Monday 31 December 2018

The Way American Parents Think About Chores Is Bizarre

The Way American Parents Think About Chores Is Bizarre

Children naturally want to help at a very early age—but many families wait to conscript them until that desire has faded.
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Happy New Year 2019! What Are Your Plans? Mine With My Husband, Silly. Hehe

Happy New Year 2019! What Are Your Plans? Mine With My Husband, Silly. Hehe

New Year 2019 a woman holding a sparkler out to you New Year 2019, New Beginnings. I love New Years day. It always holds such promise. This time around though it is a bit sad. One of my children, my twin boy and his wife moved out of state. I am sad to see them go, but I pray and wish them all the best. I cannot
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Lawrence Roberts, Who Helped Design Internet’s Precursor, Dies at 81

Lawrence Roberts, Who Helped Design Internet’s Precursor, Dies at 81

Dr. Roberts worked with other engineers to create the underpinnings of the Arpanet, making many crucial decisions. But his work did not make him rich.
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California's Pet Stores To Only Sell Rescue Cats, Dogs And Rabbits

California's Pet Stores To Only Sell Rescue Cats, Dogs And Rabbits

California is ringing in the new year as the first state in the country to ban stores from selling dogs, cats and rabbits that aren’t rescues. The Pet Rescue and Adoption Act, which was signed into law by California Gov. Jerry Brown in 2017, will go into effect on Tuesday, Jan. 1. The law requires all pet shops to identify the public animal control agency, shelter or rescue group that the animal came from. Such information must be on display on its cage or in its enclosure.
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Eau de Nil, the Light-Green Color of Egypt-Obsessed Europe

Eau de Nil, the Light-Green Color of Egypt-Obsessed Europe

Katy Kelleher presages a boom in eau de Nil, the slippery color that snakes through Egypt.
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French hero who saved hundreds of Jewish children dies aged 108

French hero who saved hundreds of Jewish children dies aged 108

French Resistance hero Georges Loinger, who used his ingenuity and athletic prowess to save the lives of hundreds of Jewish children during World War II, has died at the age of 108. A talented athlete and cousin of the famous mime artist and fellow Resistance member Marcel Marceau, the Jewish Loinger would smuggle the children in small groups across the Franco-Swiss border. One ruse involved dressing children up as mourners and taking them to a cemetery whose wall abutted the French side of the border.
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Why Fashion Brands All Use the Same Style Font

Why Fashion Brands All Use the Same Style Font

Not standing out is by design.
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Sunday 30 December 2018

Meat and dairy belong in a healthy diet, experts say — Diet Doctor

Meat and dairy belong in a healthy diet, experts say — Diet Doctor

A group of Canadian health professionals has taken strong exception to Canada’s federal health agency’s growing advocacy of a “plant-based diet.”
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“Good White Men”

“Good White Men”

Like Nazis looking for Jewishness by checking the foreskins of prisoners, the identitarians of both fascist and social justice strands divine from pale skin and penises the indelible mark of the power to dominate. By Rhyd Wildermuth.
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The Best DIY Shampoo Bar Recipe For Healthy Hair

The Best DIY Shampoo Bar Recipe For Healthy Hair

Transitioning from chemical-laden products to natural-based ones can help improve the look and feel of your hair. The all natural shampoo movement includes traditional liquid shampoos, the no-poo method—not using any shampoo—and eco-friendly shampoo bars.
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What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Believing in God

What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Believing in God

My belief in God didn't spontaneously combust—it faded. I lost my virginity at 16. I stopped going to church. I snuck out past curfew. As punishment, my mom made me memorize Bible verses, and I recited them like recipes. I wasn't the only kid who stopped believing. A record number of young Americans (35 percent) report no religious affiliation, even though 91 percent of us grew up in religiously affiliated households.
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The Next Big Blue-Collar Job Is Coding

The Next Big Blue-Collar Job Is Coding

What if we regarded code not as a high-stakes, sexy affair, but the equivalent of skilled work at a Chrysler plant?
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A $21,000 Cosmetology School Debt, and a $9-an-Hour Job

A $21,000 Cosmetology School Debt, and a $9-an-Hour Job

When she was in cosmetology school, Tracy Lozano had a love-hate relationship with weekday mornings. Those predawn moments were the only time she saw her infant daughter awake, and she savored them. When the time came to hand the baby to her own mother, she said in a recent interview, she would stifle her tears, letting them roll only when she had closed the door behind her.
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Writers Are Gifted Healers

Writers Are Gifted Healers

Writers use the written word to heal the world one story at a time.
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2019 will be the year alt-meat goes mainstream

2019 will be the year alt-meat goes mainstream

In the first half of 2019, the Impossible Burger–the plant-based burger known for its ability to bleed plant-based blood–will be sold in grocery stores for the first time. Good Catch, a startup making fish-free tuna and crab-free cakes, plans to launch in February. And it’s possible that the FDA and USDA will approve the first chicken grown from chicken cells in a bioreactor for sale in restaurants. It means we could be at a tipping point for the post-animal meat industry. Sales of plant-based meat are growing; between August 2017 and August 2018, according to Nielsen data...
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Why my family lives in a house full of puppies

Why my family lives in a house full of puppies

Guide dogs are like politicians or Santa Claus: it's a bit hard to imagine them as babies. But while I've never had a playpen of MPs crawling around my living room (promise…), I can't say the same about guide dog puppies. This is the story of where guide dogs for blind and partially-sighted people really come from. It includes: why they wear nail-varnish as soon as they're born, why they're never scared of fireworks, and why you really must play them Guns N' Roses. Settle in, team. The pups and I have a tail we'd like to tell you…
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Saturday 29 December 2018

A List of Women Authors from the Ancient World

A List of Women Authors from the Ancient World

I am reposting this list for International Women’s day. I would also like to ask for help from anyone who would like to aid in creating individual posts for each of the names in this list.
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Same-sex Navy couple faces backlash for re-creating iconic WWII kiss: 'We're just showing our love for each other'

Same-sex Navy couple faces backlash for re-creating iconic WWII kiss: 'We're just showing our love for each other'

A military couple reenacted the classic WW II kiss between a sailor and a nurse after a seven-month deployment. On Dec. 21, sailor Bryan Woodington, 33, stepped off the USS The Sullivans at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville, Fla., eager to greet Kenneth, his husband of one year. According to News 4 Jax, Bryan was one of 300 sailors returning to their families after seven months in the Persian Gulf and Europe.
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The difference between goals and objectives: Create an actionable business planning process

The difference between goals and objectives: Create an actionable business planning process

Setting goals is critical for every organisation because goals determine the broad vision and direction for any business. The best goals will align with the company mission, vision and culture and describe the business' longer term aspirations before laying out specific actions. Do you know the difference between goals and objectives and how are they related? Without objectives, goals have little support and can be difficult to reach.
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Chinese schools are using ‘smart uniforms’ to track their students’ locations

Chinese schools are using ‘smart uniforms’ to track their students’ locations

Chinese schools are now tracking the exact location of their students using chip-equipped “smart uniforms” in order to encourage better attendance rates, according to a report from state-run newspaper The Global Times (via The Telegraph). The implementation is just about as unsettling as “using smart technology to track students’ whereabouts” sounds.
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We need to rethink our moral obligations to create a better world

We need to rethink our moral obligations to create a better world

Our collective overuse and misuse of antibiotics is accelerating resistance to these universal drugs, leaving people increasingly vulnerable to infections that can no longer be treated. This applies not only to the use of antibiotics in human medicine, but also in animal industries. Antibiotic resistance is an example of a collective action problem. These are problems where what is individually rational leads to a collectively undesirable outcome.
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Friday 28 December 2018

Social worker left surprise $11M to children's charities

Social worker left surprise $11M to children's charities

Alan Naiman was known for an unabashed thriftiness that veered into comical, but even those closest to him had no inkling of the fortune that he quietly amassed and the last act that he had long planned. The Washington state social worker died of cancer this year at age 63, leaving most of a surprising $11 million estate to children's charities that help the poor, sick, disabled and abandoned. The amount baffled the beneficiaries and his best friends, who are lauding Naiman as the anniversary of his death approaches in January.
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How Perfectionism Tricks You Into Downplaying Your Own Value

How Perfectionism Tricks You Into Downplaying Your Own Value

Why you need to stop basing your self-confidence on how much and what you accomplish. Starting today.
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A History of Flavoring Food With Beaver Butt Juice

A History of Flavoring Food With Beaver Butt Juice

No, castoreum is not a cheap substitute for strawberries; it’s luxe, artisanal secretions from a beaver's rear end.
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Why I’m Changing My Writing Habits

Why I’m Changing My Writing Habits

I pretty much have this daily writing format nailed down. It’s one of the reasons why I decided to move on and tackle long form writing. Long form writing sounds dangerous and difficult and if I’m totally honest, I’m not sure I’m going to succeed. But that’s exactly why I need to do it.
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Writing copy for landing pages

Writing copy for landing pages

Write copy that delights visitors, persuades prospects, and wins customers.
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How to Make Roasted and Fresh Dandelion Tea From Your Garden

How to Make Roasted and Fresh Dandelion Tea From Your Garden

Cutting caffeine but love the taste of coffee? Dandelion tea is your answer. Learn how to make dandelion tea out of roots, flowers, and leaves.
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How To Make Veg Spring Roll At Home

How To Make Veg Spring Roll At Home

Veg Spring Rolls  are crispy deep fried snacks filled with a delicious stuffing of lightly spiced and crunchy vegetables. Spring Rolls ...
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Inmate found knitting prison warders' uniforms during surprise raid

Inmate found knitting prison warders' uniforms during surprise raid

Correctional Services has discovered, during a raid at Leeuwkop Prison in Johannesburg, that an inmate was making prison warders' uniforms in his cell.
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"Mary Poppins Returns" Movie Review

"Mary Poppins Returns" Movie Review

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Thursday 27 December 2018

Athletes Don’t Own Their Tattoos. That’s a Problem for Video Game Developers.

Athletes Don’t Own Their Tattoos. That’s a Problem for Video Game Developers.

Sports video games strive for realism by closely replicating real-life players, but digitally reproducing their tattoos has led to court fights over ownership rights.
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As A Blogger, Here’s What I’ve Given Up To Be ‘Successful’

As A Blogger, Here’s What I’ve Given Up To Be ‘Successful’

What is a success anyway? Am I successful? Because I have X amount of followers and email subscribers? Because I’m just starting to make money blogging now? The truth is I’ve given up so much.
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The Chew | Julia Child's Ratatouille -

The Chew | Julia Child's Ratatouille -

Gather up some veggies and try this dish!
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Nancy, a 1930s comic strip, was the funniest thing I read in 2018

Nancy, a 1930s comic strip, was the funniest thing I read in 2018

A mysterious 20-something artist named Olivia Jaimes revived the legacy of a comic that had fallen on hard times — in hilarious fashion.
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Collecting clean water from air, inspired by desert life

Collecting clean water from air, inspired by desert life

Humans can get by in the most basic of shelters, can scratch together a meal from the most humble of ingredients. But we can’t survive without clean water. And in places where water is scarce—the world’s deserts, for example—getting water to people requires feats of engineering and irrigation that can be cumbersome and expensive.
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Trump is first president in 15 years to not visit troops during Christmas period

Trump is first president in 15 years to not visit troops during Christmas period

Donald Trump is the first U.S. president to not visit troops over the Christmas holiday since 2002. On Tuesday morning, Trump continued the presidential tradition of telephoning military personnel, using the occasion to address the partial government shutdown over funding for his long- promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. But did not visit with any troops in person.
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Thailand legalizes medicinal marijuana in New Year's 'gift'

Thailand legalizes medicinal marijuana in New Year's 'gift'

Thailand has become the first Asian country to legalize medicinal marijuana after parliament voted to amend a narcotics law. The country had a tradition of using marijuana to relieve pain and fatigue until the 1930s.
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Retail is having its best holiday season in 6 years

Retail is having its best holiday season in 6 years

Retail is having its best holiday shopping season in six years, according to early data tracking consumers' purchases. Sales in the U.S. from Nov. 1 through Christmas Eve were up 5.1 percent to more than $850 billion, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, which monitors spending both in stores and online via all forms of payment. Mastercard also said online sales during that time frame were up 19.1 percent from a year ago, in line with earlier reports that showed robust growth in e-commerce this holiday season.
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Major Company BOCA Confirms Most Of Its Products Are Now Vegan

Major Company BOCA Confirms Most Of Its Products Are Now Vegan

Major company BOCA has confirmed that the majority of its products are now vegan, Plant Based News can reveal. The news follows a campaign by vegan advocacy group Compassion Over Killing, which has been working to persuade BOCA to ditch dairy. Nearly 50,000 people have signed COK's petition urging BOCA's parent company, Kraft Heinz, to ditch dairy and several celebs and elite athletes have supported its campaign.
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Elon Musk: This is why I push myself to the brink

Elon Musk: This is why I push myself to the brink

Elon Musk has become infamous for his extreme work schedule. When he was ramping up production of the Model 3 Tesla, he put in as many as 120 hours in a week. He slept at the factory because he had no time to go home. He called 2018 "the most difficult and painful year of my career." "[I]t was excruciating," he told The New York Times. In late October Musk finally said he was working a much more manageable schedule of 80 to 90 hours a week.
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White evangelical Christians need Jesus — not Donald Trump — if their movement is going to survive

White evangelical Christians need Jesus — not Donald Trump — if their movement is going to survive

Rampant hypocrisy is one reason why conservative white evangelicals continue to lose relevance and influence. Amidst the chaos of relentless, mind-numbing corruption, lies, and malfeasance by Donald Trump and his administration, Adam Serwer’s brilliant essay reminds us of a common element: “The Cruelty Is the Point.” Serwer argues that Trump and his supporters thrive on cruelty against those “outsiders” who, in their eyes, “deserve it
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3 Challenges to Producing Great Content

3 Challenges to Producing Great Content

How do you regularly produce great content? We'll explain how in this post, which covers content marketing culure, strategy and process.
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The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting

The Relentlessness of Modern Parenting

Parenthood in the United States has become much more demanding than it used to be. Over just a couple of generations, parents have greatly increased the amount of time, attention and money they put into raising children. Mothers who juggle jobs outside the home spend just as much time tending their children as stay-at-home mothers did in the 1970s.
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Wednesday 26 December 2018

Santa delivers donations to fast food employees working Christmas Eve

Santa delivers donations to fast food employees working Christmas Eve

Being home for the holidays is no guarantee for some -- and no one knows that better than those who work in the fast food industry. Hundreds of people spent Christmas Eve away from their families Monday, as they clocked in at fast food restaurants across the city. But someone special made sure to pay them a visit.
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'2019 Will Be Year Of The Vegan' According to The Economist

'2019 Will Be Year Of The Vegan' According to The Economist

2019 will be the year veganism goes mainstream, according to top news title The Economist. The outlet has published an article titled The year of the vegan, which lists some of the ways the vegan movement is becoming more prevalent in various sectors of society.
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I Used to Write for Sports Illustrated. Now I Deliver Packages for Amazon.

I Used to Write for Sports Illustrated. Now I Deliver Packages for Amazon.

There’s a certain novelty, after decades at a legacy media company, in playing for the team that’s winning big.
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Sister Wendy Beckett, celebrity TV art historian, dies at 88

Sister Wendy Beckett, celebrity TV art historian, dies at 88

Sister Wendy Beckett, the cloistered nun who ventured out of seclusion to become a celebrity art critic and historian, died Wednesday at England’s Carmelite Monastery.
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Anonymous couple gifts $100 to each employee at fast food restaurant

Anonymous couple gifts $100 to each employee at fast food restaurant

There can be quite a commotion at the Bush's Chicken in Georgetown, Texas. At all hours, employees refill the sweet tea, fry up chicken, and take orders. In the midst of this hard work, an anonymous couple surprised the workers with a generous Christmas gift. General Manager Randy Duncan says the couple asked him how many people worked in the store. He told them 25. Moments later, they came back with a Christmas card for each employee.
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The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.

The "ugly" reality of child marriage in the U.S.

It's a moment of "unprecedented attention" for child marriage around the world. Those words come from a 2016 Human Rights Watch report, which estimated that one in three girls in the developing world marries before the age of 18. The topic has slowly moved to the front burner of the global development agenda, and the United Nations has set a goal of eliminating child marriage by the year 2030.
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'Striking number' of Danish households are food insecure

'Striking number' of Danish households are food insecure

People living in approximately 200,000 households in Denmark can’t afford enough food, according to the new study. The work uses measurement methods used in the United States, where public authorities regularly monitor the prevalence of food insecurity.
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