Tuesday 27 February 2018

Law enforcement cracking open iOS devices is 'threatening the core of an iPhone's value,' Snowden argues

Law enforcement cracking open iOS devices is 'threatening the core of an iPhone's value,' Snowden argues

In 2016, Apple made headlines for its refusal to unlock an iPhone at the insistence of law enforcement. What the technological giant’s CEO Tim Cook called a defense of civil liberties was lauded by privacy activists and civil libertarians worldwide. Cracking open iOS devices used to be a surveillance state pipe dream, but a prominent U.S. government contractor may have found a way to do just that.
Read more: https://www.inquisitr.com/4804536/law-enforcement-cracking-open-ios-devices-is-threatening-the-core-of-an-iphones-value-snowden-argues/?source=Snapzu

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