Tuesday 27 March 2018

Facebook denies it collects call and SMS data from phones without permission

Facebook denies it collects call and SMS data from phones without permission

After an Ars Technica report that Facebook surreptitiously scrapes call and text message data from Android phones and has done so for years, the scandal-burdened company has responded that it only collects that information from users who have given permission. Facebook’s public statement, posted on its press site, comes a couple of days after it took out full page newspaper ads to apologize for the misuse of data by third-party apps as it copes with fallout from the Cambridge Analytica...
Read more: https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/25/facebook-denies-it-collects-call-and-sms-data-from-phones-without-permission/?source=Snapzu

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