Tuesday 28 August 2018

Countering the Achievement Society

Countering the Achievement Society

It has almost become a cliché to characterize the time in which we live as the Age of Burnout. An increasing number of books, articles, and opinion editorials are being written on the subject of “the epidemic of vital exhaustion” (see for example, The Guardian’s recent piece, “How Burnout Became a Sinister and Insidious Epidemic”). My own interest and research into fatigue stems in large part from my work and observations in a university setting, where a common complaint (or perhaps boast?) of faculty, staff, administrators, and students is how exhausted we are. But fatigue is often linked to a host of other problems...
Read more: https://iainews.iai.tv/articles/should-we-rediscover-education-as-leisure-auid-1109?access=ALL?source=Snapzu

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