Thursday 30 November 2017

What does your conspiracy chart say about you?

What does your conspiracy chart say about you?

There are several kinds of conspiracy webs. By Joseph E. Uscinski.
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Why Jony Ive Is Apple's Design Genius

Why Jony Ive Is Apple's Design Genius

His work has become the seeds of a tech revolution that is rapidly changing our lives.
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How Cubism Protected Warships in World War I

How Cubism Protected Warships in World War I

Dazzle camouflage used to save warships from enemy targeters. Now it's back, reinvented with e-ink displays that cloak a San Diego building.
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Photograph of Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing

Photograph of Jefferson Davis in Women’s Clothing

After the Civil War, popular prints and doctored photographs played on the idea that Confederate president Jefferson Davis had been arrested wearing women’s clothes. By Stassa Edwards.
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You don’t need to be organised to be the best at what you do

You don’t need to be organised to be the best at what you do

I’m one of the least organised people you’ll meet. I have very little structure in my day. I don’t have a morning routine, beyond brushing my teeth and checking emails.
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How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history

How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history

The United Daughters of the Confederacy altered the South’s memory of the Civil War. By Coleman Lowndes.
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DMX Has Released an Official Cover of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"

DMX Has Released an Official Cover of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"

It's part of the 'Spotify Singles: Holiday' playlist, which also features tracks from Wolf Alice, Wyclef Jean and Rostam.
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Don’t lose a finger: The 200-year evolution of the can opener

Don’t lose a finger: The 200-year evolution of the can opener

It took 15 years to invent the can. It took 100 more to invent a standard way to open it.
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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Poo Pills Really Are Becoming Our Answer to Dangerous Superbug Infections

Poo Pills Really Are Becoming Our Answer to Dangerous Superbug Infections

Since the internet first heard about poo transplants, perceptions of this procedure have changed from everyone freaking out to a growing appreciation of gut microbiota and its complexities.
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Man who inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge succumbs to the disease at age 46

Man who inspired ALS Ice Bucket Challenge succumbs to the disease at age 46

Anthony Senerchia, whose struggle with the motor disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was an early inspiration for the viral “ALS Ice Bucket Challenge,” died November 25 after a 14-year long battle with the disease, according to an online obituary. He was 46. Senerchia, from Pelham, N.Y., was diagnosed with the disease in 2003, shortly after marrying his wife Jeanette Hane. He was given only a few years to live, but he powered through the disease for the next 14 years, his obituary reads.
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11 tiny daily habits that are wasting your time — even if you don't notice you're doing them

11 tiny daily habits that are wasting your time — even if you don't notice you're doing them

You need to drop these bad, productivity-killing time management habits immediately.
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Angela Lansbury says women must 'sometimes take blame' for sexual harassment

Angela Lansbury says women must 'sometimes take blame' for sexual harassment

Renowned actress Angela Lansbury is facing criticism after saying women "must sometimes take blame" for sexual harassment because of the way they dress. In an interview Monday with British entertainment media company RadioTimes, Lansbury said women "have gone out of their way to make themselves attractive. And unfortunately it has backfired on us... Although it's awful to say we can't make ourselves look as attractive as possible without being knocked down and raped."
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The Surprising Evolution of Dinosaur Drawings

The Surprising Evolution of Dinosaur Drawings

Since the 1800s, paleoartists have tried to imagine what prehistoric creatures looked like—with wildly different results.
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Exclusive: Age of Jesus Christ’s Purported Tomb Revealed

Exclusive: Age of Jesus Christ’s Purported Tomb Revealed

Over the centuries, Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulchre has suffered violent attacks, fires, and earthquakes. It was totally destroyed in 1009 and subsequently rebuilt, leading modern scholars to question whether it could possibly be the site identified as the burial place of Christ by a delegation sent from Rome some 17 centuries ago.
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The Delicate Art of Clickbait

The Delicate Art of Clickbait

We writers all want readers. We need them; they are the fuel to our fires, the bitters to our bubbles. We all pine for attention, we want the world to look our way, amazed and amused. As tiny fish swimming in the big wide web, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of content. We lack marketing departments, free gifts, and effective life hacks. We, small voices, need tricks to lure the eyeballs; bait for the big fish.
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What Archaeology Is Telling Us About the Real Jesus

What Archaeology Is Telling Us About the Real Jesus

Believers call him the Son of God. Skeptics dismiss him as legend. Now, researchers digging in the Holy Land are sifting fact from fiction.
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Black Vegans Step Out, for Their Health and Other Causes

Black Vegans Step Out, for Their Health and Other Causes

Aph Ko got tired of hearing that eating vegan was something only white people did. So in 2015, she created a list of 100 black vegans for a website. It included pioneering figures like Dick Gregory and Coretta Scott King and younger, less famous writers, filmmakers, cooks and activists. “When you say ‘vegan,’ a lot of people tend to only think of PETA, which doesn’t reflect the massive landscape of vegan activism,” said Ms. Ko, 28, a Floridian whose favorite dish at the moment is the spinach pie in “The Vegan Stoner Cookbook.” “The black vegan movement is one of the most diverse, decolonial, complex and creative movements.”
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Parents now spend twice as much time with their children as 50 years ago

Parents now spend twice as much time with their children as 50 years ago

Except in France.
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12 year study shows dog owners are 30 percent less at risk of death from Cardiovascular disease and other causes

12 year study shows dog owners are 30 percent less at risk of death from Cardiovascular disease and other causes

Cardiovascular disease accounts for over 31 percent of deaths worldwide. Every 40 seconds somebody suffers from a Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) in the United States alone, with over 4 million deaths occurring across Europe every year due to various other Cardiovascular diseases. Many of these issues can be attributed to damaging lifestyle choices such as smoking, drug abuse, poor diet, lack of exercise or excessive alcohol intake. Other people simply develop unfortunate infections that lead to endocarditis and other potentially fatal illnesses.
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Tuesday 28 November 2017

How To Begin Writing, Even When You Don’t Know Where To Start

How To Begin Writing, Even When You Don’t Know Where To Start

Writing is not easy. It never was, and never will be.
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FDA warns of commercial dog bone treats after 90 illnesses, 15 dog deaths

FDA warns of commercial dog bone treats after 90 illnesses, 15 dog deaths

(WZTV) -- The Food and Drug Administration is warning dog owners to think twice about stuffing your pet's stocking with dog bones over the holidays.The FDA says it received about 68 reports of pet illnesses related to bone treats frequently purchased at st
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The Immortal Now

The Immortal Now

Life is short. Or is it? For Wittgenstein "our life has no end in just the way in which our visual field has no limits." Is it the greatest human adventure, or the greatest delusion, to imagine that we can use reason to transcend our mortality - not biologically but with our attitude towards existence?
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YouTube kills ads on 50,000 channels as advertisers flee over disturbing child content

YouTube kills ads on 50,000 channels as advertisers flee over disturbing child content

For the second time in less than a year, major advertisers are fleeing YouTube after finding their ads were paired with offensive content — this time, directed at children. And the number of disturbing videos targeted at child audiences is much larger than previously known, YouTube’s response reveals.
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How websites watch your every move and ignore privacy settings

How websites watch your every move and ignore privacy settings

Hundreds of the world’s top websites routinely track a user’s every keystroke, mouse movement and input into a web form – even before it’s submitted or later abandoned, according to the results of a study from researchers at Princeton University.
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'I am not buying things': why some people see 'dumpster diving' as the ethical way to eat

'I am not buying things': why some people see 'dumpster diving' as the ethical way to eat

Young people are taking to bins to protest food waste.
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Legalization a boon to more than just marijuana markets

Legalization a boon to more than just marijuana markets

Legalization of marijuana in eight states ­— including Nevada — in last year’s election has opened the floodgates for pot businesses to make money. That’s according to more than a dozen business owners whose products are both directly marketed at buyers in the pot sector, and in similar industries such as farming and plant cultivation. “Let’s put it like this: A rising tide takes all ships,” said Stuart Titus, CEO of San Diego-based General Hemp. “It’s incredible to see the growth in the industry.”
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Vintage Portraits of Algerian Women

Vintage Portraits of Algerian Women

They Were Forced to Remove Their Veils to be Photographed in 1960
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Justices reject appeal over Confederate emblem on Mississippi flag

Justices reject appeal over Confederate emblem on Mississippi flag

The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from an African-American attorney who called the Confederate battle emblem on the Mississippi flag “an official endorsement of white supremacy.”
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Monday 27 November 2017

This Bartending Legend Wants You to Drink Less

This Bartending Legend Wants You to Drink Less

In the mid-aughts, America was on the tail end of its obsession with the Cosmopolitan and on the cusp of a classic cocktail renaissance. The country was reacquainting itself with the gin martini and the Old-Fashioned, drinks in heavy rotation on the hit TV series Mad Men, which premiered in 2007. That same year, I opened a speak-easy-style bar in the East Village called PDT (short for “Please Don’t Tell”). And then the global financial markets crashed.
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The Substitute Phone is designed to help smartphone addicts cope in their absence

The Substitute Phone is designed to help smartphone addicts cope in their absence

We’ve all been there: fiddling with your smartphone because it’s there, or reaching for it when you hear a text message notification. Austrian designer Klemens Schillinger created the Substitute Phone as a way to help smartphone addicts cope in its absence. Schillinger tells Dezeen that more and more, phones are becoming an addicting object in our lives. Users constantly play with them, even if they’re not looking for a message or expecting a call, and he was inspired to design “a tool that would help stop this 'checking' behaviour."
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More Men Than You Think Identify As ‘Mostly Straight’

More Men Than You Think Identify As ‘Mostly Straight’

In 2013, Hunger Games actor Josh Hutcherson told an interviewer for Out magazine that he was, in his own words, “mostly straight.” “Maybe I could say right now I’m 100 percent straight. But who knows? In a fucking year, I could meet a guy and be like, ‘Whoa, I’m attracted to this person’ … I’ve met guys all the time that I’m like, ‘Damn, that’s a good-looking guy,’ you know? I’ve never been, like, ‘Oh, I want to kiss that guy.’ I really love women. But I think defining yourself as 100% anything is kind of near-sighted and close-minded.”
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How to Get Your Mind to Read

How to Get Your Mind to Read

Americans are not good readers. Many blame the ubiquity of digital media. We’re too busy on Snapchat to read, or perhaps internet skimming has made us incapable of reading serious prose. But Americans’ trouble with reading predates digital technologies. The problem is not bad reading habits engendered by smartphones, but bad education habits engendered by a misunderstanding of how the mind reads.
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Amazon Workers Go On Strike Just As CEO Jeff Bezos’ Net Worth Reaches $100 Billion

Amazon Workers Go On Strike Just As CEO Jeff Bezos’ Net Worth Reaches $100 Billion

On one of the busiest online shopping days of the year, Black Friday, thousands of Amazon employees decided it was also a good day to walk off the job. Warehouse workers in several distribution centers in Germany and Italy took the day off to demand higher wages and better treatment. In sharp contrast, on the same day, the net worth of Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos hovered around $100 billion, easily making him the wealthiest person on the planet.
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Why Disney Is Expecting To Lose A Lot Of Money On Hulu Next Year

Why Disney Is Expecting To Lose A Lot Of Money On Hulu Next Year

Hulu might be winning big with original series' like The Handmaid's Tale, but other facets of the subscription service still require a little T.L.C. until they get some legs. The "C", in this instance at least, is cash. Disney reports they're expecting around $100 million in losses in the next fiscal year due to the launch of Hulu Live. Apparently, putting live television on a streaming service is not cheap!
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AI sex dolls are just around the corner

AI sex dolls are just around the corner

The sex doll industry is on the verge of greatness, in its own special way. Soon the Stepford Wives of science fiction will become real, thanks to the magic of AI. Men will be able to create their perfect, subservient silicon partner that knows their hopes, dreams, fears, and fantasies.
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Sunday 26 November 2017

Where unsellable wine goes to die and become fuel for your car’s gas tank

Where unsellable wine goes to die and become fuel for your car’s gas tank

In the wine industry, when your product outweighs your demand, there are few ways to legally dispose of it. By John Capone.
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Meet The Foster Mom Who Kept A Family Together By Adopting Six Sisters

Meet The Foster Mom Who Kept A Family Together By Adopting Six Sisters

Awoken from sleep late one night, Lacey Dunkin received a phone call that would forever change the course of her life. The call was from a social worker asking if Dunkin, of Fresno, California, would be able to accept four girls into emergency foster care. She said yes and within a few hours had a 5-year-old, a pair of 2-year-old twins, and a 1-year-old running around her home in the middle of the night.
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Cannabis Expert Thinks 35 States Will Legalize Weed By 2020

Cannabis Expert Thinks 35 States Will Legalize Weed By 2020

The marijuana movement is picking up steam, Krista Whitley, CEO of Nevada-based cannabis company “Altitude Products,” believes and predicts that 35 states will have legal marijuana by the year 2020. “I would hope by 2020 we would have at least 35 thriving regulated cannabis states,” she told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “I am inspired by states like Tennessee and the movements that are happening in traditionally red conservative states, that are seeking out common sense regulated cannabis programs.”
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Math at the Met

Math at the Met

Amid the museum’s 2 million works of art lie numerous mathematical curiosities
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What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men?

What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men?

They did or said something awful, and made something great. They are monster geniuses, and I don’t know what to do about them. By Claire Dederer.
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Oped: diet the key to diabetes epidemic

Oped: diet the key to diabetes epidemic

Does the present approach of the medical fraternity to diabetes make patients fatter and sicker? Investigative reporter and medical scientist, Dr Maryanne Demasi, looks at the latest evidence. It is ‘World Diabetes’ day and the rise in rates of diabetes is showing no signs of arrest. Globally, over half a billion people will have diabetes …
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I’m a nuclear armageddon survivor: Ask me anything

I’m a nuclear armageddon survivor: Ask me anything

From the archives: A nuclear apocalypse is far more likely than a zombie outbreak. By Rupert Goodwins.
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A cult of fakery has taken over what’s left of high culture

A cult of fakery has taken over what’s left of high culture

From pickled sharks to compositions in silence, fake ideas and fake emotions have elbowed out truth and beauty. By Roger Scruton.
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Permissionless data slurping: Why Google’s latest bombshell matters

Permissionless data slurping: Why Google’s latest bombshell matters

Are you in control? By Andrew Orlowski.
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Abuse By Bosses Comes In Many Forms

Abuse By Bosses Comes In Many Forms

Harassment and abuse are not always sexual, and all psychological harms should be taken seriously… By Nathan J. Robinson.
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The deeply held religious convictions that kickstarted capitalism

The deeply held religious convictions that kickstarted capitalism

BBC Radio 4
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Jumping Spider by Martinus

Jumping Spider by Martinus

20 * 20 cm - acrylic on canvas (Photo taken with potatoe)
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The Mate Selection Trapdoor

The Mate Selection Trapdoor

Tracing the evolution of hidden sexual preferences. By Michael J. Ryan.
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A Fake-Food Maker on the Art of Creating Inedible Meals

A Fake-Food Maker on the Art of Creating Inedible Meals

For 60 years, this Japanese craftsman has been making silicone dinners that look good enough to eat.
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Death by Derivatives

Death by Derivatives

The opening of a canal in 1848 led to the birth of modern financial derivatives, and the early demise of some of the men who traded them. By Michael Durbin.
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