Monday 30 April 2018

How to Navigate the French Cheese Course

How to Navigate the French Cheese Course

The duo behind The Cook's Atelier helps you make the most of that giant board of stinky fromage.
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Revealed: how bookies use AI to keep gamblers hooked

Revealed: how bookies use AI to keep gamblers hooked

Artificial intelligence is being used to predict behaviour in ‘frightening new ways’ despite condemnation from MPs and campaigners
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The five habits that can add more than a decade to your life

The five habits that can add more than a decade to your life

People who stick to five healthy habits in adulthood can add more than a decade to their lives, according to a major study into the impact behaviour has on lifespan. Researchers at Harvard University used lifestyle questionnaires and medical records from 123,000 volunteers to understand how much longer people lived if they followed a healthy diet, controlled their weight, took regular exercise, drank in moderation and did not smoke.
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Griffon vulture by Martinus

Griffon vulture by Martinus

He looks at you. You're not interesting. You live. -- 24 * 30 cm, acrylics on canvas -- For Sale
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This AI writes poetry good enough to fool experts

This AI writes poetry good enough to fool experts

Designed by Microsoft and Kyoto University, the programs write poems inspired by images and human descriptions.
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Your success isn’t down to free will – luck determines everything

Your success isn’t down to free will – luck determines everything

Your social situation is a matter of luck, but then so are your underlying skills and character
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Study Shows How Fasting For 3 Days Can Regenerate Your Entire Immune System

Study Shows How Fasting For 3 Days Can Regenerate Your Entire Immune System

By now, you may have heard about the amazing potential health benefits of fasting. While many believe it’s an unhealthy and even dangerous practice, the science says otherwise. Even intermittent fasting, which involves restricting your eating time to an 8-10 hour window rather than going without food entirely, has proven to have many health benefits. Think […]
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Sunday 29 April 2018

What's An 'Incel'? The Online Community Behind The Toronto Van Attack

What's An 'Incel'? The Online Community Behind The Toronto Van Attack

Reporter Arshy Mann breaks down the ideology of violent misogyny linked to the Toronto suspect: "It's quite a disturbing part of the Internet."
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French museum discovers half of its collection are fakes

French museum discovers half of its collection are fakes

A state-owned French art museum has discovered that more than half of its collection consists of worthless fakes and experts fear that other public galleries may also be stuffed with forgeries.
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Zimbabwe legalises medicinal marijuana

Zimbabwe legalises medicinal marijuana

Zimbabwe has made it legal to produce marijuana for medicinal and scientific uses. It follows in the footsteps of Lesotho, the tiny nation which last year became the first in Africa to issue a license for medical marijuana. Zimbabwe has been considering legalising the drug for a number of months, and will now become one of the few countries able to turn it into a source of revenue.
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It takes time to make friends

It takes time to make friends

Turns out the ancient Greek knew what he was talking about. In the first study of its kind, a University of Kansas professor has defined the amount of time necessary to make a friend as well as how long it typically takes to move through the deepening stages of friendship. In a new report published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Associate Professor of Communication Studies Jeffrey Hall found that it takes roughly 50 hours of time together to move from mere acquaintance to casual friend, 90 hours to go from that stage to simple “friend” status and more than 200 hours before you can consider someone your close friend.
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Eleven year old college student wants to prove “scientifically” that God exists

Eleven year old college student wants to prove “scientifically” that God exists

Reader Vera called my attention to this video of a great mind gone bad. Here is an eleven-year old student at a community college who was hosted for this video at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC), an Orthodox Christian liberal arts college and seminary in Brookline, Massachusetts.
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Saturday 28 April 2018

Seattle Vacates Hundreds of Marijuana Charges Going Back 30 Years

Seattle Vacates Hundreds of Marijuana Charges Going Back 30 Years

The City of Seattle on Friday filed a motion asking the court to vacate hundreds of marijuana possession convictions going back three decades and adversely impacting people of color.
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Fashion brands steal design ideas all the time. And it’s completely legal.

Fashion brands steal design ideas all the time. And it’s completely legal.

Blame America’s outdated copyright laws.
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How to start a zero waste lifestyle

How to start a zero waste lifestyle

Expert advice from zero waste gurus.
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Don't let failure define your worth

Don't let failure define your worth

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How an Iowa teenager used an Etch A Sketch to help land spots at MIT and Caltech

How an Iowa teenager used an Etch A Sketch to help land spots at MIT and Caltech

College admission has become increasingly competitive, but one Des Moines teenager found a unique way to distinguish himself from the pack. Dezell Turner, a senior at East High School and Central Academy, submitted a video explaining the history of calculus on an Etch A Sketch when applying to some of the country's top engineering and technology schools. The 18-year-old recently learned he'd been accepted to MIT and Caltech — two of his "dream" colleges.
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Third of early deaths could be prevented by everyone giving up meat, Harvard says

Third of early deaths could be prevented by everyone giving up meat, Harvard says

At least one-third of early deaths could be prevented if everyone moved to a vegetarian diet, Harvard scientists have calculated.
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It’s time to rethink how much booze may be too much

It’s time to rethink how much booze may be too much

Researchers are changing how they study the risks of alcohol — and it’s making drinking look worse.
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The Price of Filming Police Violence

The Price of Filming Police Violence

People who filmed high-profile videos of the police killings of Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, and others say they have faced retaliation and harassment.
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Janelle Monáe
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Friday 27 April 2018

‘My Generation Is Never Going to Have That’

‘My Generation Is Never Going to Have That’

In Seattle’s red-hot housing market, a group of millennial techies is using data skills to alter the look, and affordability, of their adopted city.
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US-owned Christian radio station in Rwanda shutdown for saying women are evil

US-owned Christian radio station in Rwanda shutdown for saying women are evil

A US-owned local radio station has been shut down for insulting women in Rwanda, authorities say. The Amazing Grace Christian Radio, a radio station that airs religious sermons, had its broadcasting license revoked after one of its presenters, Nicolas Niyibikora, repeatedly referred to women as evil, Rwanda officials said. The Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) announced it had taken away the station's license on Tuesday.
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Righteous Brother...alone

Righteous Brother...alone

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Why we write about writing

Why we write about writing

Since I’ve started out, I’ve discovered a ridiculous number of writers — big and small. It’s cool to see what’s popular in the written world, and through all sorts of publication I’ve managed to keep on top of the latest content trends. It’s also great to see the interactions that happen on this platform.
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Thursday 26 April 2018

What I learned by living without artificial light

What I learned by living without artificial light

Linda Geddes decided to live for weeks in only candlelight — no bulbs, no screens. Along the way, she discovered simple things that everyone can try to sleep and feel better.
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I Stopped Writing because I was Trying to be Perfect

I Stopped Writing because I was Trying to be Perfect

I stopped writing for a long time because I focused on perfection. Instead of filling an empty page with content. I filled it with my frustration. I had already written a novel. So far my first and only book. Every time I tried to write something else I would get stuck. I stopped because of pretension and ego. I made rules I thought I should follow before I could write with confidence.
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Subway plans 500 U.S. store closings amid global growth

Subway plans 500 U.S. store closings amid global growth

Subway Restaurants, the world’s most ubiquitous dining chain, will continue closing U.S. stores as it expands internationally. After peppering the nation with thousands of locations, closely held Subway is retrenching. This year, the sandwich purveyor is planning to shut about 500 more of its U.S. shops. Last year, more than 800 stores went dark, with the total U.S. count dropping to 25,908. It also closed restaurants in 2016.
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Disney made a jacket to simulate physical experiences, like a snake slithering across your body

Disney made a jacket to simulate physical experiences, like a snake slithering across your body

Disney Research, MIT Media Lab, and Carnegie Mellon University have unveiled a new conceptual haptic “force jacket” that simulates physical experiences to people wearing the device. The force jacket is lined with airbags controlled by a computer that inflates and deflates the bags. Disney envisions the jacket will be used with VR headsets for more immersive experiences, given it’s able to simulates hugs, being hit or punched, and peculiarly, the sensation of a snake slithering across your body. The jacket is made up of airbags with sensors attached that direct force and vibrations to specific locations on your body.
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New Jersey arrests more people for weed than almost any other state. See the list

New Jersey arrests more people for weed than almost any other state. See the list

New Jersey may be closer than ever to having legal weed, but people in the Garden State are more likely to be arrested for marijuana than almost anywhere else in the country. A recently published analysis of marijuana arrest data shows that in 2016 New Jersey was third in the nation in total marijuana arrests -- after Texas and New York -- and second only to Wyoming in marijuana arrest rate.
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The Joy Of Having Your Child Expose Your Mistakes

The Joy Of Having Your Child Expose Your Mistakes

I have a kid. Just one. That’s plenty. One of the joys of having kids is that they will expose your mistakes, usually with a loud voice and a wagging finger. A few years back my daughter and …
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A Google update just created a big problem for anti-censorship tools

A Google update just created a big problem for anti-censorship tools

Domain-fronting is now a thing of the past. By Russell Brandom.
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Wednesday 25 April 2018

Dogs cannot get ‘autism’, British Veterinary Association warns after ‘anti-vaxx’ movement spread to pets

Dogs cannot get ‘autism’, British Veterinary Association warns after ‘anti-vaxx’ movement spread to pets

Dogs cannot get ‘autism’, the British Veterinary Association has warned, after the ‘anti-vaccine’ movement spread to pets.
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Why we should worry about Facebook and Google owning our data

Why we should worry about Facebook and Google owning our data

why should we care about companies having a lot of data on us? Because it makes large numbers of us vulnerable to exploitation in different ways that can benefit companies and governments, and because the possibilities of what can be achieved with massive quantities of data are largely unknown.
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India Man Plants Forest Bigger Than Central Park to Save His Island

India Man Plants Forest Bigger Than Central Park to Save His Island

Since 1979, Jadav Payeng has been planting hundreds of trees on an Indian island threatened by erosion. In this film, photographer Jitu Kalita traverses Payeng’s home—the largest river island in the world—and reveals the touching story of how this modern-day Johnny Appleseed turned an eroding desert into a wondrous oasis. Funded in part by Kickstarter, "Forest Man" was directed by William Douglas McMaster and won Best Documentary for the American Pavilion Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the Cannes Film Festival in 2014.See more photos of the world's largest river island.
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Reddit Has a Really Surprising Effect on Users' Mental Health, Study Shows

Reddit Has a Really Surprising Effect on Users' Mental Health, Study Shows

Reddit doesn't have the best reputation. Between the sexism, racism, and general harassment levied by and toward users daily, the internet's "front page" might also be its most toxic.
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Why It Seems Like Everyone Is Always Angry With You

Why It Seems Like Everyone Is Always Angry With You

It’s possible that they aren’t, it’s just that you have trouble reading neutral facial expressions because of your family experience, a new study suggests.
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Monday 23 April 2018

Plastic taints most bottled water, study finds

Plastic taints most bottled water, study finds

Tiny plastic bits contaminate bottled water sold around the world, a new study finds. For now, scientists can only guess at the source of the plastic. Whether ingesting it might pose any risk also remains unknown. Researchers tested more than 250 bottles of water. They came from nine countries and were sold under 11 different brands. These included Nestle Pure Life, Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, San Pellegrino and Gerolsteiner. Plastic turned up in 93 out of every 100 of the bottles.
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Go Medieval by Attaching a Book to Your Belt

Go Medieval by Attaching a Book to Your Belt

They're incredibly rare today, but portable girdle books were once very handy.
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What's Not Included in Facebook's 'Download Your Data'

What's Not Included in Facebook's 'Download Your Data'

Facebook says users own their data and touts its "download your data" tool. But the download doesn't include everything Facebook knows about you.
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Legalising cannabis adds $3.6bn to Australian economy, budget office says

Legalising cannabis adds $3.6bn to Australian economy, budget office says

Legalising cannabis would reap the Australian economy almost $2bn a year, the Parliamentary Budget Office has found. The Greens plan to not only decriminalise cannabis but also legalise it for adult use is the latest case study of political differences, with both Labor and the Coalition looking into legalising it for medicinal use, but going no further.
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An American Airlines Passenger Was Stuck Next to a 'Screaming and Kicking' Toddler. His Stunning Reaction Went Viral

An American Airlines Passenger Was Stuck Next to a 'Screaming and Kicking' Toddler. His Stunning Reaction Went Viral

Imagine your happy place. Now, imagine that in order to get to your happy place, you first have to sit next to a screaming toddler in economy on American Airlines for a few hours. We've seen this kind of thing happen a lot lately--with bad results and viral videos. There's the New York state employee who reportedly yelled at a baby on a Delta flight and lost her job (at least temporarily) as a result. There's the flight attendant who simply kicked a passenger and a fussy toddler off a plane.
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Here are the types of marijuana best for stress and anxiety, according to users

Here are the types of marijuana best for stress and anxiety, according to users

For depression, use may exacerbate symptom severity over time.By passively monitoring user-generated data from medical cannabis patients, researchers have glimpsed the types and amounts of marijuana that seem effective for relieving symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. The findings could direct more detailed research into the best strains for specific conditions. But the data also hints at a danger of using marijuana to manage depression symptoms in the long term.
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Police Went to a Funeral Home to Unlock a Dead Man's Phone With His Finger

Police Went to a Funeral Home to Unlock a Dead Man's Phone With His Finger

Florida authorities went to a funeral home and used a dead man’s finger to try to unlock his cellphone as part of their investigation. Thirty-year-old Linus Phillip was killed by a Largo police officer last month after authorities say he tried to drive away before an officer could search him. At the funeral home, two detectives held the man’s hands up to the phone’s fingerprint sensor but could not unlock it.
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This vegan leather handbag feels so real PETA might just throw paint at you

This vegan leather handbag feels so real PETA might just throw paint at you

Vicki von Holzhausen began her career as a car designer at Audi and Mercedes Benz. But last year she struck out on her own, launching an eponymous luxury handbag line that stands out for deploying the most sustainable practices in the industry. She sources her leather from Italy, ensuring that it is a by-product of the food industry and is tanned in the least toxic way possible. “Many fashion brands are beginning to think about sustainability, but this isn’t trickling into the leather goods space,” she says.
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Sunday 22 April 2018