Friday 30 November 2018

French MPs back ban on smacking children - France 24

French MPs back ban on smacking children - France 24

The French National Assembly voted Friday in favour of a largely symbolic ban on parents smacking their children, a practice which though condemned by the UN still enjoys widespread support in the country.
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Relationships are the single biggest contributor to a happy and fulfilling life

Relationships are the single biggest contributor to a happy and fulfilling life

A 75-year-long study says so.
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Boy's letter to dad in heaven gets reply

Boy's letter to dad in heaven gets reply

A boy who sent a birthday card to his dad "in heaven" received a touching letter from the Royal Mail to say it had been delivered safely. Jase Hyndman, seven, from West Lothian, received the letter assuring him his message to his father James had made it through the "difficult" journey. His mother Teri Copland said: "I actually cannot state how emotional he is knowing his dad got his card. "Royal Mail you've just restored my faith in humanity."
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What happens to your life after you accidentally kill someone?

What happens to your life after you accidentally kill someone?

I’m an accidental killer – and thousands of Americans share this secret shame. How can you recover from the trauma of accidentally killing someone?
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High score, low pay: why the gig economy loves gamification

High score, low pay: why the gig economy loves gamification

Using ratings, competitions and bonuses to incentivise workers isn’t new – but as I found when I became a Lyft driver, the gig economy is taking it to another level. By Sarah Mason.
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How Restaurants Got So Loud

How Restaurants Got So Loud

Fashionable minimalism replaced plush opulence. That’s a recipe for commotion.
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Trump’s Chances in 2020 Are Better Than You Think

Trump’s Chances in 2020 Are Better Than You Think

We underestimated him once. Let’s not do it again. By Matt Taibbi.
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Millennials in China Are Using Nudes to Secure Loans

Millennials in China Are Using Nudes to Secure Loans

Money lenders offering services like Afterpay are demanding that customers send naked selfies as collateral.
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Marriott hack hits 500 million guests

Marriott hack hits 500 million guests

The hotel chain says details of up to 500 million guests may have been accessed in a database breach.
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The 96-year-old painter who saved a village

The 96-year-old painter who saved a village

When a former soldier learned that his village was going to be demolished 10 years ago, he picked up a brush and started painting – and he hasn’t stopped since.
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New interactive death map breathes life into medieval London

New interactive death map breathes life into medieval London

It kicked off at a urinal in Cheapside, and ended in a bloody and brutal murder. Poor aim has been responsible for many unexpected deaths, but perhaps none more so than that of Philip of Ashendon. One of a brutal range of fatal scuffles, revenge killings and infanticides recorded by London coroners in the early 1300s, Philip’s demise is among those to feature in a new interactive map that uses death to breathe life into medieval London.
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Thursday 29 November 2018

UPS Driver Adopts Shelter Dog Who Jumped Into His Truck: 'I Wanted Him to Have a Good Home'

UPS Driver Adopts Shelter Dog Who Jumped Into His Truck: 'I Wanted Him to Have a Good Home'

One UPS driver was delivering packages when he received a gift of his own. Jason Coronado, a New York UPS driver, was making the rounds on Oct. 5 when Ernie, a pitbull-terrier mix in the Buffalo City Animal Shelter, approached his truck, according to ABC affiliate WKBW. “[I] call him up to the truck, and he pretty much just hopped up in, and I was like, ‘Okay,’ ” Coronado told WKBW. “He hopped up and just sat there and did not want to leave.”
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The Story Behind That IKEA Photo of Amsterdam

The Story Behind That IKEA Photo of Amsterdam

VILSHULT is an IKEA ready-to-hang photo of Amsterdam that has been sold over 427,000 times. After many of my friends asked me why I bought such a “mediocre” photo for my living room, I decided to find out how this photo was made and how it ended up on IKEA’s shelves and in almost half a million households. What I learned was fascinating.
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Bus driver buys homeless rider dinner, lets him stay on warm bus all night

Bus driver buys homeless rider dinner, lets him stay on warm bus all night

On a recent chilly night in Wisconsin, a Milwaukee bus driver extended an act of kindness to a homeless rider — and it was all caught on camera. Now, that gesture is being heralded as humanity at its best. Natalie Barnes was driving her usual route when a man named Richard, who boards her bus about once a month, got on and told her that he had just lost his home. "I've been out on the streets for a week," he said. "I am officially homeless."
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New research finds there is no “right thing” to say when you want to be supportive

New research finds there is no “right thing” to say when you want to be supportive

It feels selfish to fret – it’s the other person who is suffering – but agonising over what to say to a friend in need can be incredibly anxiety provoking. If you want to be supportive (and not make matters worse), what are the right words to say to someone who has experienced a relationship break-up, for instance, or lost their job?
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Republicans keep misunderstanding the law that protects internet platforms

Republicans keep misunderstanding the law that protects internet platforms

Today I come bearing a treat: a guest post from The Verge’s editor-in-chief, Nilay Patel. Nilay took note of comments made Tuesday by Josh Hawley, the incoming Republican senator from Missouri, about an issue we’ll be watching closely here next year: efforts on both on the left and the right to curtail Section 230, the portion of the Communications Decency Act that in most cases exempts internet platforms from liability for what their users publish.
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Missionary didn’t die from tribesmen’s arrows. He was killed by his own arrogance

Missionary didn’t die from tribesmen’s arrows. He was killed by his own arrogance

Chau was an invader who breached the homeland of a small tribe; they stood their ground.
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Tim Cook may get that US privacy legislation he's expecting in 2019

Tim Cook may get that US privacy legislation he's expecting in 2019

A subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee discussed a potential bill on Tuesday, one which could allow the Federal Trade Commission the ability to enforce and produce regulations that telecommunications firms should abide by, as well as levying civil penalties, in order to help protect the personal data of consumers.
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Is The Sun Conscious?

Is The Sun Conscious?

Rupert Sheldrake
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Wednesday 28 November 2018

Lifestyle Medicine ... where did the meat go?

Lifestyle Medicine ... where did the meat go?

My talk on the Evolution of our Plant-based dietary guidelines created much discussion at the Low Carb Universe event in Mallorca last week.
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Early humans hooked up with other species a whole bunch

Early humans hooked up with other species a whole bunch

One thing about our ancestors has become increasingly clear: early humans loved to get down, even with other species
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Sins of the Fathers

Sins of the Fathers

The Confederacy was built on slavery. How can so many Southern whites still believe otherwise? One writer’s year-long argument with a man who has devoted his life to celebrating the Confederacy.
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The Deep End of SpongeBob SquarePants

The Deep End of SpongeBob SquarePants

There’s no shortage of wonderful episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants—but anyone trying to pick their top three is almost guaranteed to cite “Band Geeks,” from Season 2. It’s a classic: Squidward pulls together a band at the last minute in an attempt to impress a former classmate from band camp, the intimidating Squilliam Fancyson.
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9 tricks advertisers use to make food look delicious!

9 tricks advertisers use to make food look delicious!

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Confederate flag placed on Mississippi civil rights martyr's grave

Confederate flag placed on Mississippi civil rights martyr's grave

The family of Vernon Dahmer learned Tuesday of a Confederate battle flag placed on the civil rights martyr's grave.
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So Disney Just Gon' Kill Mufasa Again for a Whole New Generation of Kids with This The Lion King Live-Action Remake, Huh?

So Disney Just Gon' Kill Mufasa Again for a Whole New Generation of Kids with This The Lion King Live-Action Remake, Huh?

It is officially official: the live-action version of The Lion King, with all of your faves, will hit theaters in July 2019 so we can all excitedly watch Mufasa die. Again. Twenty-five years after he died the first time. By Panama Jackson.
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Graduate School Can Have Terrible Effects on People's Mental Health

Graduate School Can Have Terrible Effects on People's Mental Health

Ph.D. candidates suffer from anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation at astonishingly high rates.
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Inside the mind of a bee is a hive of sensory activity

Inside the mind of a bee is a hive of sensory activity

Are insects ‘philosophical zombies’ with no inner life? Close attention to their behaviours and moods suggests otherwise. By Lars Chittka, Catherine Wilson.
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‘Don’t pay for these idiots’: Duterte wants Filipinos to ditch Catholic mass, pray at home instead

‘Don’t pay for these idiots’: Duterte wants Filipinos to ditch Catholic mass, pray at home instead

Turning up his war of words with the Catholic Church, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte now wants citizens to ditch mass, calling the church’s teachings out of touch and its bishops corrupt. “You build a chapel on your own house and pray there. You don’t have to go to church to pay for these idiots,” Duterte said in a speech reported by ABS-CBN, the largest media conglomerate in the Philippines.
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America’s Epidemic of Empty Churches

America’s Epidemic of Empty Churches

Three blocks from my Brooklyn apartment, a large brick structure stretches toward heaven. Tourists recognize it as a church—the building’s bell tower and stained-glass windows give it away—but worshippers haven’t gathered here in years. The 19th-century building was once known as St. Vincent De Paul Church and housed a vibrant congregation for more than a century. But attendance dwindled and coffers ran dry by the early 2000s. Rain leaked through holes left by missing shingles, a tree sprouted in the bell tower, and the Brooklyn diocese decided to sell the building to developers.
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Tuesday 27 November 2018

I Made a Large Wood Engraved Map of the World

I Made a Large Wood Engraved Map of the World

I am a maker/engineer/cartographer with a passion for maps and woodworking. With my laser cutter in my garage, I have been making wood maps over the last year which is budding into a small business. Each map is custom made and tells a story. I have decided to share the details of the process so that it may inspire others to explore the wonderful world of maps too!
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Trans Woman Was Beaten in ICE Custody Before Death, Autopsy Finds

Trans Woman Was Beaten in ICE Custody Before Death, Autopsy Finds

A transgender woman who died in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody after being held in a privately operated detention center was likely physically abused there, according an autopsy report released Monday, and died after several days of severe, untreated dehydration.
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Productivity vs. Creativity, the Content Creator's Catch-22

Productivity vs. Creativity, the Content Creator's Catch-22

The sum total of a great creative feat is quantifiable, but the immense effort it requires is done invisibly behind the scenes, sometimes for decades.
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How to balance full-time work with creative projects

How to balance full-time work with creative projects

A guide to finding the right day job, protecting your time, and building creative habits by Jeffrey Silverstein. Illustrated by Sunny Eckerle.
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One of the Best Fantasy Novels Ever Is Nothing Like 'The Lord of the Rings'

One of the Best Fantasy Novels Ever Is Nothing Like 'The Lord of the Rings'

In 'The Last Unicorn,' there are no maps, invented languages, or epic battles. But the 1968 tale has a timely message about the importance of reality over magic.
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The Science Is Clear: Dirty Farm Water Is Making Us Sick

The Science Is Clear: Dirty Farm Water Is Making Us Sick

This story originally appeared on Reveal and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration. William Whitt suffered violent diarrhea for days. But once he began vomiting blood, he knew it was time to rush to the hospital. His body swelled up so much that his wife thought he looked like the Michelin Man, and on the inside, his intestines were inflamed and bleeding.
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Christian historians may have exaggerated persecution of faithful at the hands of Romans: archaeologists

Christian historians may have exaggerated persecution of faithful at the hands of Romans: archaeologists

According to a report at the Daily Beast, archaeologists working in Jordan claim that Christian historians may have inflated reports about the torture of the faithful at the hands of Romans. The report states that “In his Church History, Eusebius of Caesarea, the first Christian historian, tells the story of the rise of Christianity from a regional Jewish splinter group to the dominant religion of the Roman empire. Eusebius wrote in the fourth century and was at least acquainted, if not actually friendly, with the Roman emperor Constantine.
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Monday 26 November 2018

Forget shiny Rolexes and Louis Vuitton handbags — rich people are investing more in education and health, and it shows that discreet wealth is the new status symbol

Forget shiny Rolexes and Louis Vuitton handbags — rich people are investing more in education and health, and it shows that discreet wealth is the new status symbol

Owning a Louis Vuitton handbag, multi-million dollar Bugatti, or shiny Rolex has always been a marker of elite status. But such flashiness is becoming less ubiquitous among the ultra-high-net-worth crowd. They're spending more than ever before on security and privacy, trading in hilltop houses for homes in hidden neighborhoods invisible on Google street view.
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What kind of person makes false rape accusations?

What kind of person makes false rape accusations?

False rape accusations loom large in the cultural imagination. We don’t forget the big ones: The widely-read 2014 Rolling Stone article, later retracted, about a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia; the 2006 accusations against innocent members of the Duke University lacrosse team. These cases are readily cited by defense attorneys and Republican lawmakers and anyone else who wants a reason to discuss the dangers of false allegations.
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Google’s Night Sight is subtly awesome in the daytime, too

Google’s Night Sight is subtly awesome in the daytime, too

I’ve grown a little obsessed with Google’s Night Sight mode for Pixel cameras. Other than the original Pixel’s release, Night Sight is the largest single leap forward in mobile imaging performance, and it’s doubly impressive for being purely a software upgrade. Pixel owners, from the first-generation device to the latest Pixel 3, have had a couple of weeks to play around with it, and one of the hidden advantages of Night Sight I’ve noticed is that it makes a subtle difference in improving daytime images.
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We have food safety laws thanks to 19th century “poison squad”

We have food safety laws thanks to 19th century “poison squad”

Ars chats with author Deborah Blum about her new book, The Poison Squad.
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Children mirror weight gain and losses of their mothers but not fathers

Children mirror weight gain and losses of their mothers but not fathers

Children mirror the weight gain and losses of their mothers but not their fathers, a study has found.
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Sunday 25 November 2018

Update on former homeless Connecticut man who returned 10K check last year

Update on former homeless Connecticut man who returned 10K check last year

Just before Thanksgiving last year, a New Haven realtor, who lost a $10,000 check, paid a homeless man handsomely for his honesty. This Thanksgiving, the realtor and homeless man are both paying it forward. “That really shattered a lot of stereotypes that people have about homeless people,” said realtor Roberta Hoskie, whose lost $10,000 check had been returned by Elmer Alvarez, a man who was homeless for more than a year.
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The World Needs to Quit Coal. Why Is It So Hard?

The World Needs to Quit Coal. Why Is It So Hard?

Coal, the fuel that powered the industrial age, has led the planet to the brink of catastrophic climate change. Scientists have repeatedly warned of its looming dangers, most recently on Friday, when a major scientific report issued by 13 United States government agencies warned that the damage from climate change could knock as much as 10 percent off the size of the American economy by century’s end if significant steps aren’t taken to rein in warming.
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Pet owners who force their cats to be vegan could risk breaking the law

Pet owners who force their cats to be vegan could risk breaking the law

Cat owners have been advised they could risk breaking the law if they force their pets into veganism. One in six pet food suppliers has branched out into supplying vegan or vegetarian food for animals as owners embraced the new trend over ethical concerns with meat diets.
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What US Missionary Wrote Before Andaman Tribe Killed Him: Foreign Media

What US Missionary Wrote Before Andaman Tribe Killed Him: Foreign Media

"You guys might think I'm crazy in all this but I think it's worthwhile to declare Jesus to these people," he wrote in a last note to his family on Nov. 16, shortly before he left the safety of the fishing boat to meet the tribesmen on the island. "God, I don't want to die," he wrote. Fishermen saw the tribe burying his body on the beach the following day, a fellow missionary wrote in an email to his mother, Lynda Adams-Chau of Vancouver, Washington.
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Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

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Interview with Canadian screenwriter Mark Parks

Interview with Canadian screenwriter Mark Parks

Ottawa-based screenwriter and director Mark Parks talks with THGM about writing, critics and film making.Lauralee, my younger daughter, made her screen debut last month at Ottawa's venerable Mayfa
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Diet, Health and the Wisdom of Crowds - 2018 Version

Diet, Health and the Wisdom of Crowds - 2018 Version

Fathead creator discusses why it's better to get information from peers than one expert.
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Couple finds $1.8 million lottery ticket while cleaning before Thanksgiving

Couple finds $1.8 million lottery ticket while cleaning before Thanksgiving

It's been a very happy Thanksgiving for this lucky couple.
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