Tuesday 20 November 2018

Ontario’s Ford government is right: Wages should be set by ‘economics not politics’

Ontario’s Ford government is right: Wages should be set by ‘economics not politics’

Many politicians and interest groups advocate a rapid increase in the minimum wage in the name of social justice. Yet this ignores the results of past experiments. Ontario’s new minister of labour, Laurie Scott, pushed back by cancelling the increase to $15 planned for January 2019 — her government’s legislation to make the cancellation official is expected to have its third reading at Queen’s Park Tuesday — stating that the minimum wage should be determined “by economics, not politics.” This is a reasonable compromise, which will avoid further harming workers at the bottom of the ladder, and more specifically the young.
Read more: https://business.financialpost.com/opinion/ontarios-ford-government-is-right-wages-should-be-set-by-economics-not-politics?source=Snapzu

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