Wednesday 28 February 2018

Icelandic language battles threat of 'digital extinction'

Icelandic language battles threat of 'digital extinction'

Iceland’s mother tongue and cultural identity is drowning in an online ocean of English
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Disneyland Resort workers struggle to pay for food, housing and medical care, union survey finds

Disneyland Resort workers struggle to pay for food, housing and medical care, union survey finds

In an unprecedented challenge to Walt Disney Co., a coalition of 11 Disneyland unions is calling on the resort to raise its base wage to $20 an hour after a survey of 5,000 workers found many were hard-pressed to pay for food and medical expenses and 11 percent said they experienced homelessness in the past two years. According to a 125-page report “Working for the Mouse,” to be unveiled at a town hall of union members at the Anaheim Sheraton Park Hotel on Wednesday, Feb. 28, federal census and economic data show the average hourly wage...
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You can use a ​VPN to battle ISP net neutrality abuse

You can use a ​VPN to battle ISP net neutrality abuse

The FCC's butchery of net neutrality has become law, and people are turning to virtual private networks to preserve their privacy and access.
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AR-15 found in car of Bethune-Cookman student, Florida police say

AR-15 found in car of Bethune-Cookman student, Florida police say

A Bethune-Cookman University student was arrested Sunday night after an AR-15 rifle was found in his vehicle parked near a campus dormitory, police said. According to a Daytona Beach police report, Ronald Jacques, 20, of Miami Gardens, was charged with possession of a firearm on school property. He was being held Monday at the Volusia County Branch Jail on $10,000 bail.
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Atheism and the meaning of life

Atheism and the meaning of life

I had a recent conversation on Twitter with a Christian on whether my life has meaning. Many such theists seem to believe that life can have no meaning for atheists. The fact that we can be out there, enjoying life and the experiences it offers, seems impossible for some to grasp.
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Students walk out to support teacher suspended over Florida shooting comments

Students walk out to support teacher suspended over Florida shooting comments

Hundreds of students walked out of class Tuesday morning to support a teacher who was placed an administrative leave for his comments on the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, CBS Philadelphia reports. Timothy Locke, an AP history teacher, was placed on administrative leave after voicing his concerns over security at Cherry Hill High School East. Locke said a similar shooting could take place at the school and said two police officers are not armed on campus, The Associated Press reports.
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How Defective Guns Became the Only Product That Can’t Be Recalled

How Defective Guns Became the Only Product That Can’t Be Recalled

The government won’t fix it. The NRA is silent.
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Neanderthals – not modern humans – were first artists on Earth, experts claim

Neanderthals – not modern humans – were first artists on Earth, experts claim

More than 65,000 years ago, a Neanderthal reached out and made strokes in red ochre on the wall of a cave, and in doing so, became the first known artist on Earth, scientists claim. The discovery overturns the widely-held belief that modern humans are the only species to have expressed themselves through works of art.
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Chimps and bonobos speak the same 'language', and we might too

Chimps and bonobos speak the same 'language', and we might too

A significant number of gestures made by chimps and bonobos mean the same thing.
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Before they went on strike, West Virginia teachers packed bags to make sure kids didn't go hungry

Before they went on strike, West Virginia teachers packed bags to make sure kids didn't go hungry

Teachers in West Virginia are striking for higher wages and better benefits, but not at the expense of hungry students. In West Virginia almost one in four children are in poverty. For many of them, free or reduced-price school breakfasts and lunches are their main meals of the day. Some schools even run Friday pantry programs to feed students through the weekend.
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Tuesday 27 February 2018

West Virginia schoolteachers' strike enters fourth day as they protest pay among the worst in the nation

West Virginia schoolteachers' strike enters fourth day as they protest pay among the worst in the nation

West Virginia's teachers are refusing to go to school for a fourth day Tuesday in protest of pay that is among the lowest in the nation. Teachers are on strike in all 55 West Virginia counties and rallied outside the state capitol on Monday.
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The Reckoning

The Reckoning

Thirty years ago, an acclaimed series of documentaries introduced the world to an isolated tribe in Papua New Guinea. What happened when the cameras left?
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New Front In Data Privacy At The Supreme Court: Can U.S. Seize Emails Stored Abroad?

New Front In Data Privacy At The Supreme Court: Can U.S. Seize Emails Stored Abroad?

The Supreme Court to decide whether a U.S. warrant can compel Microsoft to turn over a user's emails stored in Ireland.
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‘Frankenstein’ Manuscript Shows the Evolution of Mary Shelley’s Monster

‘Frankenstein’ Manuscript Shows the Evolution of Mary Shelley’s Monster

A British publisher is releasing 1,000 facsimiles of the two notebooks in which Shelly scrawled her iconic novel
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Google Says It's Received 2.4 Million Takedown Requests Under EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' Laws

Google Says It's Received 2.4 Million Takedown Requests Under EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' Laws

Google has now been complying with the European Union’s controversial “right to be forgotten” laws, which the European Court of Justice first ruled applied to search engines in 2014, for three years. On Monday, the search giant released an updated version of its annual Transparency Report, which discloses how many and what kind of requests Google has received to delist pages from results and in how many instances the company complied.
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Want to Keep the Weight Off? Eat More Slowly

Want to Keep the Weight Off? Eat More Slowly

Instead of gulping your food, try eating more slowly. It may help you drop those unwanted pounds, a new study by Japanese researchers suggests. Also helpful: Avoiding after-dinner snacks and eating anything in the two hours before you go to bed, the researchers said. The study linked those simple changes to a smaller waist, and lower rates of obesity and overweight.
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Law enforcement cracking open iOS devices is 'threatening the core of an iPhone's value,' Snowden argues

Law enforcement cracking open iOS devices is 'threatening the core of an iPhone's value,' Snowden argues

In 2016, Apple made headlines for its refusal to unlock an iPhone at the insistence of law enforcement. What the technological giant’s CEO Tim Cook called a defense of civil liberties was lauded by privacy activists and civil libertarians worldwide. Cracking open iOS devices used to be a surveillance state pipe dream, but a prominent U.S. government contractor may have found a way to do just that.
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Dain Yoon

Dain Yoon

Incredible makeup artist.
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Sony’s new A7 III is a $2,000 full-frame mirrorless camera that should terrify Canon and Nikon

Sony’s new A7 III is a $2,000 full-frame mirrorless camera that should terrify Canon and Nikon

Sony spent 2017 releasing pricey powerhouse cameras like the A9, but today the company announced one that sounds almost as good at half the price. The new full-frame A7 III splits the difference between the pixel-packed A7R III and the A7S II, the company’s low light and video king. It boasts big-time speed and just about everything else you could ask for, all for $1,999 (body only) when it ships in April.
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Behavior in High School Predicts Income and Occupational Success Later in Life

Behavior in High School Predicts Income and Occupational Success Later in Life

Being a responsible student, maintaining an interest in school and having good reading and writing skills will not only help a teenager get good grades in high school but could also be predictors of educational and occupational success decades later, regardless of IQ, parental socioeconomic status or other personality factors, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.
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Religion is no longer needed, says Dalai Lama

Religion is no longer needed, says Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama says in an interview, "The world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer needed. This is why I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether."
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Texas police shoot man who disarmed possible church shooter

Texas police shoot man who disarmed possible church shooter

Police in Amarillo shot an innocent man who helped foil a possible church shooting. The shooting happened shortly after 9 a.m. Feb. 14 at the Faith City Mission, a faith-based outreach organization. Police said Joshua Len Jones, 35, of Amarillo, barged into a church building at Faith City Mission, pulled out a gun and was holding about 100 congregants and church staff hostage. In the time between when police were dispatched and when officers arrived, a handful of churchgoers wrestled Jones to the ground. One of the congregants was able to grab Jones' gun.
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The Artist Crafting Hyperrealistic Felt Foods

The Artist Crafting Hyperrealistic Felt Foods

Huong Huynh makes fabric fare look good enough to eat.
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Monday 26 February 2018

Florida Gun Show sees 'record number' of attendees amid gun control debate

Florida Gun Show sees 'record number' of attendees amid gun control debate

Thousands of gun enthusiasts -- more so than ever -- flocked to the Florida State Fairgrounds for the Florida Gun Show event. Organizers say they had a record number of people attend the event on Saturday, Feb. 24, almost 7,000, and expected more Sunday. The manager for the Florida Gun Show, George Fernandez, says they’ve never seen such a big crowd.
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The Lucnt SRL1 is a smart bike light that works like a car brake

The Lucnt SRL1 is a smart bike light that works like a car brake

The Lucnt SRL1 is a smart bike light that claims to work just like a car brake light, making your bike ride safer for all involved. When it comes to determining how easy to use a product really is, it’s always good to consider whether or not good ol’ mom and dad could figure it out. After all, an excellent design should transcend generations, right? Promising to pass the test is the Lucnt SRL1, a smart bike light that works just like a car brake light, making your bike ride safer for all involved.
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Opinion | The Pain of Loving Old Dogs

Opinion | The Pain of Loving Old Dogs

It’s hard to know what to do when age brings a faithful companion so much fear and suffering.
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Scientifically Speaking Which Is Better, Male or Female Orgasms?

Scientifically Speaking Which Is Better, Male or Female Orgasms?

For most of us, how the opposite sex experiences an orgasm is one of life's great mysteries.
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Police in Washington sell seized assault weapons back to the public

Police in Washington sell seized assault weapons back to the public

When law enforcement agencies in Washington and other states sell guns they've confiscated during criminal investigations, they're not just selling pistols and hunting rifles, they're also putting assault weapons, including AR-15s, back on the street. Sheriff's offices and police departments across Washington state have sold dozens of AR-15s, AK47s and other assault weapons since 2010, an Associated Press investigation found.
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Rare Photographs that changed Lives

Rare Photographs that changed Lives

Photographs by Lewis Hine that shook up early 20th-Century labour laws among those sold at US auction.
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Exploding e-Cigarettes Are a Growing Danger to Public Health

Exploding e-Cigarettes Are a Growing Danger to Public Health

Whatever their physiological effects, the most immediate threat of these nicotine-delivery devices comes from a battery problem called thermal runaway
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The brutal world of sheep fighting: the illegal sport beloved by Algeria’s 'lost generation'

The brutal world of sheep fighting: the illegal sport beloved by Algeria’s 'lost generation'

The long read: Algeria’s ‘lost generation’ has been shaped by years of conflict, unemployment and state repression. Sheep fighting offers an arena where young men can escape the constant supervision of the state
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Is marijuana the world’s most effective treatment for autism?

Is marijuana the world’s most effective treatment for autism?

It’s morning in Nahariya, a tiny Israeli town near the Lebanese border, and 4-year-old Benjamin is repeatedly smashing his head against the wall. He spins wildly in circles, screeching at full volume. As his mother tries frantically to calm him, he pulls down his pants and defecates on the floor.
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Apple Moves Chinese iCloud Encryption Keys to China, Worrying Privacy Advocates

Apple Moves Chinese iCloud Encryption Keys to China, Worrying Privacy Advocates

Apple has moved encryption keys for mainland Chinese iCloud users to China, potentially enabling much easier access to data for the nation’s heavy-handed authorities and worrying privacy advocates.
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Police Investigate after Student Writes Essay from White Supremacist’s Perspective

Police Investigate after Student Writes Essay from White Supremacist’s Perspective

A Tracy student wrote a controversial essay on racism that prompted an investigation by law enforcement. The academic decathlon student was preparing for an upcoming debate and was given an open-ended writing prompt. The Director of Student Services at Tracy Unified School District, Troy Brown, said the students had "to write opposing viewpoints to a topic."
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Who the Fuck Is Jackson Pollock?

Who the Fuck Is Jackson Pollock?

When truck driver Teri Horton bought a painting for $5, she didn’t dream it could be an original Jackson Pollock. This film follows her journey to discover the truth.
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Vaccinations Drop in Europe, and the Result Was Over 21,000 Cases of Measles

Vaccinations Drop in Europe, and the Result Was Over 21,000 Cases of Measles

Measles is pulling off a disconcerting resurgence across the continent of Europe at the same time the vaccination rate is falling, per recent data from the World Health Organization. Over 21,000 people caught measles across the continent in 2017, “following a record low of 5,273 cases in 2016,” the WHO wrote in a press release. Some 35 people died as a result, with 15 countries seeing large outbreaks:
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Sunday 25 February 2018

A Collection of 3,000 Pigments Made from Cow Urine, Shells, Insects, and More

A Collection of 3,000 Pigments Made from Cow Urine, Shells, Insects, and More

The Forbes Pigment Collection contains samples of material that represent all shades of the rainbow — plus brown, white, black, and metallic.
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What can the Swiss teach the US about guns?

What can the Swiss teach the US about guns?

As an American living in Zurich, I’ve watched news cycle after news cycle reporting mass shootings, domestic violence-related homicides, and accidental gun deaths in the United States. While the issue of gun violence has impacted every American in some way, I have had a more close-up view than most.
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One Artist's Mission to Illustrate All the World's Mythical Beasts

One Artist's Mission to Illustrate All the World's Mythical Beasts

Squonks, Lindworms, Dijiangs, and more.
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Quantum Information for Babies : Chris Ferrie

Quantum Information for Babies : Chris Ferrie

Quantum Information for Babies is a colorful and simple introduction to one of newest ideas in physics: qubits! Qubits are quantum bits, the carriers of information about quantum mechanical things. Baby will learn why qubits are so different from, and more useful than, the regular bits of information stored on our computers today.
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The fight against 'fake meat' has officially begun

The fight against 'fake meat' has officially begun

The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association has filed a petition to narrow the definition of "beef" and "meat."
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Indulgent Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse - MyHealthyDessert

Indulgent Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse - MyHealthyDessert

Here’s a delicious and indulgent chocolate hazelnut mousse recipe. The mousse is vegan, easy to make and doesn’t require cooking.
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Emma Chambers, The Vicar of Dibley actor, dies aged 53

Emma Chambers, The Vicar of Dibley actor, dies aged 53

Dawn French, who worked with Dibley and Notting Hill star, described actor as a ‘unique and beautiful spark’
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Saturday 24 February 2018

Los Intocables (The Untouchables) by Erik Ravelo (Cuba)

Los Intocables (The Untouchables) by Erik Ravelo (Cuba)

"The first image refers to pedophilia in the Vatican. Second child sexual abuse in tourism in Thailand, and the third refers to the war in Syria. The fourth image refers to the trafficking of organs on the black market, where most of the victims are children from poor countries; fifth refers to weapons free in the U.S.. And finally, the sixth image refers to obesity, blaming the big fast food companies. The new series produced by Cuban artist Erik Ravelo was titled as "The Untouchables"
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Tech billionaire, ordered to reopen public beach, appeals to supreme court

Tech billionaire, ordered to reopen public beach, appeals to supreme court

A Silicon Valley billionaire who was ordered by California courts to restore public access to a popular surfing beach is seeking to take his case to the US supreme court. The case could entirely upend public access to beaches in a state with more than 1,000 miles of shoreline.
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Citigroup will refund customers $335 million after discovering it charged too much credit-card interest

Citigroup will refund customers $335 million after discovering it charged too much credit-card interest

The New York bank, one of the world’s largest credit-card issuers, said it will pay the money to U.S. customers whose annual percentage rate didn't reflect the full benefit of paying on time and other good behavior.
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Legalizing Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Prompt Teens To Start Using It, New Research Suggests

Legalizing Medical Marijuana Doesn’t Prompt Teens To Start Using It, New Research Suggests

Legalizing medical marijuana doesn’t increase recreational use of the substance among teens, according to a new study carried out by researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of ...
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Prawns with Chilli & Pak Choi Recipe

Prawns with Chilli & Pak Choi Recipe

A tasty home cooking blog covering starters, main courses and desserts, Asian, Chinese, Japanese and Italian food. Cooking is a journey to be savored.
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The Hardest Jigsaw Puzzles

The Hardest Jigsaw Puzzles

So you’re up for a challenge huh?  We’ve scoured the puzzle world looking for the nastiest, hardest, most challenging jigsaws out there.  Whether you’re going at it alone, or puzzling as a team, these are sure to keep you busy for a long time.
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Friday 23 February 2018

Small b blogging

Small b blogging

There’s an idea that starting a blog is harder than it used to be. That there used to be a way to write a few words, slap it online and wait for the traffic to roll in. I call BS. It’s not that it’s not true exactly - but that kind of thinking is living in the shadow of the Digg homepage. I’d like to propose a new mental model for blogging - small b blogging. Let me show you what I mean.
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