Saturday 30 September 2017

How to Be Diplomatic

How to Be Diplomatic

Diplomacy seeks to teach us how many good things can still be accomplished when we make some necessary accommodations with the crooked, sometimes touching and hugely unreliable material of human nature.
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Dietary and lifestyle guidelines for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Dietary and lifestyle guidelines for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is increased by older age, genetic factors, and several medical risk factors. Studies have also suggested that dietary and lifestyle factors may influence risk, raising the possibility that preventive strategies may be effective. (2014)
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Monty Hall, iconic 'Let's Make a Deal' host, dead at 96

Monty Hall, iconic 'Let's Make a Deal' host, dead at 96

Game show icon Monty Hall, who co-created and hosted the original 'Let’s Make a Deal,' has died of heart failure at the age of 96, the New York Times reports.
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US Department of Homeland Security to track all immigrants’ social media accounts

US Department of Homeland Security to track all immigrants’ social media accounts

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quietly announced this week that it will begin collecting social media information and search results from all immigrants’ social media accounts and internet searches, including popular sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The policy expansion will take effect on October 18th, the same day President Donald Trump’s indefinite travel ban is slated to go into full effect.
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One Man’s Journey From Welfare to World’s Hottest Video Game

One Man’s Journey From Welfare to World’s Hottest Video Game

Three years ago, Brendan Greene was on welfare in his hometown of Kildare, Ireland, getting an earful from social workers about how he should stop wasting time developing free computer games. “They were telling me to look for jobs or I’ll be cut off,’’ says Greene. “I kind of ignored them.”
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School Lowered Student’s Grades, Refused Recommendations Because She’s Atheist, Lawsuit Says

School Lowered Student’s Grades, Refused Recommendations Because She’s Atheist, Lawsuit Says

Cidney Fisk was an outspoken student at Colorado’s Delta County High School. School faculty didn’t appreciate her opposition to their alleged religious agenda, and punished her by lowering her grades, a new lawsuit claims. Fisk had a 4.1 GPA, was student body treasurer, captain of the speech and debate team, a reporter for the school magazine, and performed community service, yet she says school faculty hurt her chances at getting into colleges because of the religious conflict she had with them.
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Harvard researchers help develop ‘smart’ tattoos

Harvard researchers help develop ‘smart’ tattoos

Harvard and MIT researchers have developed smart tattoo ink capable of monitoring health by changing color to tell an athlete if she is dehydrated or a diabetic if his blood sugar rises.
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Mom arrested after leaving kids at home to go on trip to Germany

Mom arrested after leaving kids at home to go on trip to Germany

A Johnston mom was arrested on Thursday after she left her four kids home alone to go on a trip to Germany. Erin Lee Macke, 30, was charged with four counts of child endangerment and one count of making a firearm available to a person under the age of 21, according to Johnston police. On Sept. 21, Johnston police were called to Macke's home after receiving a report that young children were left unsupervised in the house.
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How To Order Low Carb at Five Guys | The Sarcastic Parent

How To Order Low Carb at Five Guys | The Sarcastic Parent

In this post, you'll learn how to order low carb at Five Guys and get full for less than $10. You can also get a customized 14-item Five Guys low carb menu for free. It’s a great resource for anyone who wants to know which burger toppings are the most keto friendly at Five Guys.
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Dow notches longest quarterly win streak in 20 years

Dow notches longest quarterly win streak in 20 years

The stock market, undaunted by monster hurricanes, political tension and North Korea threats, keeps climbing to new heights. The Dow soared another 5% during the third quarter, which ends for Wall Street on Friday. The strong gains extend the Dow's streak of winning quarters to eight. It's the longest since an 11-quarter boom that ended in September 1997, according to FactSet stats. Back then, the U.S. economy was going gangbusters under President Bill Clinton at the start of the dotcom boom.
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Friday 29 September 2017

Don’t Edit Your Writing to Death!

Don’t Edit Your Writing to Death!

I’ve seen this too many times — a wonderful, talented writer going on an editing frenzy to the point of killing its very essence, the soul of the work.
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Apple just released new details about iPhone X facial recognition

Apple just released new details about iPhone X facial recognition

Apple has emphasized that FaceID was designed with security in mind.
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Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars

Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars

Adjunct professors in America face low pay and long hours without the security of full-time faculty. Some, on the brink of homelessness, take desperate measures
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Dildon'ts of Bluetooth: Pen test boffins sniff out Berlin's smart butt plugs

Dildon'ts of Bluetooth: Pen test boffins sniff out Berlin's smart butt plugs

You've heard of wardriving – say hello to screwdriving
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2,000-year-old toys discovered inside children's tombs in Turkey's Çanakkale

2,000-year-old toys discovered inside children's tombs in Turkey's Çanakkale

2,000-year-old ancient toys from the Hellenistic Period have been discovered inside tombs belonging to children in the ancient seaport city of Parion
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Inside the California factory that manufactures 1 million pounds of fake 'meat' per month

Inside the California factory that manufactures 1 million pounds of fake 'meat' per month

On the outside, Impossible Foods' new manufacturing plant in Oakland, California, looks like all of the other nondescript warehouses bordering the massive building. But inside, company founder Pat Brown believes a revolution is happening. Brown, a former Stanford biochemist, used his scientific background to create fake "meat" using the active ingredient soy leghemoglobin, which he says makes the burger appealing to meat lovers.
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Police: Toddler shoots 2 other children at Michigan day care

Police: Toddler shoots 2 other children at Michigan day care

Police say a toddler accidentally shot and injured two other children at a home day care facility in suburban Detroit. Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad says a preliminary investigation has revealed the toddler “accessed a handgun and the weapon discharged” about 10:20 a.m. Wednesday. The wounded children both are believed to be 3 years old. They have been hospitalized in critical, but stable condition.
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El Capitan Rockfall Kills One and Injures Another in Yosemite

El Capitan Rockfall Kills One and Injures Another in Yosemite

Emergency workers were trying to transport the injured person out of the park, about 150 miles east of San Francisco.
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How do you top ‘Hamilton’? Author Ron Chernow is about to find out.

How do you top ‘Hamilton’? Author Ron Chernow is about to find out.

His latest tome tackles the life of U.S. Grant, ‘a story unlike any I have ever written.’
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Philippines House Committee Approves Medical Cannabis Bill

Philippines House Committee Approves Medical Cannabis Bill

Amidst a bloody drug war that has reportedly claimed more than 10,000 casualties, the Philippines have taken a medical marijuana bill one step closer to reality. The House Committee on Health unanimously endorsed the “Philippine Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act” yesterday, after in-depth consultations with patients, healthcare workers, and advocates. The bill was authored by Representative Rodolfo T. Albano III and is designed to legalize and regulate medical marijuana for the Asian island archipelago.
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The Micro Skills You Need To Survive In The 21st Century

The Micro Skills You Need To Survive In The 21st Century

I thought I’d be a writer. And just write all day long. And do nothing else. I was wrong.
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How QWERTY conquered keyboards

How QWERTY conquered keyboards

There's a big chance your keyboard says QWERTY. In this episode of Vox's Overrated, Phil Edwards investigates the keyboard's history.
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Thursday 28 September 2017

Substituting Beans for Beef Would Help the U.S. Meet Climate Goals

Substituting Beans for Beef Would Help the U.S. Meet Climate Goals

Ecoanxiety is an emerging condition. Named in 2011, the American Psychological Association recently described it as the dread and helplessness that come with “watching the slow and seemingly irrevocable impacts of climate change unfold, and worrying about the future for oneself, children, and later generations.” It’s not a formal diagnosis. Anxiety is traditionally defined by an outsized stress response to a given stimulus. In this case, the stimulus is real, as are the deleterious effects of stress on the body.
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ABC Wanted to Cancel ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ but Disney Wouldn’t Let Them

ABC Wanted to Cancel ‘Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ but Disney Wouldn’t Let Them

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans, you aren’t going to like what follows. Recently Variety shared some behind the scenes information on how things are going over at ABC. Generally, the news was pretty negative. A good chunk of the article details the problems Inhumans has had, but there isn’t much new to share there. What did come out, however, is that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was in a very precarious situation before it was finally renewed for a fifth season.
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Millennials Aren't Killing Industries. We're Just Broke and Your Business Sucks

Millennials Aren't Killing Industries. We're Just Broke and Your Business Sucks

You've heard it before: Millennials are killing businesses. However, if you think about it for more than a few seconds, it's pretty obvious to see why.
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Coming Home to a Shipping Container

Coming Home to a Shipping Container

Eco-friendly and affordable, shipping containers are gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional houses.
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Poodle steals a scooter from a toddler

Poodle steals a scooter from a toddler

A toddler in China was trying to use an electric scooter when a small dog ran up, jumped on the toy and slowly rode away. Luckily, the thief was caught and the scooter returned.
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America Isn’t Growing Hostile Towards Christians, It’s Growing Hostile Towards Religious Bullies.

America Isn’t Growing Hostile Towards Christians, It’s Growing Hostile Towards Religious Bullies.

It seems like not more than a day or two goes by without hearing it from somewhere: America is growing hostile towards Christians. A growing number of Christians– a shocking amount, actually– are convinced that America’s glory days are over and that Christians are now a marginalized group on the verge of having all of their rights stripped away. I recently saw an advertisement for a nation-wide Christian event prior to the election, and the advertisement boasted they would help Christians figure out what to do in a country that was growing hostile towards Christianity.
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Wednesday 27 September 2017

UAE Announces $140 Million BIG-Designed Mars Science City

UAE Announces $140 Million BIG-Designed Mars Science City

The UAE has launched the Mars Science City project, a city that will serve as a “viable and realistic model” for studying the human occupation of Mars.
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World's second biggest diamond sells for $53 million

World's second biggest diamond sells for $53 million

The world's second-biggest diamond has finally found a buyer. After failing to sell at a Sotheby's auction last year, the 1,109-carat uncut stone has now fetched $53 million in a private sale to luxury jeweler Graff Diamonds. The seller, Canada's Lucara (LUCRF), recovered the huge diamond from Botswana's Karowe mine nearly two years ago. It named it Lesedi La Rona, which means "Our Light" in Botswana's Tswana language.
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Turning The Art World Inside Out

Turning The Art World Inside Out

After the huge success of recent shows in Venice, London and Paris, interest in Outsider Art has never been higher. But what exactly is it? How do we define it? And who are its gurus and leading lights? Alan Yentob explores this captivating, compelling and magical alternative art universe. (HD, eng/ru subs)
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My Top 5 Secrets to Succeed in Blogging

My Top 5 Secrets to Succeed in Blogging

A blog can still elevate one’s personal or professional brand to the next level. I earned a top writer status in social media on Medium within two months. In this post, I share my journey as a blogger and my top five secretes to succeed in blogging.
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US Homeland Security will start gathering social media information from all immigrants

US Homeland Security will start gathering social media information from all immigrants

The US Department of Homeland Security has amended its rules to require immigrants to disclose their social media accounts. The agency will now collect information including "social media handles,...
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EU commission sees 'more evidence' of dual food quality

EU commission sees 'more evidence' of dual food quality

Only two months ago, EU officials said there was only anecdotal evidence that consumers in eastern EU member states were being misled by companies.
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Tuesday 26 September 2017

For 20 Years The French Have Been Building A Medieval Castle Using Medieval Techniques

For 20 Years The French Have Been Building A Medieval Castle Using Medieval Techniques

If you're fascinated with the middle ages, you don't need a time machine to visit the period. Guedelon Castle in Burgundy, France is a unique project where volunteers and researchers are constructing an authentic 13th century castle, using only techniques and materials that were available at the time.
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Wireless Food Stamp Transactions Tied to Healthier Shopping

Wireless Food Stamp Transactions Tied to Healthier Shopping

New research links the equipping of mobile fruit and vegetable stands with wireless banking devices programmed to accept food stamps to the buying of more healthy foods by people with low incomes. This is the finding of a survey of 779 shoppers in the Bronx—a New York City borough with many low-income communities—who bought food at 4 of the city’s nearly 500 mobile sellers of fresh produce, known as Green Carts. Some of these food carts were licensed to handle electronic bank transfers (EBTs), the technical term for the transactions, while others were not.
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Saudi Arabia Agrees to Let Women Drive

Saudi Arabia Agrees to Let Women Drive

The monarchy abandoned its driving ban for women, long criticized as an infringement on women’s rights and a drag on the economy and society.
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Conspiracy theorist revises prediction after world fails to end

Conspiracy theorist revises prediction after world fails to end

Arma-get-it-over-with-already. As you may be able to tell, Christian conspiracy theorist David Meade's prediction that the world as we know it would come to an end this past Saturday was incorrect. Consequently, Meade, whose qualifications include writing books and, get this, writing things on a website, now states October 15 is definitely Doomsday. "The actual event of the beginning of the Tribulation occurs on October 15," he says on his site.
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Expressive Writing Liberates the Mind from Chronic Worrying

Expressive Writing Liberates the Mind from Chronic Worrying

Taking a few minutes to jot down your thoughts and feelings using a technique called “expressive writing” can free up brain space and helps the mind function more efficiently, according to a new study led by psychology researcher Hans Schroder. These findings were published online September 8 in the journal Psychophysiology.
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Mind-reading technology should not be used to solve crime

Mind-reading technology should not be used to solve crime

Most people would agree they have a right to privacy, a right not to incriminate themselves, and a right to freedom of thought. Brain fingerprinting threatens all three.
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Why India's farmers want to conserve indigenous heirloom rice

Why India's farmers want to conserve indigenous heirloom rice

India is rice country: the cereal provides daily sustenance for more than 60% of the population. Half a century ago, it was home to more than 100,000 rice varieties, encompassing a stunning diversity in taste, nutrition, pest-resistance and, crucially in this age of climate change and natural disasters, adaptability to a range of conditions.
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Monday 25 September 2017

Overcoming Writers Block: The Joy Of Fighting For Our Words

Overcoming Writers Block: The Joy Of Fighting For Our Words

A few years back I was struggling with with a bad case of writers block. I’m sure many of you know what I mean. Just can’t get the words out. Nothing in your mind. You try everything, to find words and rediscover that habit…but nothing comes. And in time, of course, writing becomes a burden. Eventually you don’t want to go back, because it feels such a weight. You’re not alone.
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A New Push for the Male "Pill"

A New Push for the Male "Pill"

An international clinical trial will give a contraceptive gel a test drive
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Why Don't Movie Poster Names EVER Line Up?!

Why Don't Movie Poster Names EVER Line Up?!

We need to talk about this worldwide epidemic. Give me a few minutes, and I'll explain.
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Google and Levi's tech-enabled Jacquard jacket feels like the future

Google and Levi's tech-enabled Jacquard jacket feels like the future

Jacquard is part jacket, part wearable tech.
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Nasa honours legendary 'human computer’ Katherine Johnson with research facility in her name

Nasa honours legendary 'human computer’ Katherine Johnson with research facility in her name

One of Nasa’s “human computers”, who helped plan the mission that saw an American astronaut orbit the Earth for the first time, has opened a new research centre named in her honour. The key contribution of Katherine Johnson, 99, and other African-American women to the US space programme was recounted in the film Hidden Figures, which gave overdue recognition to their work. The film was the highest grossing Best Picture nominee at the Oscars.
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Hiroshima smile by Martinus

Hiroshima smile by Martinus

110 cm * 110 cm - Acrylic on canvas, mixed techniques
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The Unlikely Return of Cat Stevens

The Unlikely Return of Cat Stevens

He was giving us back the songs he’d taken away so many years ago, validating their worth again, and our love for them.
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Too high: men rescued from Scafell Pike 'unable to walk due to cannabis'

Too high: men rescued from Scafell Pike 'unable to walk due to cannabis'

Four men were rescued from England’s highest mountain after “becoming incapable of walking due to cannabis use”, police have said. Cumbria police were called at about 6.30pm on Saturday after the group ran into difficulty on Scafell Pike, a 978-metre (3,210ft) peak in the Lake District. Writing on Facebook, a spokesperson for the force said: “Persons phoning Cumbria police because they are stuck on a mountain, after taking cannabis. Now having to deploy [mountain] rescue, air support and ambulance to rescue them. Words fail us ...”
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Virtual Reality and the Future of Education

Virtual Reality and the Future of Education

Virtual reality is being implemented into every aspect of education. From the top levels of higher education to amateur video tutorials, VR is quickly becoming a vital component of how we learn. In late 2016, learning in virtual reality has become reality: Teachers take their classes on virtual trips. Nowadays, an enormous amount of creativity and energy is directed at bringing VR to the classroom.
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