Tuesday 31 July 2018

To Be, Or Not to Be: On Whether Animals Can Commit Suicide

To Be, Or Not to Be: On Whether Animals Can Commit Suicide

Can animals reflect on, and reject, their conditions of existence? The philosopher Owen Flanagan has pointed out that when Hamlet poses the question that has become the single most powerful query of all English literature, “he is, of course, contemplating suicide.
Read more: https://iainews.iai.tv/articles/to-be-or-not-to-be-on-whether-animals-can-commit-suicide-auid-1087?source=Snapzu

Their Diet? 100 Percent Meat. And They Say They’ve Never Felt Healthier.

Their Diet? 100 Percent Meat. And They Say They’ve Never Felt Healthier.

Carnivorism, a highly controversial nutrition fad, is sweeping the manosphere—but can it possibly be as good as it sounds?
Read more: https://melmagazine.com/their-diet-100-percent-red-meat-and-they-say-theyve-never-felt-healthier-376a3f95ad60?source=Snapzu

France bans smartphones in schools

France bans smartphones in schools

French lawmakers on Monday passed a law banning schoolchildren from having smartphones and other internet-enabled devices at schools. The ban applies to smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and other connected devices, which must be turned off or left at home.
Read more: https://dw.com/en/france-bans-smartphones-in-schools/a-44890246?source=Snapzu

'Spectacular' ancient public library discovered in Germany

'Spectacular' ancient public library discovered in Germany

Remains of grand building that may have housed up to 20,000 scrolls uncovered in central Cologne, dating back to second century AD
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jul/31/spectacular-ancient-public-library-discovered-in-germany?CMP=fb_us?source=Snapzu

Summer Camp for the Ultra-Wealthy Teaches Kids How to Stay Rich

Summer Camp for the Ultra-Wealthy Teaches Kids How to Stay Rich

Attendees at Next Gen functions hosted by the likes of UBS, Citi Private Bank, and Credit Suisse will one day rank among the world’s most sought-after clients.
Read more: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-07-30/at-rich-kid-summer-camp-big-banks-try-to-hook-heirs-for-a-lifetime?source=Snapzu

Meeting a “wonder pig” made me reconsider eating meat

Meeting a “wonder pig” made me reconsider eating meat

I was never an enthusiastic carnivore — but Esther the Wonder Pig and her farm pals made me question my own morals
Read more: https://www.salon.com/2018/07/29/how-meeting-a-famous-pig-made-me-reconsider-eating-meat/?source=Snapzu

How legal cannabis actually made things worse for sick people in Oregon

How legal cannabis actually made things worse for sick people in Oregon

The medical marijuana market is in a downward spiral as businesses, lured by big money, shift to recreational.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jul/31/oregon-cannabis-medical-marijuana-problems-sick-people?source=Snapzu

Why 'getting lost' in a good book is the break your brain needs right now

Why 'getting lost' in a good book is the break your brain needs right now

“Transportation” — or the act of losing yourself in a book — makes you more empathetic, more creative and (hello!) it’s an escape.
Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/better/pop-culture/why-getting-lost-book-so-good-you-according-science-ncna893256?source=Snapzu

Men also suffer from after-sex sadness or 'post-coital dysphoria', study finds

Men also suffer from after-sex sadness or 'post-coital dysphoria', study finds

"After sexual activity I get a strong sense of self-loathing about myself."
Read more: http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/men-also-suffer-from-after-sex-sadness-or-postcoital-dysphoria/10052956?source=Snapzu

Monday 30 July 2018

China's Xinjiang Province: A Surveillance State Unlike Any the World Has Ever Seen

China's Xinjiang Province: A Surveillance State Unlike Any the World Has Ever Seen

In western China, Beijing is using the most modern means available to control its Uighur minority. Tens of thousands have disappeared into re-education camps. A journey to an eerily quiet region.
Read more: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/china-s-xinjiang-province-a-surveillance-state-unlike-any-the-world-has-ever-seen-a-1220174.html?source=Snapzu

Mojave Desert town Newberry Springs among new marijuana-growing meccas vexing law enforcement - The Cannifornian

Mojave Desert town Newberry Springs among new marijuana-growing meccas vexing law enforcement - The Cannifornian

In the past five years, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s Marijuana Enforcement Team has seized nearly half a million marijuana plants and nearly 17,000 pounds of processed marijuana from across the High Desert region, mostly in the areas of Newberry Springs, Phelan and Lucerne Valley — all pot-growing meccas for people seeking fortune in the booming industry.
Read more: http://www.thecannifornian.com/cannabis-news/southern-california/mojave-desert-town-newberry-springs-among-new-marijuana-growing-meccas-vexing-law-enforcement/?source=Snapzu

Smoking Marijuana Legalized in Georgia

Smoking Marijuana Legalized in Georgia

The Constitutional Court of Georgia has released a statement on the decision made today regarding the use of marijuana, effectively abolishing administrative punishment for the use of the drug.
Read more: http://georgiatoday.ge/news/11592/Smoking-Marijuana-Legalized-in-Georgia?source=Snapzu

Opinion | Motherhood in the Age of Fear

Opinion | Motherhood in the Age of Fear

Women are being harassed and even arrested for making perfectly rational parenting decisions.
Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/27/opinion/sunday/motherhood-in-the-age-of-fear.html?source=Snapzu

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Brian Christopher Dead At 46

Former WWE Tag Team Champion Brian Christopher Dead At 46

According to a source close to the family, Brian Lawler has passed away. I was informed that he has indeed passed away, but the family is not ready to release a statement yet. Competing in the WWE as Brian Christopher, Lawler popularized himself in the Light Heavyweight Division as "Too Sexy" Brian Christopher after being a staple for the USWA promotion, following the footsteps of his father Jerry Lawler.
Read more: http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2018/0729/644277/source-former-wwe-tag-team-champion-brian-christopher-dead-at-46/#.W15ePYnxbgY.reddit?source=Snapzu

French fries could be more expensive as drought threatens German potato crops

French fries could be more expensive as drought threatens German potato crops

Sustained high temperatures and a lack of rainfall have hit German farmers hard, including the country's important potato sector. The German Association of the Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) warned on Sunday that the ongoing droughtmeans potato harvests will be "dramatically" reduced this year.
Read more: https://www.dw.com/en/french-fries-could-be-more-expensive-as-drought-threatens-german-potato-crops/a-44869180?source=Snapzu

Hang Me Up To Dry

Hang Me Up To Dry

Cold War Kids
Read more: https://snapzu.com/AdelleChattre/hang-me-up-to-dry?source=Snapzu

French skier lost in 1954 is identified

French skier lost in 1954 is identified

Henri Le Masne, who disappeared in a storm while skiing in Italy, is identified with Facebook help.
Read more: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44999385?source=Snapzu

No real title by Martinus

No real title by Martinus

Acrylics on canvas - 60 * 90 cm
Read more: https://snapzu.com/Maternitus/no-title-2-by-martinus?source=Snapzu

Sunday 29 July 2018

Ancient B.C. Indigenous settlement to become outdoor history classroom

Ancient B.C. Indigenous settlement to become outdoor history classroom

Near the foot of sacred Mount Prevost where Indigenous people say their ancestors first landed on earth lays buried a 2,000-year-old settlement with archeological evidence of ancient tools, homes, hearths and grave sites. The Ye'yumnuts village near Duncan, B.C., is about to become a living Indigenous history lesson where the local school district will use the 2.4-hectare meadow as a place-based classroom.
Read more: http://www.nsnews.com/ancient-b-c-indigenous-settlement-to-become-outdoor-history-classroom-1.23383399?source=Snapzu

TSA is tracking regular travelers like terrorists in secret surveillance program

TSA is tracking regular travelers like terrorists in secret surveillance program

Air marshals are conducting a new domestic surveillance program, tracking people as they fly and move through airports. It might be illegal.
Read more: https://apps.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/graphics/2018/07/tsa-quiet-skies/?p1=BGMenu_Article?source=Snapzu

Lunar Eclipse of the Century | Pictures

Lunar Eclipse of the Century | Pictures

A full moon rises behind the Temple of Poseidon before a lunar eclipse in Cape Sounion, near Athens, Greece.
Read more: https://www.reuters.com/news/picture/lunar-eclipse-of-the-century-idUSRTX6D2VO?source=Snapzu

Can liberals please work out how to win back the working class?

Can liberals please work out how to win back the working class?

I’m taking a pause from journalism – while I’m gone, can someone please work out how to win back the working class? By Thomas Frank.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/27/liberals-donald-trump-rightwing-populism?source=Snapzu

Saturday 28 July 2018

California Officials Say No To Marijuana-Infused Alcohol And Bars With Cannabis Consumption

California Officials Say No To Marijuana-Infused Alcohol And Bars With Cannabis Consumption

In case anyone didn’t already know it wasn’t allowed, California state regulators just put the kibosh on hopes for bars and pubs where people can consume both marijuana and alcohol. They also shot down the idea of producing beverages that blend the two substances together. For now—or at least until state law changes to specifically...
Read more: https://www.marijuanamoment.net/california-officials-say-no-to-marijuana-infused-alcohol-and-bars-with-cannabis-consumption/?source=Snapzu

Why British Royal Navy Sailors Preferred Their Booze on Fire

Why British Royal Navy Sailors Preferred Their Booze on Fire

Today, it's a party trick, but two centuries ago, sailors tested the legitimacy of their booze by setting it aflame.
Read more: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/where-does-proof-come-from-alcohol?source=Snapzu

New mayo ice cream is the most bizarre flavor yet

New mayo ice cream is the most bizarre flavor yet

Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.
Read more: https://matadornetwork.com/read/mayo-ice-cream-flavor/?source=Snapzu

Disneyland agrees to pay its workers $15 an hour

Disneyland agrees to pay its workers $15 an hour

Unions representing nearly 10,000 Disneyland workers accepted Disney's three-year contract to raise starting hourly wages to $15 an hour beginning next year. The agreement ends a lengthy labor battle over pay at Disney's Anaheim resort. Minimum wage employees at Disneyland made $11 an hour. The deal immediately raises their pay 20% to $13.25 an hour. The $15 starting rate will go into effect on January 1, 2019. It will go up to $15.45 in June of 2020.
Read more: https://money.cnn.com/2018/07/27/news/companies/disneyland-workers-pay-15-an-hour/index.html?source=Snapzu

Physics Needs Philosophy / Philosophy Needs Physics

Physics Needs Philosophy / Philosophy Needs Physics

Philosophy has always played an essential role in the development of science, physics in particular, and is likely to continue to do so. By Carlo Rovelli.
Read more: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/physics-needs-philosophy-philosophy-needs-physics/?source=Snapzu

Lesbian couple denied housing in Sunset Hills senior living community, lawsuit claims

Lesbian couple denied housing in Sunset Hills senior living community, lawsuit claims

A St. Louis County senior community has denied housing to a married lesbian couple who have been together for nearly four decades because of the couple’s sexual orientation, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court. Mary Walsh, 72, and Bev Nance, 68, both of Shrewsbury, say the Friendship Village senior living community, which has locations in Sunset Hills and Chesterfield, denied occupancy to them to live at the Sunset Hills community...
Read more: https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/lesbian-couple-denied-housing-in-sunset-hills-senior-living-community/article_0233aeb6-3585-511e-a198-74d7c4c05b36.html?source=Snapzu

Cannabis Doesn’t Help Exercising COPD Patients

Cannabis Doesn’t Help Exercising COPD Patients

At first blush, it would seem almost obvious that individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) did not show improvement after inhaling vaporized cannabis. However, with real clinical data for cannabis’ true effects on human health being in scant supply, we should expect a range of studies and results to pop-up over the next several years, as more places begin to legalize the drug.
Read more: https://www.genengnews.com/gen-news-highlights/cannabis-doesnt-help-exercising-copd-patients/81256075?source=Snapzu

World's oldest person dies at 117

World's oldest person dies at 117

In rapidly graying Japan, living till you're 100 is no longer a milestone for many: Miyako Chiyo, the oldest person in the country and world, died Sunday aged 117, according to the country's Health Ministry. Chiyo was born on May 22, 1901 and clinched the title of oldest living woman in Japan from Misao Okawa, then the country's oldest person, when she died, also aged 117, in April 2015.
Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/26/health/japan-centenarian-longevity/index.html?source=Snapzu

Friday 27 July 2018

Whoops! Has LifeLock been unlocked?

Whoops! Has LifeLock been unlocked?

LifeLock, the identity theft protection service, might have been revealing its users' identities. Whoops!
Read more: https://www.zdnet.com/article/whoops-has-lifelock-been-unlocked/?source=Snapzu

San Francisco Bay Area cities are cracking down on free food at Facebook and other tech companies

San Francisco Bay Area cities are cracking down on free food at Facebook and other tech companies

It's no secret that Facebook employees love their free meals. But this fall when the tech giant moves to its new office complex in Mountain View, California, that perk will no longer exist because of a new city rule. And San Francisco may follow.
Read more: https://www.businessinsider.com/san-francisco-free-cafeteria-food-facebook-ban-2018-7?source=Snapzu

The First Augur Assassination Markets Have Arrived

The First Augur Assassination Markets Have Arrived

People are now placing bets on whether public figures will be assassinated on decentralized prediction market Augur. By David Floyd.
Read more: https://www.coindesk.com/the-first-augur-assassination-markets-have-arrived/?source=Snapzu

Why restaurants became so loud — and how to fight back

Why restaurants became so loud — and how to fight back

"I can’t hear you."
Read more: https://www.vox.com/2018/4/18/17168504/restaurants-noise-levels-loud-decibels?source=Snapzu

Mr. Rogers was my actual neighbor. He was everything he was on TV and more.

Mr. Rogers was my actual neighbor. He was everything he was on TV and more.

This year marks the golden anniversary of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood — 50 years since the children’s TV staple was first broadcast nationally — and a flood of high-profile tributes is well underway. There’s a postage stamp commemorating Fred Rogers, the show’s affable host; a star-powered PBS special; a documentary; and coming later this year, a Rogers biography and a biopic starring Tom Hanks as Rogers.
Read more: https://www.vox.com/first-person/2018/7/26/17616380/fred-rogers-documentary-2018-mister-rogers-neighborhood?source=Snapzu

A Major Drug Company Now Has Access to 23andMe’s Genetic Data. Should You Be Concerned?

A Major Drug Company Now Has Access to 23andMe’s Genetic Data. Should You Be Concerned?

Should consumers be concerned? Consumer genetic testing company 23andMe announced on Wednesday that GlaxoSmithKline purchased a $300 million stake in the company, allowing the pharmaceutical giant to use 23andMe’s trove of genetic data to develop new drugs — and raising new privacy concerns for consumers.
Read more: http://time.com/5349896/23andme-glaxo-smith-kline/?source=Snapzu

Medical cannabis products to be legalised

Medical cannabis products to be legalised

Specialist doctors in the UK will be able to legally prescribe cannabis-derived medicinal products by autumn, the home secretary has announced. Those that meet safety and quality standards are to be made legal for patients with an "exceptional clinical need", Sajid Javid said. It follows high-profile cases involving children with severe epilepsy being denied access to cannabis oil.
Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-44968386?source=Snapzu

Thursday 26 July 2018

Epistocracy: a political theorist’s case for letting only the informed vote

Epistocracy: a political theorist’s case for letting only the informed vote

A political theorist’s provocative idea for how to fix democracy. By Sean Illing.
Read more: https://www.vox.com/2018/7/23/17581394/against-democracy-book-epistocracy-jason-brennan?source=Snapzu

How to delete your Twitter history

How to delete your Twitter history

Let the past die; kill it, if you have to. If you’re on Twitter period, it’s a good idea to take precautions around your tweet history.
Read more: https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/8/16991396/how-to-delete-twitter-history-tweetdelete?source=Snapzu

Why We Should Think Twice About Colonizing Space

Why We Should Think Twice About Colonizing Space

My conclusion is that in a colonized universe the probability of the annihilation of the human race could actually rise rather than fall. By Phil Torres.
Read more: http://nautil.us/blog/why-we-should-think-twice-about-colonizing-space?source=Snapzu

This Is What Happened When I Asked My Friends to Rate Me

This Is What Happened When I Asked My Friends to Rate Me

Don't like your Uber rating? Well, in a not-so-distant future, you just might have a score for everything else in your life.
Read more: https://www.gq.com/story/whats-my-rating-social-credit-score?mbid=synd_digg?source=Snapzu

This Czech Feminist Fought Nazis, Communists, and the Patriarchy

This Czech Feminist Fought Nazis, Communists, and the Patriarchy

“If the Western media had a more plausible scale of values, Milada Horáková’s name would be well known, rather than virtually unknown in the West,” writes the Czech Jewish historian Wilma Abeles Iggers. By Briggs Burton.
Read more: https://www.victimsofcommunism.org/witnessblog/2018/4/19/this-czech-feminist-fought-nazis-communists-and-the-patriarchy?source=Snapzu

Million-person genetic study finds gene patterns linked to how long people stay in school

Million-person genetic study finds gene patterns linked to how long people stay in school

Researchers explore genetic “scores” that may predict educational success.The work, which involved DNA from 1.1 million people and researchers drawn from 40 institutions, led to a scoring system that can roughly predict how educated someone is by examining that person’s DNA. Those with the lowest genetic scores had only a 10 percent chance of having graduated from college. By contrast, those in the highest quintile of genetic promise did so 50 percent of the time.
Read more: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/611680/million-person-genetic-study-finds-gene-patterns-linked-to-how-long-people-stay-in-school/?source=Snapzu

Amazon’s facial recognition matched 28 members of Congress to criminal mugshots

Amazon’s facial recognition matched 28 members of Congress to criminal mugshots

New ACLU test illustrates the limits of Amazon’s Rekognition system
Read more: https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/26/17615634/amazon-rekognition-aclu-mug-shot-congress-facial-recognition?source=Snapzu

Meet the Woman Who Rocked Particle Physics—Three Times

Meet the Woman Who Rocked Particle Physics—Three Times

Sau Lan Wu spent decades working to establish the Standard Model of particle physics. Now she’s searching for what lies beyond it. By Joshua Roebke.
Read more: https://www.wired.com/story/meet-the-woman-who-rocked-particle-physicsthree-times/?source=Snapzu

How I Survived Socialism: A Self-Help Guide for Worried Americans

How I Survived Socialism: A Self-Help Guide for Worried Americans

The regime was harsh, the system absurd but rules made up in Moscow were no match for the individualistic Poles. Magda Romanska’s delightful piece shows us how it was done. Elegantly, of course. (Apr. 22, 2012)
Read more: http://cosmopolitanreview.com/how-i-survived-socialism/?source=Snapzu

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life?

Is this Japanese concept the secret to a long, happy, meaningful life?

Finding your everyday reason for living, or ikigai, could lead to a longer and better life.
Read more: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/08/is-this-japanese-concept-the-secret-to-a-long-life?source=Snapzu

Aiko Herzig Yoshinaga, Critic of Wartime Internment, Is Dead at 93

Aiko Herzig Yoshinaga, Critic of Wartime Internment, Is Dead at 93

An amateur researcher, she discovered evidence that evacuating Japanese-Americans was motivated by “race prejudice,” not by military necessity.
Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/24/obituaries/aiko-herzig-yoshinaga-japanese-americans-internment-relocation-dies-at-93.html?source=Snapzu

How Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously

How Doctors Take Women's Pain Less Seriously

When my wife was struck by mysterious, debilitating symptoms, our trip to the ER revealed the sexism inherent in emergency treatment.
Read more: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/10/emergency-room-wait-times-sexism/410515/?source=Snapzu

Resignation syndrome: Sweden's mystery illness

Resignation syndrome: Sweden's mystery illness

For nearly two decades Sweden has been battling a mysterious illness, which affects only the children of asylum-seekers.
Read more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41748485?source=Snapzu