet for a Fallen Culture

“Reduced to its barest elements, modernity is the substitution of science for theology, history for philosophy, and the self for the soul. Eliot had little patience with the pretensions of science, but even he was not fully able to escape the other two....” By Joseph Bottum.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/AdelleChattre/ts-eliot-poet-for-a-fallen-culture

Beautiful Photos from a Summer Spent on Japan's Trains

Beautiful Photos from a Summer Spent on Japan's Trains

Photographer Hiroyuki Ito captured his home country while riding the rails for an entire summer.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/beautiful-photos-from-a-summer-spent-on-japans-trains

Schrodinger's Bird: The art of mind-bending physics

Schrodinger's Bird: The art of mind-bending physics

Schrodinger's Bird brings the mesmerising concepts of quantum quirkiness to life in a new animation and exhibition.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/schrodingers-bird-the-art-of-mind-bending-physics

8 Great Philosophical Questions

8 Great Philosophical Questions

Philosophy goes where hard science can't, or won't.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/8-great-philosophical-questions

Why You’re Not a Jerk for Firing a Longtime Employee (Arguable)

Why You’re Not a Jerk for Firing a Longtime Employee (Arguable)

Frank has been with us for more than 20 years. Would it be wrong to let him go?
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/why-youre-not-a-jerk-for-firing-a-longtime-employee-arguable

Former Attorney General Holder: Edward Snowden performed 'public service'

Former Attorney General Holder: Edward Snowden performed 'public service'

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden performed a "public service," according to former Attorney General Eric Holder, but he added that the fugitive's actions were "inappropriate and illegal."In an interview with David Axelrod for his "The Axe Files" podcast, H
Read more: http://snapzu.com/geekster/former-attorney-general-holder-edward-snowden-performed-public-service

Monday 30 May 2016

The Scary Truth Behind the Honey Sold in Grocery Stores

The Scary Truth Behind the Honey Sold in Grocery Stores

Do you buy honey at the grocery store? If so, you're probably buying honey that's been laundered, meaning honey that is diluted with fillers like high-fructose corn syrup yet labeled and sold as pure honey.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/the-scary-truth-behind-the-honey-sold-in-grocery-stores

Most Drugs Aren’t Tested on Pregnant Women. This Anti-nausea Cure Shows Why That’s a Problem

Most Drugs Aren’t Tested on Pregnant Women. This Anti-nausea Cure Shows Why That’s a Problem

For years, Zofran was the most popular morning-sickness medication in the U.S. Now it’s being accused of causing birth defects. The larger issue is a drug-safety system that excludes women from clinical trials, potentially putting them and their babies at risk.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/CatLady/most-drugs-arent-tested-on-pregnant-women-this-anti-nausea-cure-shows-why-thats-a-problem

Pictures Taken At The Right Angle

Pictures Taken At The Right Angle

Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/pictures-taken-at-the-right-angle

Runway Injustice: Two undercover models expose industry's dark side

Runway Injustice: Two undercover models expose industry's dark side

Two undercover models are using humor to shine light on the dark side of the modeling industry.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/CatLady/runway-injustice-two-undercover-models-expose-industrys-dark-side

Revealed: cancer scientists' pensions invested in tobacco

Revealed: cancer scientists' pensions invested in tobacco

cientists funded by Cancer Research UK who spend their lives hunting for cures for the disease are among thousands of academics whose pensions are invested in the tobacco industry, the Guardian can reveal. The latest annual report for the university staff’s pension fund shows it had £211m invested in British American Tobacco in the year to 31 March 2015 – its fifth biggest listed equities holding. The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) – the official name for the fund for university academics and staff...
Read more: http://snapzu.com/zyery/revealed-cancer-scientists-pensions-invested-in-tobacco

In pictures: 19th-century India through the eyes of Samuel Bourne

In pictures: 19th-century India through the eyes of Samuel Bourne

An upcoming exhibition of the British photographer's work demonstrates its significance in the history of visual culture.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/in-pictures-19th-century-india-through-the-eyes-of-samuel-bourne

Beware of keystroke loggers disguised as USB phone chargers, FBI warns

Beware of keystroke loggers disguised as USB phone chargers, FBI warns

FBI officials are warning private industry partners to be on the lookout for highly stealthy keystroke loggers that surreptitiously sniff passwords and other input typed into wireless keyboards. The FBI's Private Industry Notification is dated April 29, more than 15 months after whitehat hacker Samy Kamkar released a KeySweeper, a proof-of-concept attack platform that covertly logged and decrypted keystrokes from many Microsoft-branded wireless keyboards and transmitted the data over cellular networks. To lower the chances that the sniffing device might be discovered by a target...
Read more: http://snapzu.com/funhonestdude/beware-of-keystroke-loggers-disguised-as-usb-phone-chargers-fbi-warns

Children who grow up surrounded by books ‘earn more as adults’ - study

Children who grow up surrounded by books ‘earn more as adults’ - study

Children who have a large number of books in the house when they’re growing up tend to be higher earners later in life, according to a new study published in the Economic Journal.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/children-who-grow-up-surrounded-by-books-earn-more-as-adults-study

This Unique New Bookstore Is Filled With Optical Illusions

This Unique New Bookstore Is Filled With Optical Illusions

An unusual new bookstore has recently opened in Hangzhou, China. Zhongshuge Bookstore, designed by XL-MUSE, uses mirrors to make the spaces seem huge and never-ending.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/gladsdotter/this-unique-new-bookstore-is-filled-with-optical-illusions

A Biography of the Tea Bush

A Biography of the Tea Bush

There’s a hoary adage that money doesn’t grow on trees. With tea, it really does, on just a single type of plant, the Camellia sinensis. Left in its natural state, it will flower, just like decorative camellias, and can grow as high as 100 feet and live for well over 100 years. Tea farms keep it at just over a meter and shape it into a round table form, to make it easy to pluck. It has a productive life of, typically, 60 years.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/gladsdotter/a-biography-of-the-tea-bush

Inside Iran

Inside Iran

Impressions and moments captured from behind Iran’s closed curtain, as I traversed the Islamic Republic during the country’s “Ten Days of Dawn” celebrations and rallies, to mark the anniversary of the 1979 revolution.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/inside-iran

The multimillionaire founder of MySpace now travels the world taking jaw-dropping photographs

The multimillionaire founder of MySpace now travels the world taking jaw-dropping photographs

Jealousy guaranteed.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/the-multimillionaire-founder-of-myspace-now-travels-the-world-taking-jaw-dropping-photographs

Vintage Illustrations of Trains by Koyata Yasui

Vintage Illustrations of Trains by Koyata Yasui

Kodomonokuni was a Japanese kids magazine that was published between 1922 - 1944. Featuring full-page illustrations, the magazine helped elevate the genre of illustration, which was previously considered secondary to text. The magazine also helped many illustrators becomes household names and one of those was Koyata Yasui.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/vintage-illustrations-of-trains-by-koyata-yasui

I was invited to a pre-opening of the New Shanghai Disney Theme Park

I was invited to a pre-opening of the New Shanghai Disney Theme Park

I went this weekend, the official opening day is June 15, 2016
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/inside-the-new-shanghai-disney-theme-park

Food advice from the Guardian: don't eat octopus... they have more genes than you ...so do onions.

Food advice from the Guardian: don't eat octopus... they have more genes than you ...so do onions.

Last year the Guardian‘s food police deemed HP sauce to be the condiment of ‘the establishment’, barbecues to be borderline racist…
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/food-advice-from-the-guardian-dont-eat-octopus-they-have-more-genes-than-you-so-do-onions

10 unreal houseboats that will set your imagination adrift

10 unreal houseboats that will set your imagination adrift

From artificial lakes in eastern Germany to ports in Portland, Oregon, here are 10 houseboats that are as stunning as they are downright extravagant.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/10-unreal-houseboats-that-will-set-your-imagination-adrift

2 high-schoolers designed huts for the homeless that cost less than $3,000

2 high-schoolers designed huts for the homeless that cost less than $3,000

These California students engineered cost-effective housing for local homeless people.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/2-high-schoolers-designed-huts-for-the-homeless-that-cost-less-than-3000

Capturing the Love, and Psyches, of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Capturing the Love, and Psyches, of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Marcel Sternberger and his wife, Ilse, traveled to Mexico in 1951 to photograph President Miguel Alemán Valdés and other prominent politicians and businessmen. But the highlight of the trip came when they befriended two Communist radicals: Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Mr. Sternberger eventually photographed them using his portrait approach, which was a unique blend of psychological and photographic techniques.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/capturing-the-love-and-psyches-of-frida-kahlo-and-diego-rivera

Sunday 29 May 2016

Wanda Opens First China Theme Park as It Takes Aim at Disney

Wanda Opens First China Theme Park as It Takes Aim at Disney

 Billionaire Wang Jianlin Saturday officially unveiled Dalian Wanda Group Co.’s Wanda City
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/wanda-opens-first-china-theme-park-as-it-takes-aim-at-disney

Surprising historical photographs of famous people hanging out together

Surprising historical photographs of famous people hanging out together

Historical photos of famous people hanging out together. Who knew Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin were friends?
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Appaloosa/surprising-historical-photographs-of-famous-people-hanging-out-together

China is encouraging its citizens to eat less meat — and that could be a big win for the climate

China is encouraging its citizens to eat less meat — and that could be a big win for the climate

An updated set of dietary guidelines just released by the Chinese government could be a boon not only for public health, say some environmentalists, but also for the environment. They’re arguing that the new recommendations have the potential to reduce China’s meat consumption, or at least slow its growth, which can help save land and water resources and put a substantial dent in global greenhouse gas emissions.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/roxxy/china-is-encouraging-its-citizens-to-eat-less-meat-and-that-could-be-a-big-win-for-the-climate

Chimps filmed grieving for dead friend

Chimps filmed grieving for dead friend

In an extraordinary last act, one ape even tends to the body of the deceased
Read more: http://snapzu.com/Dino55/chimps-filmed-grieving-for-dead-friend

They thought they were going to religion school. They ended up slaves

They thought they were going to religion school. They ended up slaves

Poor families in Senegal send their children to schools to study the Koran, but sometimes they are instead forced to beg for eight hours a day, are beaten and even raped.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/they-thought-they-were-going-to-religion-school-they-ended-up-slaves

Isaac Newton Once Tried To Invent His Own Language 

Isaac Newton Once Tried To Invent His Own Language 

The great 17th century physicist Isaac Newton is known for many things. There’s his laws of motion and theory of gravity. Plus, the dude invented calculus, wrote a lengthy treatise about optics, and dabbled in alchemy for good measure. But few people know that as a young college student, Newton tried to invent his own universal language.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/isaac-newton-once-tried-to-invent-his-own-language

How the Clergy Set the Standard for Safe, Comfortable Abortions

How the Clergy Set the Standard for Safe, Comfortable Abortions

The story of a group of religious leaders who revolutionized patient care before the procedure was legal
Read more: http://snapzu.com/lostwonder/how-the-clergy-set-the-standard-for-safe-comfortable-abortions

Mountain Monastery

Mountain Monastery

Located near the city of Paro in the Kingdom of Bhutan, the Tigers Nest Monastery (or Taktsang Palphug) is located 3000 meters high up in the Himalayan Mountains. Mountain Monastery by David Lazar
Read more: http://snapzu.com/jcscher/mountain-monastery

Books for Summer

Books for Summer

Thrills from Stephen King, laughs from Amy Schumer and wizardry from J.K. Rowling.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/jcscher/books-for-summer

Is Standing Really Better Than Sitting At Work? Try Doing Both

Is Standing Really Better Than Sitting At Work? Try Doing Both

Standing desks have generated a lot of news and considerable hype over the last few years. Frankly, all of this coverage has been missing something important. Sitting for hours on end isn’t wise, true enough, but nothing in the research proves that the remedy is merely standing up all day instead. A new study may nudge us a little closer to the real issue.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/is-standing-really-better-than-sitting-at-work-try-doing-both

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

What age do you consider to be old? AARP posed that question to millennials and asked them to show what “old” looks like. Then they introduced them to some real “old” people. Watch what happens when folks let go of their outdated beliefs and embrace the idea that aging is not about decline - it’s about growth.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/gladsdotter/millennials-show-us-what-old-looks-like

Walter Molino’s lush illustrations of people in peril

Walter Molino’s lush illustrations of people in peril

These illustrations of people in various states of peril were painted by the extremely prolific Italian artist Walter Molino. Most of these pieces date from the 1950s.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/JazzofAllTrades/walter-molinos-lush-illustrations-of-people-in-peril

This custom Android phone promises to protect your privacy — but there's a catch

This custom Android phone promises to protect your privacy — but there's a catch

A new, yet-to-be-released smartphone promises to put its users' security and privacy first with the help of a radical if not somewhat uncertain approach. Una earlier this month launched its crowdsourcing campaign ahead of the debut of its newest custom-built smartphone: the Unaphone Zenith. Dubbed a "truly private and secure smartphone" that "values your privacy and data as much as you do," the 5.5-inch smartphone runs a modified Android 6.0 operating system called UnaOS.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/manix/this-custom-android-phone-promises-to-protect-your-privacy-but-theres-a-catch