Tuesday 30 June 2015

Robert Reich: America is facing an economic apartheid

Robert Reich: America is facing an economic apartheid

The former secretary of labor reflects on the Supreme Court's landmark housing discrimination ruling
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LCbeDm

There’s an Easy Way to Waste Less Food: Shop More Often

There’s an Easy Way to Waste Less Food: Shop More Often

If you’re like me, you writhe in guilt-ridden anguish each time you forget to bring your canvas tote to the grocery store. But in the rare times we do remember our reusable bags, Americans tend not to think much about what we actually put inside them, according to a new survey. The takeaway: We waste a lot of extra food (and money) simply because we don’t shop often enough.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LU0Bti

Wisdom Of The Crowds? Online Effort Seeks To Raise Funds For Greece

Wisdom Of The Crowds? Online Effort Seeks To Raise Funds For Greece

A crowd-funding effort to get the $1.8 billion Greece needs to make a loan payment to the International Monetary Fund has so far raised $124,569. Donors get gifts ranging from salads to gift baskets.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1Jw1Gdn

Pitbull obsessed with baby turkey

Pitbull obsessed with baby turkey

Also, at around 57 seconds, you can see her head straighten out with the quickness as soon as she feels a baby hop on board. Almost like she was at the doctors office getting a rectal exam lol......pretty funny
Read more: http://ift.tt/1GY9QYu

Why the Christian right is going to war (with itself)

Why the Christian right is going to war (with itself)

The alliance between evangelical and Catholic conservatives is under more strain than ever. Here's why.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1KpJd0E

Dusty twister in Colorado

Dusty twister in Colorado

Beautiful tornado tracks in open farm land narrowly missing a home near Simla, Colorado.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1Hwkyc6

Fast-food workers likely will get a raise to $15 an hour, wage board says

Fast-food workers likely will get a raise to $15 an hour, wage board says

Most fast-food workers in New York will receive a wage increase to $15 an hour, but the details still have to be worked out. Members of the state wage board said during their meeting this morning that they all agreed the wage should be raised to at least $15 an hour. "The three members on the board are in agreement that there should be a substantial increase," said Byron Brown, chairman of the wage board and mayor of Buffalo.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1U6yXiw

The Cable Hut

The Cable Hut

Back in the days where love letters and drift bottles were amongst the few means of communication, The Cable Hut was built to house the first telephone lines being laid across the Atlantic Ocean. Over 100 years later The Cable Hut captured the heart of a passing couple who have lovingly transformed it into a unique luxury self-catering cottage.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1KpEoVa

The world’s most beautiful house?

The world’s most beautiful house?

For centuries, artists and designers have tried to create aesthetically pleasing architecture. But can a home be art? Jonathan Glancey takes a look.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1KpEnRg

Citrus consumption and skin cancer: How real is the link?

Citrus consumption and skin cancer: How real is the link?

A large study published Monday that looked at the dietary patterns of more than 100,000 Americans discovered an unexpected link between high consumption of citrus - specifically whole grapefruit and orange juice -- and risk of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Researchers found that 1,840 of the study participants developed melanoma and that those who had a serving of citrus fruit or juice 1.6 times daily had a 36 percent higher risk of the cancer...
Read more: http://ift.tt/1KrD31J

With court approval, NSA resumes bulk collection of phone data

With court approval, NSA resumes bulk collection of phone data

A secret surveillance court says the government can resume collection for a 180-day transition period.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1Kp0jvC

High Tea, Afternoon Tea, Elevenses: English Tea Times For Dummies

High Tea, Afternoon Tea, Elevenses: English Tea Times For Dummies

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the English and their social tea traditions. What time are they each at, anyways? But don't fret. NPR's The Salt is here to offer guidance.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1FPtstP

The Revolution Has Been Digitized: Explore the Oldest Archive of Radical Posters

The Revolution Has Been Digitized: Explore the Oldest Archive of Radical Posters

The oldest public collection of radical history completed a digital archive of over 2,000 posters.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LGAf16

Is Evidence for Jesus Really as Good as for Caesar?

Is Evidence for Jesus Really as Good as for Caesar?

Bock wants to reject the proposition “the evidence for Caesar’s life is better attested than for Jesus’s.” As worded that looks like a con. Either Bock doesn’t realize this is not the same proposition as “the evidence for Caesar’s life is better than for Jesus’s” or he must think his readers won’t notice the difference.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LGAf14

The GOP May Regret Its Lasting Battle Against Gay Marriage

The GOP May Regret Its Lasting Battle Against Gay Marriage

Same-sex marriage is supported by most Americans. And after last week’s landmark Supreme Court decision, it’s also the law of the land. But how it will play out in the presidential campaign is far ...
Read more: http://ift.tt/1ehvpZS

The rise of university ‘faith warriors’

The rise of university ‘faith warriors’

After the end of the Soviet Empire, Western neo-conservatives and their Eastern counterparts were looking for new ideologies to rile up the masses. Over the last decades, we have seen the emergence of religious-political movements all around the world, including Christian Fundamentalism, Zionism, Islamism, and Hindu nationalism.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1dvyg0x

Bitcoin Is Unsustainable

Bitcoin Is Unsustainable

The year is 2018. After a rough Greek exit from the eurozone, economic malaise has spread to Italy, Portugal, Spain, and France. Nervous citizens across Europe look for a way to get their money out as currency traders hammer the weakening euro, banks impose withdrawal limits, and their purchasing power plummets. Enter Bitcoin.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1g8N0Vd

With Same-Sex Decision, Evangelical Churches Address New Reality

With Same-Sex Decision, Evangelical Churches Address New Reality

The tone of the worship service was set at the start. An opening prayer declared it “a dark day.” The sermon focused on a psalm of lament. In between, a pastor read a statement proclaiming the church’s elders and staff “deeply saddened.” In downtown Chicago, as in several other cities around the country, Sunday was marked by jubilation, the annual gay pride festivities made more celebratory by Friday’s Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1FOHf3M

Stalin's Rope Roads

Stalin's Rope Roads

The mining town of Chiatura, Georgia, surrounded by steep cliffs, is criss-crossed by a network of aging Soviet-era aerial tramways that are still in use today. In the early 20th century, after the U.S.S.R. annexed Georgia, Soviet authorities were intent on extracting the vast manganese deposits beneath Chiatura. In the 1950s, planners began work on what locals call the "Kanatnaya Doroga," or "rope road," that still connects almost every corner of the town.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1GXkyhQ

With No Credit Cards Allowed, No Cash In ATMs, No Banks Open, Tourists In Trouble In Greece

With No Credit Cards Allowed, No Cash In ATMs, No Banks Open, Tourists In Trouble In Greece

Banks all across Greece are closed today, and will remain closed for the rest of the week. Not because it’s a holiday, but because the Greek government is trying to stop the banking system from collapsing as money flows out of the country while its long-running debt crisis reaches a critical point. As a result, tourists in Greece are finding themselves unable to pay for basics like food and shelter.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1C5GwR5

Colorado Court Rules Use of Public Funds for Private Schools Is Unconstitutional

Colorado Court Rules Use of Public Funds for Private Schools Is Unconstitutional

The state’s Supreme Court ruled against the district’s voucher program, which was passed in 2011, saying it violated a plank of the State Constitution that explicitly prevents public money from going to schools “controlled by any church or sectarian denomination whatsoever.”
Read more: http://ift.tt/1R2h9pJ

Publish a Book and Change Your Life, or, Well, Maybe Not

Publish a Book and Change Your Life, or, Well, Maybe Not

If you were an attorney or an accountant and you said to someone, “I’ve been doing this job for two decades and am finally starting to make money at it,” people would look at you like you were crazy. The open secret is that literary fiction does not pay big dividends. At least not to most of its writers and publishers. Even with excellent reviews, there’s no guarantee that your book will sell.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1IKF1Ve

Bookstores Plan Rollout for Next Harper Lee Novel

Bookstores Plan Rollout for Next Harper Lee Novel

Booksellers are finding creative strategies for drawing in customers for the release of Harper Lee’s second novel, including midnight openings, Southern food and discussion groups.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LG4vcm

Only 16 of world's highest-paid celebrities are women, Forbes finds

Only 16 of world's highest-paid celebrities are women, Forbes finds

Katy Perry is highest-ranked woman in third place on magazine’s list as men’s greater earning power reflects gender pay gap in wider society
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LG2qgG

Shelf Clouds

Shelf Clouds

Right place right time.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1GMzdKq

A World Apart: 2 Women with Birthdates in 1800s Still Alive

A World Apart: 2 Women with Birthdates in 1800s Still Alive

When Susannah Mushatt Jones and Emma Morano were born in 1899, there was not yet world war or penicillin, and electricity was still considered a marvel. The women are believed to be the last two in the world with birthdates in the 1800s.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1NrXNox

This Little Iron Tchotchke Can Help Cure a Big Health Issue

This Little Iron Tchotchke Can Help Cure a Big Health Issue

In Cambodia, Lucky Iron Fish has cut down the cases of anemia.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1g5Uh8n

Good news for the 99%...absolutely killer news for the 1%

Good news for the 99%...absolutely killer news for the 1%

The 99% finally saw their income grow in 2014. But income inequality grew as well.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LzrRzi

Monday 29 June 2015

Now's the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions

Now's the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions

The Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage makes it clearer than ever that the government shouldn't be subsidizing religion and non-profits.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1g58AKj

This Is Why Your Rent Is Too Damn High

This Is Why Your Rent Is Too Damn High

Fewer Americans are moving into homeownership, which means affordable rentals are getting more difficult to find.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1NrIIDt

Supreme Court Blocks Parts Of Texas’ Abortion Laws, Allows Clinics To Remain Open

Supreme Court Blocks Parts Of Texas’ Abortion Laws, Allows Clinics To Remain Open

The Supreme Court on Monday blocked Texas from enforcing its rules governing abortion clinics — some of the strictest in the nation — allowing the Lone Star State’s remaining abortion clinics to remain open for the time being.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1T02dGd

How Chief Justice John Roberts Made Himself a Footnote to History

How Chief Justice John Roberts Made Himself a Footnote to History

The case that may define the Roberts court was decided without the chief justice’s vote.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1IIGWJI

Greek debt crisis: Banks to stay shut, capital controls imposed

Greek debt crisis: Banks to stay shut, capital controls imposed

Greek banks are to remain closed and capital controls will be imposed, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras says. Speaking after the European Central Bank (ECB) said it was not increasing emergency funding to Greek banks, Mr Tsipras said Greek deposits were safe. Greece is due to make a €1.6bn (£1.1bn) payment to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesday - the same day that its current bailout expires.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LF4ZiX

Nearly $3 million transferred from golfer Phil Mickelson to an intermediary was part of 'an illegal gambling operation'

Nearly $3 million transferred from golfer Phil Mickelson to an intermediary was part of 'an illegal gambling operation'

A 56-year-old former sports gambling handicapper, acting as a conduit for a gambling operation, pleaded guilty last week to laundering approximately $2.75 million of Phil Mickelson's money.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1KqjCGA

Surviving in the Wild: 19 Common Edible Plants

Surviving in the Wild: 19 Common Edible Plants

19 common edible wild plants. Look them over and commit the plants to memory.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1IIB2Zi

8 incredible design concepts that could shape our future

8 incredible design concepts that could shape our future

Some parts of the world have really fascinating, amazing and incredible design illustrations that simply WOWs us. If you do not believe, then have a look a
Read more: http://ift.tt/1Kqhrmz

The Shocking Numbers that Reveal Just How Burnt Out American Workers Are

The Shocking Numbers that Reveal Just How Burnt Out American Workers Are

Productivity has exploded in the American workforce in recent years, but at a terrible cost.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1U2gVxW

Rand Paul Would Rather End Marriage Than Share It With Gay People

Rand Paul Would Rather End Marriage Than Share It With Gay People

While most of the football team’s worth of Republicans running for president have reacted to the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision with straightforward rejections, Rand Paul decided to get cute about it. “Perhaps the time has come to examine whether or not governmental recognition of marriage is a good idea, for either party,” he argues in an editorial in Time.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LRvn66

How the rainbow became the symbol of gay pride

How the rainbow became the symbol of gay pride

The fascinating story involves Judy Garland, Harvey Milk and a drag queen named "Busty Ross"
Read more: http://ift.tt/1R0mf5L

God is not on our side: The religious right’s big lie about the founding of America

God is not on our side: The religious right’s big lie about the founding of America

Reagan and others pushed the idea that we're a Christian nation chosen by divine providence. That's not the case
Read more: http://ift.tt/1IHwl1F

The Lonely American

The Lonely American

Communal activities, from attendance at sporting events to civic organizations, have plummeted. We are isolated and have become hapless victims of corporate propaganda. We must reconnect to resist. By Chris Hedges.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1RN9BCo

Hearing Colors

Hearing Colors

Part of The Connected Series by Samsung. To view more of The Connected Series visit: http://ift.tt/1ComDiy.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1LxXJ7r

Ripples Brings Customizable Latte Art To Your Local Coffee Shop

Ripples Brings Customizable Latte Art To Your Local Coffee Shop

Latte art is all the rage these days. Now a new platform is making latte art more accessible and customizable than ever before.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1HsnXZe

Christian Persecution

Christian Persecution

An Atheist Eve comic from 2006.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1InchG0

Man On His Third Wife Has No Good Defense For His Support Of ‘Traditional’ Marriage

Man On His Third Wife Has No Good Defense For His Support Of ‘Traditional’ Marriage

"But what do you say to a lesbian who is married or a gay man who is married who says, 'Donald Trump, what’s traditional about being married three times?'" CNN's Jake Tapper said.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1HpJjVt

Yes bassist Chris Squire dead at 67

Yes bassist Chris Squire dead at 67

Founding Yes bassist Chris Squire has died just over a month after revealing that he was suffering from leukemia. He was 67. Asia and current Yes keyboardist Geoff Downes first reported the passing in a tweet: "Utterly devastated beyond words to have to report the sad news of the passing of my dear friend, bandmate and inspiration Chris Squire," he wrote on Twitter Sunday morning.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1NsREHX

Distrust of atheists is widespread and pervasive: more evidence

Distrust of atheists is widespread and pervasive: more evidence

When Luke Galen and colleagues from Grand Valley State University in Michigan asked undergraduates to evaluate videos of regular college kids describing formative experiences, the results they got were quite surprising. The undergraduates didn’t much like the student who described herself as an atheist, rating her as significantly less agreeable and conscientious than the devout Christian. But that’s not the surprising bit.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1NpmVfw

Hyperrealistic painting of cold grapes in a plastic bag

Hyperrealistic painting of cold grapes in a plastic bag

Read more: http://ift.tt/1KjJwKq

Sunday 28 June 2015

How we learn to be helpless—and unlearn it

How we learn to be helpless—and unlearn it

Learned helplessness keeps people in bad jobs, poor health, terrible relationships, and awful circumstances despite how easy it may be to escape. Learn how to defeat this psychological trap, thanks to the work of Martin Seligman. [Audio]
Read more: http://ift.tt/1Hpr02H

Grilled Bread with Ricotta and Tomatoes Recipe

Grilled Bread with Ricotta and Tomatoes Recipe

Use very ripe—even overripe—tomatoes; they’ll give up even more juice.
Read more: http://ift.tt/1RKuAWq