Tuesday 27 February 2018

Google Says It's Received 2.4 Million Takedown Requests Under EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' Laws

Google Says It's Received 2.4 Million Takedown Requests Under EU's 'Right to Be Forgotten' Laws

Google has now been complying with the European Union’s controversial “right to be forgotten” laws, which the European Court of Justice first ruled applied to search engines in 2014, for three years. On Monday, the search giant released an updated version of its annual Transparency Report, which discloses how many and what kind of requests Google has received to delist pages from results and in how many instances the company complied.
Read more: https://gizmodo.com/google-says-its-received-2-4-million-takedown-requests-1823347633?source=Snapzu

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