Thursday 31 August 2017

Owners must surgically 'debark' loud dogs, court rules

Owners must surgically 'debark' loud dogs, court rules

The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that a southern Oregon couple must quiet their incessantly barking dogs by sending them to the vet to have their voices surgically squelched. The Appeals Court ruled “debarking” surgery is an appropriate solution to a noisy and relentless problem that neighbors living next to the dogs have had to endure for more than a decade on their rural property outside Grants Pass.
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The true story behind England’s tea obsession

The true story behind England’s tea obsession

Imagine the most English-English person you can think of. Now I’m fairly certain that no matter what picture you just conjured up, that person comes complete with a stiff upper lip and a cup of tea in their hand. Because that’s what the English do. They carry on and they drink tea. Tea is so utterly English, such an ingrained part of the culture, that it’s also ingrained in how everyone else around the world perceives that culture.
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Oil Painting Girl Portrait

Oil Painting Girl Portrait

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Equal by Catastrophe – Victor Davis Hanson – Inference

Equal by Catastrophe – Victor Davis Hanson – Inference

Is economic equality worth the catastrophic events that produce it? Probably not. Victor Davis Hanson reviews Walter Scheidel’s The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century.
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Wednesday 30 August 2017

A low-fat diet could kill you

A low-fat diet could kill you

Low-fat diets could actually raise your risk of early death by a quarter, a major study has indicated. The Lancet looked at 135,000 adults and discovered that those who cut back on fats had far shorter lives than those who ate butter, cheese and meats. It is in direct opposition to health advice that people should reduce their fat intake – the NHS warns against having too much saturated fat because it raised cholesterol levels which can cause heart disease.
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Traces of 6,000-year-old wine discovered in Sicilian cave

Traces of 6,000-year-old wine discovered in Sicilian cave

Residue in terracotta jars suggests drink was being made and consumed on the island in the fourth millennium BC
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Giant spambot scooped up 711 million email addresses

Giant spambot scooped up 711 million email addresses

Experts say a "mind-boggling" amount of user data has been gathered by a hacking operation.
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Terry Pratchett's unfinished novels destroyed by steamroller

Terry Pratchett's unfinished novels destroyed by steamroller

Unpublished works are lost for ever with crushing of computer hard drive – as the late fantasy novelist had instructed
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The New Science of Sex and Gender

The New Science of Sex and Gender

Why the new science of sex & gender matters for everyone
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How Writing Makes You More Successful

How Writing Makes You More Successful

Writing allows you to explore who you are. It’s a way to revisit the past, connect with the present, and draw a map for the future.
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How the NSA identified Satoshi Nakamoto

How the NSA identified Satoshi Nakamoto

The ‘creator’ of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is the world’s most elusive billionaire. Very few people outside of the Department of Homeland…
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Euro rises to 18-month high against dollar

Euro rises to 18-month high against dollar

The euro has hit $1.20 for the first time since January 2015 as the prospect of a US interest rate rise recedes. Hurricane Harvey's impact has led analysts to assume the US central bank will not want to risk curbing economic growth and fears over North Korea's activities have unnerved investors. A rise in interest rates tends to draw investors to a currency, taking advantage of the higher returns.
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Why cutting the fat and loading up on carbs can lead to poor health

Why cutting the fat and loading up on carbs can lead to poor health

Focusing on a low-fat diet has led people to overeat carbohydrates, putting them at greater risk of death and poor health, according to a Canadian-led study published in the Lancet on Tuesday.
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Tuesday 29 August 2017

Uber to scrap its most disturbing feature

Uber to scrap its most disturbing feature

Uber has decided to reverse its controversial move to track users even after their trips have ended. The company had claimed it would help ensure customers’ physical safety, but says the manner in which it introduced the change was wrong. Following an update last November, the app forced users to choose between letting Uber always collect their location data or never collect it.
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My week in Lucky House: the horror of Hong Kong's coffin homes

My week in Lucky House: the horror of Hong Kong's coffin homes

Benjamin Haas joins the retirees, working poor, drug addicts and convicted criminals who live crammed into the city’s tiny plywood cubicles
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Gay marriage has just been legalised in Chile

Gay marriage has just been legalised in Chile

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has introduced a bill to legalise gay marriage, the latest in a series of recent reforms in a country long regarded as one of Latin America’s most socially conservative.
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The Great Pot Monopoly Mystery

The Great Pot Monopoly Mystery

Some very powerful people are trying to corner the market on legal weed. Who are they? And can they be stopped?
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Life-saving fruit and vegetable diet need only be three portions – study

Life-saving fruit and vegetable diet need only be three portions – study

New research reveals daily dose of just 375g of fruit, vegetables and beans are sufficient to reduce risk of stroke, heart disease or premature death, and could help low-income consumers.
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The ‘gateway drug’ is alcohol, not marijuana.

The ‘gateway drug’ is alcohol, not marijuana.

Results from the Guttman scale indicated that alcohol represented the “gateway” drug, leading to the use of tobacco, marijuana, and other illicit substances. Moreover, students who used alcohol exhibited a significantly greater likelihood of using both licit and illicit drugs. The findings from this investigation support that alcohol should receive primary attention in school-based substance abuse prevention programming, as the use of other substances could be impacted by delaying or preventing alcohol use.
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Monday 28 August 2017

With a Drop of Saliva, Family Histories Are Rewritten

With a Drop of Saliva, Family Histories Are Rewritten

Widespread DNA testing has shed light on the ancestry of millions of Americans. But these services have limitations, and the results can be uncertain.
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Alabama HS students want classroom LGBT flag removed, compare it to Confederate flag

Alabama HS students want classroom LGBT flag removed, compare it to Confederate flag

Students and parents at a high school in Alabama are calling for the removal of a classroom LGBT “rainbow pride” flag, saying it is comparable to the Confederate flag. More than 2,400 people thus far have signed a petition calling for the flag to be taken down at Auburn High School.
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Cost of cleaning up Harvey will bring new test of governance for Trump and GOP

Cost of cleaning up Harvey will bring new test of governance for Trump and GOP

Policymakers will take up an aid package likely to reach into the billions in a year when they have agreed on little else, let alone spending priorities.
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'Don't take the Bible literally' says scholar who brought to light earliest Latin analysis of the Gospels

'Don't take the Bible literally' says scholar who brought to light earliest Latin analysis of the Gospels

The earliest Latin interpretation of the Gospels has been brought to light by a British academic – and it suggests that readers should not take the Bible literally. Lost for 1,500 years, the fourth-century commentary by African-born Italian bishop Fortunatianus of Aquileia interprets the Gospels as a series of allegories instead of a literal history.
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Source: Floyd attempted $400K bet on self

Source: Floyd attempted $400K bet on self

Not everything went right for undefeated boxing champion Floyd Mayweather on Saturday night. Multiple sources told ESPN that Mayweather went into the sportsbook at the M Resort in Las Vegas at around 3:30 p.m. PT Saturday with cash and plans to bet on his fight against UFC star Conor McGregor.
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Sunday 27 August 2017

The Work that Confederate Monuments Continue To Do

The Work that Confederate Monuments Continue To Do

One of the most common questions that I received from reporters this past two weeks was why so many Confederate monuments were dedicated within such a short period of time (1890-1930). It’s a…
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Despite privacy outrage, AccuWeather still shares precise location data with ad firms

Despite privacy outrage, AccuWeather still shares precise location data with ad firms

AccuWeather is still sending precise geolocation data to a third-party advertiser, ZDNet can confirm, despite updating its app earlier this week to remove a feature that collected user's location data without their permission. In case you missed it, AccuWeather was until this week sending the near-precise location of its iPhone app users to Reveal Mobile, a data monetization firm -- even when location sharing was switched off. Security researcher Will Strafach...
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Bottled water

Bottled water

Some of us get our water for free from the tap. The rest pay for it — at the cost of roughly $100 billion a year.
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Why Avocados Shouldn't Exist

Why Avocados Shouldn't Exist

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London pub defends £13.40 price of pint

London pub defends £13.40 price of pint

A London pub has defended charging more than £13 for a pint of beer after being heavily criticised on social media.
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The Book He Wasn't Supposed to Write

The Book He Wasn't Supposed to Write

A best-selling author submits a draft to his editor. Hijinks ensue.
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Saturday 26 August 2017

Millennials have a new shopping preference that should terrify Lululemon and Athleta

Millennials have a new shopping preference that should terrify Lululemon and Athleta

Athleisure could be on its way out.
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This Linux-powered phone wants to give you back your privacy

This Linux-powered phone wants to give you back your privacy

Purism has announced a crowdfunding campaign for a Linux-powered smartphone. The company is known for its Linux laptops. It's now turning its attention to creating an open-source mobile device designed to put you in control of your data.
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‘The Lees Are Complex’: Descendants Grapple With a Rebel General’s Legacy

‘The Lees Are Complex’: Descendants Grapple With a Rebel General’s Legacy

Even within the family of Robert E. Lee, there are divisions over what should be done about Confederate monuments and what their ancestor stands for now.
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Spies Like Us: A Conversation With John le Carré and Ben Macintyre

Spies Like Us: A Conversation With John le Carré and Ben Macintyre

Sarah Lyall interviews two masters of espionage on the page.
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Chemicals used in furniture and gym mats could be making women infertile, study suggests

Chemicals used in furniture and gym mats could be making women infertile, study suggests

Flame-retardant chemicals used on furniture and other products could be making women infertile, a new study suggests. Researchers in the US found more than 80 per cent of women having fertility treatment at the Massachusetts General Hospital had traces of three types of chemicals known as PFRs in their urine. And those with high levels of the chemicals were 38 per cent less likely to have a child after a cycle of IVF treatment than those with low levels. While the study does not prove the chemicals are causing infertility, it highlights a possible link.
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Vast number of Americans live paycheck to paycheck

Vast number of Americans live paycheck to paycheck

With unemployment in the U.S. at its lowest level in 16 years, experts are prone to talk about the economy as if it has fully recovered from the housing crash. But other measures of how Americans are doing reveal a darker picture. Almost 8 out of 10 American workers say they live paycheck to paycheck to make ends meet, according to a new survey from CareerBuilder. That can force people to take on debt or otherwise struggle when an unexpected bill arises.
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Develop your reading habit in order to UP your blogging mojo!

Develop your reading habit in order to UP your blogging mojo!

Most of the bloggers are so pre-occupied in generating content that their reading habits goes for a toss. How many books, papers or Articles have you read in last one month? I guess many people will say, my job is to generate content, not spending time on reading articles. Some might say, I read the articles when I go for my link creation spree with commenting on other blogs.
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NSA ramps up PR campaign to keep its mass spying powers

NSA ramps up PR campaign to keep its mass spying powers

Section 702 saves lives, claims spying agency, while continuing to dodge critical question
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US appeals court curbs police power to seize cellphones

US appeals court curbs police power to seize cellphones

A ruling from an appeals court judge has raised questions about privacy, device security, and how law enforcement conducts investigations
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Friday 25 August 2017

Marc Goodwin photographs Ningbo's construction sites.

Marc Goodwin photographs Ningbo's construction sites.

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Detroit's tiny houses give residents a home to rebuild their lives

Detroit's tiny houses give residents a home to rebuild their lives

Very small houses have become all the rage in recent years, as some people trade in their traditional lifestyles for an ostensibly simpler option: places that are less than 400 square feet. Well, today, there’s a twist. Tiny houses are being seen as a way to give homeless and low-income people the chance at homeownership. Jeffrey Brown visited Detroit to find out more for our ongoing series on poverty and opportunity in America, “Chasing the Dream.”
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This Probe Might Investigate the Mysterious Ocean of Saturn's Biggest Moon

This Probe Might Investigate the Mysterious Ocean of Saturn's Biggest Moon

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is kind of like what you’d expect if Salvador Dali designed a planet. It has methane lakes, electrically charged sand, and allegedly, an ocean hiding under its crust. While the Cassini and Huygens spacecraft have revealed some of these mysteries to us, so many lingering questions about this weirdo moon remain.
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Early human gut bacteria may have cycled with the season

Early human gut bacteria may have cycled with the season

Hadza hunter-gatherers show distinct dry and wet season microbiota
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Sacla’ Stage a Surprise Opera in a School Lunch Hall

Sacla’ Stage a Surprise Opera in a School Lunch Hall

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The secret history of New York’s hardcore punk graffiti writers

The secret history of New York’s hardcore punk graffiti writers

Hip hop was the exclusive soundtrack to graffiti in the 1980s, right? Wrong. On the other side of the tracks, Sabbath-listening, CBGB-frequenting punks of NYC’s hardcore scene were developing an inimitable style of their own.
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Megaupload execs’ extradition may be at risk after new spying revelations

Megaupload execs’ extradition may be at risk after new spying revelations

GCSB couldn't say more without jeopardizing the national security of New Zealand.
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Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves

Given Tablets but No Teachers, Ethiopian Children Teach Themselves

A bold experiment by the One Laptop Per Child organization has shown “encouraging” results. With 100 million first-grade-aged children worldwide having no access to schooling, the One Laptop Per Child organization is trying something new in two remote Ethiopian villages—simply dropping off tablet computers with preloaded programs and seeing what happens.
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The Writing Rules You Should Break When You're Blogging

The Writing Rules You Should Break When You're Blogging

Forget everything you learned back when you were writing book reports. (Well, almost everything.)
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The Logic, Intelligence, and Wisdom of Believing Evolutionary Theory

The Logic, Intelligence, and Wisdom of Believing Evolutionary Theory

Case one in which we build a logical semi-formalism (I hate too many overused symbols, I’d rather use words) to define belief, intelligence and wisdom.
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It is time to stop

It is time to stop

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