Tuesday 31 October 2017

The in vitro meat cookbook.

The in vitro meat cookbook.

The in vitro meat cookbook presents 45 recipes that explore and visualize what in vitro meat products might be on our plate one day. As in vitro meat is still being developed you cannot cook our recipes just yet, however, they will provide abundant food for thought and discussion.
Read more: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/lab-grown-human-meat-cannibalism?source=Snapzu

The Most Revealing Moment in the New Joan Didion Documentary

The Most Revealing Moment in the New Joan Didion Documentary

An exchange in Netflix’s “The Center Will Not Hold” shows Didion’s mastery of the journalist’s necessary mental and emotional bifurcation.
Read more: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/the-most-revealing-moment-in-the-new-joan-didion-documentary?source=Snapzu

John Kelly Claims Civil War Caused By Lack Of Compromise. History Shows Otherwise

John Kelly Claims Civil War Caused By Lack Of Compromise. History Shows Otherwise

The White House chief of staff made the remark during an interview on Fox News. Observers were quick to point out that decades of "compromise" on slavery preceded, and did not prevent, the Civil War.
Read more: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/10/31/561069584/john-kelly-claims-civil-war-caused-by-lack-of-compromise-history-shows-otherwise?source=Snapzu

Boy screaming in pain following knife accident

Boy screaming in pain following knife accident

Someone sent me this on stupid facebook but it's actually the funniest thing I have ever seen, I'm disgusting, haha. "Boy screaming in pain following knife accident during knife game a.k.a. stabscotch" by MECKY via Getty Images
Read more: https://snapzu.com/imokruok/boy-screaming-in-pain-following-knife-accident?source=Snapzu

10 Things You Might Not Know About Denny's

10 Things You Might Not Know About Denny's

Richard Jezak and Harold Butler opened the first "Danny’s Donuts" in Lakewood, Calif. in 1953. There was no notable “Danny” in either of their lives; they just thought the alliteration was charming. The 24-hour doughnut shop grew quickly, expanding to a larger menu and roughly 20 locations by 1959, and changing its name to Danny’s Coffee Shops along the way. But the founders worried that the mini-chain was at risk of getting confused with nearby Coffee Dan’s, so they switched one letter to create the Denny’s we know today.
Read more: https://mentalfloss.com/article/70919/10-things-you-might-not-know-about-dennys?source=Snapzu

Write Irrestistable Headlines that Tap into Readers’ Thoughts

Write Irrestistable Headlines that Tap into Readers’ Thoughts

Headlines are doorways. If readers aren’t intrigued to open, they’ll never experience your words. Spending far more time writing headlines makes sense. But, practicing headlines isn’t easy or enjoyable. Does good advice work if it never gets followed? Writing headlines is a chore. Boring. Tedious. No instant gratification. Without feedback, you don’t know if you’re improving, anyway.
Read more: https://medium.com/@KeriVandongen/write-irresistible-headlines-that-tap-into-readers-thoughts-16f451853335?source=Snapzu

The Cold Logic of Drunk People

The Cold Logic of Drunk People

At a bar in France, researchers made people answer questions about philosophy. The more intoxicated the subject, the more utilitarian he or she was likely to be. Laboratory assistants have to do all sorts of terrible, embarrassing things, but surely this is among the silliest: Enter a bar in Grenoble, France. Identify people who look moderately drunk. Walk up to them, tap them on the shoulder, and say something along the lines of, "Uh, hey, this is awkward, but, would you be interested in answering some questions about philosophy?"
Read more: http://www.tigonis.ml/2017/10/the-cold-logic-of-drunk-people.html?source=Snapzu

The 10 Most Clearly Haunted Guitars on Reverb Right Now

The 10 Most Clearly Haunted Guitars on Reverb Right Now

These spooky guitars go beyond blood spatter finishes and horror movie kitsch.
Read more: https://reverb.com/news/the-10-most-clearly-haunted-guitars-on-reverb-right-now?source=Snapzu

The Americans who can't read

The Americans who can't read

The US has more citizens who are illiterate than many of its developed counterparts. Why is that?
Read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-41754308/the-americans-who-can-t-read?source=Snapzu

Monday 30 October 2017

Should we get rid of parking spaces to free up land in our cities?

Should we get rid of parking spaces to free up land in our cities?

Cities around the world are starting to rethink the vast areas of land set aside for parking. The convergence of several trends likely will mean this space becomes available for other uses.
Read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-30/should-we-get-rid-of-car-parks-to-free-up-land-in-our-cities/9099272?source=Snapzu

This NYC chess hustler makes $400 a day

This NYC chess hustler makes $400 a day

Six years ago, Ambakisye Osayaba made his big move — he quit his part-time city job cleaning Central Park and began playing chess full-time. Now he earns up to $400 a day.
Read more: http://nypost.com/2017/10/28/inside-the-life-of-a-new-york-city-chess-hustler/?source=Snapzu

Mum aged 98 moves into care home to look after her 80-year-old son

Mum aged 98 moves into care home to look after her 80-year-old son

A devoted mum aged 98 has moved in to a Liverpool care home – to look after her 80-year-old son. Tom Keating became a resident at Moss View care home in Huyton in 2016 because he needed more care and support. And just over a year later his mum Ada decided to move into the same home to help look after her eldest child.
Read more: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/mum-aged-98-moves-care-13825533?source=Snapzu

Depression tied to shorter lifespan

Depression tied to shorter lifespan

People who suffer from depression may not live as long as individuals who don’t experience this mental health disorder, a Canadian study suggests. Researchers examined six decades of mental health and mortality data on 3,410 adults during three time periods: 1952 to 1967, 1968 to 1990 and 1991 to 2011. Depression was associated with an increased risk of premature death in every decade of the study for men, and starting in the 1990s for women.
Read more: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-depression-survival/depression-tied-to-shorter-lifespan-idUSKBN1CU2RI?source=Snapzu

Five Famous Haunted Houses, And How We'd Organize Them

Five Famous Haunted Houses, And How We'd Organize Them

With Halloween right around the corner, your odds of seeing (or even visiting) a haunted house tend to go way up, at least when compared to less-spooky holidays
Read more: https://www.theshelvingstore.com/blog/five-famous-haunted-houses-and-how-we-d-organize-them/?source=Snapzu

Assault, Robbery, and Murder

Assault, Robbery, and Murder

The Dark History of "Bedsheet Ghosts." By Lucas Reilly.
Read more: http://mentalfloss.com/article/507440/assault-robbery-and-murder-dark-history-bedsheet-ghosts?source=Snapzu

Several states crack down 'fake' service animals

Several states crack down 'fake' service animals

Chris Slavin was in an elevator a couple years ago with Earle, her yellow lab service dog, sitting calmly beside her wheelchair. The elevator doors opened and in walked a woman holding a purse. In the purse was a teacup poodle the color of apricots.
Read more: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/10/29/several-states-crack-down-fake-service-animals/807676001/?source=Snapzu

Outspoken police officer calls for decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana

Outspoken police officer calls for decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana

Officer Nick Novello worked his regular shift Saturday at the city’s central patrol station. After a quick change into his civilian clothes, he headed off to an event you wouldn’t expect to find a cop in his off time: a downtown rally calling for the legalization of marijuana. Not only did he attend, he was a featured speaker and an honored guest. “I’m here because I support you,” Novello tells the boisterous crowd of several hundred in his gravelly New York accent.
Read more: http://www.wfaa.com/news/outspoken-police-officer-calls-for-decriminalizing-small-amounts-of-marijuana/486943336?source=Snapzu

Is $100,000 middle class in America?

Is $100,000 middle class in America?

There’s a prolonged pause when I ask Lyft driver Gaby Osegueda if her family is middle class. Her smile fades as she thinks about it for a while. “Yeah, I think so. I don’t even know what the middle class is anymore,” says Osegueda, who with her husband earns nearly $100,000 a year in the San Francisco area.
Read more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/10/25/is-100000-middle-class-in-america?source=Snapzu

'Everyone's life became more expensive': Hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Ricans' pocketbooks

'Everyone's life became more expensive': Hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Ricans' pocketbooks

The aftermath of Hurricane Maria is hitting Puerto Ricans in their pocketbooks. Surviving for what is now more than five weeks without electricity and depending on bottled water is adding up for residents. “Everyone’s life became more expensive,” said Lizette Rodriguez, who lives in Caguas, but has been staying in her mother-in-law’s apartment in San Juan for the past two weeks.
Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/puerto-rico-crisis/hurricane-maria-hitting-puerto-ricans-their-pocketbook-n815161?source=Snapzu

Sunday 29 October 2017

'Duped': Sears shoppers allege retailer inflated prices for liquidation sales

'Duped': Sears shoppers allege retailer inflated prices for liquidation sales

Sears shopper Elizabeth MacMillan says she feels misled by the retailer's liquidation sales, where she found items priced higher than when she last visited the store. "I was really, really turned off," MacMillan said. "It's deceptive." She's one of several customers CBC News interviewed who uncovered altered prices at Sears liquidation sales. They suspect price tags were marked up to offset the advertised discounts that ranged from 20 to 40 per cent.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/1.4373270?source=Snapzu

How to Drop Out of College (With No Risk)

How to Drop Out of College (With No Risk)

Spring of my junior year, I effectively dropped out of college. I’d started working on a startup, raised some money, wanted to be able to pursue it full time, but college was in the way. I knew the heroic myths of other college dropouts pursuing starting their own companies and figured that seemed like the “thing to do” in the situation. College had never “fit” for me. I hated lectures, realized grades were meaningless, was already getting good at learning things on my own, and wanted to have the freedom to teach myself marketing among other skills.
Read more: https://www.nateliason.com/drop-out/?source=Snapzu

Billionaire wealth shatters $6tr barrier for first time

Billionaire wealth shatters $6tr barrier for first time

The total number of billionaires and their collective wealth has now reached an all time high — breaking the $6 trillion mark, according to the latest annual billionaires report from UBS and PwC. Despite geopolitical uncertainty, their numbers have swelled by 10 per cent to 1,542 by the end of 2016, with a new member of the global elite UHNW club being minted every two days in Asia.
Read more: http://www.spearswms.com/billionaire-wealth-shatters-6tr-barrier-first-time/?source=Snapzu

Listen up: you really owe it to yourself to read 15 Vlad Taltos novels, seriously

Listen up: you really owe it to yourself to read 15 Vlad Taltos novels, seriously

I have been reading Steven Brust’s Vlad Taltos novels since I was a pre-teen and singing their praises on Boing Boing since 2006, and with the occasion of the publication of Vallista, the fi…
Read more: https://boingboing.net/2017/10/17/better-than-dark-tower.html?source=Snapzu

The Meaning of Betsy DeVos' Rollback on Disability Rights

The Meaning of Betsy DeVos' Rollback on Disability Rights

Ten months in, the damage that DeVos is doing to America's most vulnerable is becoming clear.
Read more: https://psmag.com/education/betsy-devos-rolls-back-disability-rights?source=Snapzu

Having children is not life-affirming: it’s immoral – David Benatar

Having children is not life-affirming: it’s immoral – David Benatar

You don’t have to dislike children to see the harms done by having them. There is a moral case against procreation.
Read more: https://aeon.co/essays/having-children-is-not-life-affirming-its-immoral?source=Snapzu

High libido? Cannabis smokers have 20% more sex, researchers find

High libido? Cannabis smokers have 20% more sex, researchers find

Cannabis smokers have about 20% more sex than those who abstain from the drug, an American study has shown. Survey participants were asked how many times they had had heterosexual intercourse in the past four weeks and how frequently they had smoked marijuana over the past 12 months.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/oct/28/high-libido-cannabis-smokers-have-20-more-sex-researchers-find?source=Snapzu

Saturday 28 October 2017

Why small talk is so excruciating

Why small talk is so excruciating

It's like patting your head while rubbing your belly.
Read more: https://www.vox.com/2015/7/7/8903123/small-talk?source=Snapzu

Croydon restaurant insists on hiring only women for cleaning roles

Croydon restaurant insists on hiring only women for cleaning roles

A Mediterranean restaurant in Croydon has come under fire for advertising for a female dishwasher. Staff put a poster up on one of the window’s saying “part time staff required (female)” to notify locals that they were looking for someone to help in the kitchen. Ridvan Das, owner and manager, told the Croydon Advertiser that he specifically wanted to hire a woman because they “are obviously better at cleaning than men.”
Read more: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/croydon-restaurant-women-cleaning-job-only-apply-mazi-a8022716.html?source=Snapzu

Warning of marijuana Halloween candy derided as scare tactic

Warning of marijuana Halloween candy derided as scare tactic

New Jersey is warning parents to look out for people slipping their kids marijuana-laced candy while trick-or-treating. But with no apparent evidence that's ever happened, advocates for legalizing the drug say it's nothing more than a Halloween scare tactic. The state attorney general's office published a document being shared by law enforcement agencies around New Jersey and beyond, including a warning about a "significant presence of marijuana candy and other edible forms in New Jersey and nearby states."
Read more: http://news3lv.com/news/nation-world/warning-of-marijuana-halloween-candy-derided-as-scare-tactic?source=Snapzu

Man locked in store's beer cooler stays, drinks all night

Man locked in store's beer cooler stays, drinks all night

A 38-year-old Wisconsin man who got locked in a convenience store's beer cooler overnight didn't despair: He decided to enjoy the experience, according to police. The man, whose name was not released, told police that he went to a Kwik Trip here to buy some beer but became trapped inside the walk-in cooler when it was locked at about 11:50 p.m. Tuesday, according to a police report. Rather than bang on the glass door to be let out, he warmed up to the idea of staying inside — where temperatures hover around 32 degrees — all night to sample the merchandise.
Read more: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/10/27/trapped-beer-cooler/806053001/?source=Snapzu

How can you show that the Snowden disclosures are everybody’s business?

How can you show that the Snowden disclosures are everybody’s business?

What’s to become of the Snowden files? Are these documents to be re-appropriated into the system they sought to expose – or can the leaks be elevated to the realm of the commons? By Alina Floroi.
Read more: https://www.opendemocracy.net/digitaliberties/alina-floroi/how-can-snowden-files-become-part-of-commons?source=Snapzu

Mark Twain’s Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

Mark Twain’s Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

Writing books was just a means to an end: Twain’s goal was to make money and then make even more money. By Alan Pell Crawford.
Read more: https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2017/10/25/mark-twains-get-rich-quick-schemes/?source=Snapzu

How An “Experience” Journal Fuels My Daily Writing Habit

How An “Experience” Journal Fuels My Daily Writing Habit

Everyone I meet talks about the virtue of keeping a journal. Only a handful of people do it. If my experience is any guideline, I understand the struggle to keep it up. For the past year, I’ve practiced a daily journal routine. My first attempt was several years ago. Since then I tried every type of journal exercise preached by various guru’s. First, it was an idea journal. That didn’t last.
Read more: https://medium.com/the-mission/how-an-experience-journal-fuels-my-daily-writing-habit-2e59ae0513e?source=Snapzu

Friday 27 October 2017

Stop Feeling Like an Imposter, How to Gain Confidence and Credibility

Stop Feeling Like an Imposter, How to Gain Confidence and Credibility

Are you terrified of embracing your full potential and going for it? If self-doubt has ever stopped you from achieving what you hoped for, you’re not alone. It can manifest itself in those pursuing a career goal, a fitness goal, or those yearning for a satisfying relationship. It’s often felt deeply in people who yearn to be creative.
Read more: https://journal.thriveglobal.com/stop-feeling-like-an-imposter-how-to-gain-confidence-and-credibility-40d77a2fa38e?source=Snapzu

The man who 'discovered' 780 languages

The man who 'discovered' 780 languages

Ganesh Devy and his team of 3,500 volunteers have made the largest ever count of Indian languages.
Read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-41718082?source=Snapzu

Mississippi schools back down on 'To Kill A Mockingbird' ban; permission slip required

Mississippi schools back down on 'To Kill A Mockingbird' ban; permission slip required

A Mississippi school district will resume teaching "To Kill A Mockingbird" after the book was pulled from a junior high reading list. The Sun Herald reports that Biloxi School District administrators removed the novel from the eighth-grade curriculum earlier this month after the district received complaints that some of the book's language "makes people uncomfortable."
Read more: http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2017/10/mississippi_schools_backdown_o.html?source=Snapzu

The war against Pope Francis

The war against Pope Francis

The long read: His modesty and humility have made him a popular figure around the world. But inside the church, his reforms have infuriated conservatives and sparked a revolt
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/oct/27/the-war-against-pope-francis?source=Snapzu

Number of billionaires worldwide jumps 10%: study

Number of billionaires worldwide jumps 10%: study

The number of billionaires worldwide rose above 1,500 last year, a 10 percent jump from 2015, due largely to a surge in Asia, Swiss banking giant UBS and auditors PwC said Thursday. In an annual report, UBS and PwC said that last year marked the first time it recorded more billionaires in Asia (637) than in the United States (563), crediting the rise of China's entrepreneurs. Europe took third spot in the report's billionaire database with 342.
Read more: http://www.france24.com/en/20171026-number-billionaires-worldwide-jumps-10-study?source=Snapzu

The government finally responds to gambling in video games petition

The government finally responds to gambling in video games petition

The UK government has finally responded to a petition calling for gambling laws to be adapted to include video games with gambling mechanics that target children - and the answer isn't as bad as you might have thought. The petition, titled "Adapt gambling laws to include gambling in video games which targets [sic] children", was filed earlier this month and quickly reached the 10,000 signatures needed to trigger a government response.
Read more: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-10-26-the-government-has-finally-responded-to-the-gambling-in-video-games-petition?source=Snapzu

Rebel Rock

Rebel Rock

The story of Harlan County, Kentucky’s Civil War legend and the KKK. By Andrew Milton Smith.
Read more: https://medium.com/@coffmansmith/rebel-rock-e091739db66c?source=Snapzu

Asia Now Has More Billionaires Than the U.S.

Asia Now Has More Billionaires Than the U.S.

The world’s wealthiest individuals are on a roll with billionaires in Asia leading the pack. Billionaire wealth increased 17 percent to $6 trillion in 2016, after a decline the previous year, UBS Group AG and PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report issued Thursday. Led by China, the number of the region’s billionaires surpassed the U.S. for the first time. But don’t shed a tear for the richest folks in the U.S.: American billionaires still control the most wealth at $2.8 trillion.
Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-26/billionaires-fortunes-rise-to-6-trillion-with-asia-leading-way?source=Snapzu

Thursday 26 October 2017

Mandatory patriotism class created at private Missouri college

Mandatory patriotism class created at private Missouri college

An evangelical Christian college in Missouri is now requiring freshman to take a class aimed at encouraging patriotism. The College of the Ozarks has unveiled a military science class called Patriotic Education and Fitness. The course aims to educate students on modern military customs, U.S. politics and flag protocol. It will also teach rifle marksmanship, map reading and rope knotting.
Read more: http://abc7.com/education/mandatory-patriotism-class-created-at-private-missouri-college-/2566501/?source=Snapzu

Seriously Metal Photos of Canada’s Tree Planters

Seriously Metal Photos of Canada’s Tree Planters

Rita Leistner’s latest exhibition captures the intensity of tree planting.
Read more: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/d3d887/seriously-metal-photos-of-canadas-tree-planters?source=Snapzu

This Optical Illusion Is 483 Years Old And Still Blowing People’s Minds

This Optical Illusion Is 483 Years Old And Still Blowing People’s Minds

It was created in 1533 by Hans Holbein the Younger.
Read more: https://www.good.is/articles/freaky-skull-painting?source=Snapzu

Nissin Introduces Noise-Canceling Ramen Fork

Nissin Introduces Noise-Canceling Ramen Fork

Instant ramen titan Nissin is releasing a limited-edition fork that can detect the sound of noodle slurping and trigger a nearby smartphone to play a recording to mask the food noises. This little device costs around $130, and the Cup Noodle maker is only manufacturing 5,000 of them.
Read more: https://www.eater.com/2017/10/23/16525656/nissin-ramen-fork-noise-canceling?source=Snapzu

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Saudi Arabia announces $500bn mega city project

Saudi Arabia announces $500bn mega city project

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday announced plans to build a $500 billion mega city on the Kingdom’s Red Sea coast, as part of a huge national push to diversify its economy. The 26,500 square kilometers zone, known as Neom, will focus on industries including energy and water, biotechnology, food, advanced manufacturing and entertainment, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said yesterday.
Read more: http://www.arabnews.com/node/1182501/saudi-arabia?source=Snapzu

Soylent meal replacement banned in Canada

Soylent meal replacement banned in Canada

Canada's food regulator says the product does not provide enough nutrients to qualify as a meal replacement.
Read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41753732?source=Snapzu

Primer: The Chronicles of Amber

Primer: The Chronicles of Amber

A look at the Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny and what makes them so great.
Read more: https://litreactor.com/columns/primer-the-chronicles-of-amber?source=Snapzu

Dogs Can Tell Whether People Are Selfish Or Generous After Brief Human Exposure

Dogs Can Tell Whether People Are Selfish Or Generous After Brief Human Exposure

If you’ve ever wondered whether your dog indeed is a good judge of a person’s character or whether that’s just the wishful thinking of a doting dog parent, new research suggests that dogs are aware of human personality. However, it doesn’t have anything to do with a canine sixth sense. A study published in the journal PLOS One found that dogs learn to recognize whether a person is selfish or generous after little human interaction. Adult dogs in the investigation preferred to get physically closer to generous people instead of selfish people.
Read more: https://saludmovil.com/dogs-can-tell-whether-people-are-selfish-or-generous-after-brief-human-exposure/?source=Snapzu

The Hidden Meaning of Kids' Shapes and Scribbles

The Hidden Meaning of Kids' Shapes and Scribbles

Your child’s quirky art isn’t just cute—science suggests that even the most bizarre depictions can have deep creative intention.
Read more: https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/10/the-hidden-meaning-of-kids-shapes-and-scribbles/543873/?source=Snapzu