Tuesday 23 February 2016

No, The FBI Does Not 'Need' The Info On Farook's iPhone; This Is Entirely About The Precedent

No, The FBI Does Not 'Need' The Info On Farook's iPhone; This Is Entirely About The Precedent

Over and over again as people keep talking about the Apple / FBI encryption stuff, I keep seeing the same line pop up. It's something along the lines of "but the FBI needs to know what's on that phone, so if Apple can help, why shouldn't it." Let's debunk that myth. The FBI absolutely does not need to know what's on that phone. It might not even care very much about what's on that phone. As the Grugq ably explained last week, there's almost certainly nothing of interest on the phone.
Read more: http://snapzu.com/kxh/no-the-fbi-does-not-need-the-info-on-farooks-iphone-this-is-entirely-about-the-precedent

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