Sunday 31 July 2016

Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s

Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved and Died in the 1940s

Anne Sebba’s account of the French women who dared to say no to the Nazis is compelling.
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Let them eat stale bread. The diet of the poor in the Regency

Let them eat stale bread. The diet of the poor in the Regency

Britain was running out of bread in 1800.The Napoleonic blockade was beginning to have an effect and British domestic production had not yet started to increase.
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The Parachute Wedding Dress and World War II Era Brides

The Parachute Wedding Dress and World War II Era Brides

One of the most intriguing examples of surviving World War II wedding dresses are those made from either silk or nylon parachutes.
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Dog lovers of Snapzu, what is your favorite breed of dog?

Dog lovers of Snapzu, what is your favorite breed of dog?

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A Cognitive Sciences Reading List for Designers

A Cognitive Sciences Reading List for Designers

If you’ve ever done any contextual inquiry or usability testing, you’ve probably observed first hand the difference between what people say they will do and what they actually end up doing. This post is a quick roundup of the most enlightening books on the task of designing information systems for messy, irrational humans. By Andy Fitzgerald.
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Review: ‘Mercy Street,’ a Civil War Hospital Drama on PBS

Review: ‘Mercy Street,’ a Civil War Hospital Drama on PBS

This six-episode Civil War series shares Downton Abbey's style: genteel melodrama, talky, sentimental and lightly comic, with the occasional action sequence (an escape, a bomb plot) to spice things up.
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Soylent CEO’s shipping container home is a ‘middle finger’ to LA, locals say

Soylent CEO’s shipping container home is a ‘middle finger’ to LA, locals say

Rob Rhinehart lacks permits for his ‘experiment in sustainable living’ and has ignored a removal order, which may lead to criminal charges, authorities say. The windows are smashed, the walls are covered in graffiti, and the solar panels gone. By Rory Carroll.
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President Signs Law That Overturns Vermont GMO Labeling Rules, Replaces Them With Barcodes

President Signs Law That Overturns Vermont GMO Labeling Rules, Replaces Them With Barcodes

Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell fast-tracked a controversial piece of legislation aimed at overturning and preempting state laws for labeling foods made with genetically modified ingredients… By Chris Morran.
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The Real Reason Women Love Witches

The Real Reason Women Love Witches

It’s not about broomsticks or cats. It’s about power. By Anne Theriault.
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Once all but left for dead, is cursive handwriting making a comeback?

Once all but left for dead, is cursive handwriting making a comeback?

Reports of the handwriting style’s demise might be exaggerated as it has displayed a gritty staying power.
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The Child Prodigies Who Became 20th-Century Celebrities

The Child Prodigies Who Became 20th-Century Celebrities

Every generation produces kid geniuses, but in the early 1900s, the public was obsessed with them. By Greg Daugherty. (June 24, 2013)
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David Bald Eagle, Lakota Chief, Musician, Cowboy And Actor, Dies At 97

David Bald Eagle, Lakota Chief, Musician, Cowboy And Actor, Dies At 97

He was also a war hero and a ballroom dancer — Bald Eagle’s life is hard to fit in a headline. He parachuted into Normandy, acted in Westerns and starred in his first feature film at the age of 95. By Camila Domonoske.
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Everything Is Broken

Everything Is Broken

“So the question I put to hackers, cryptographers, security experts, programmers, and so on was this: What’s the best option for people who can’t download new software to their machines? The answer was unanimous: nothing.” By Quinn Norton. (May 20, 2014)
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Saturday 30 July 2016

WhatsApp isn’t fully deleting its 'deleted' chats

WhatsApp isn’t fully deleting its 'deleted' chats

WhatsApp retains and stores chat logs even after those chats have been deleted, according to a post today by iOS researcher Jonathan Zdziarski. Examining disk images taken from the most recent version of the app, Zdziarski found that the software retains and stores a forensic trace of the chat logs even after the chats have been deleted, creating a potential treasure trove of information for anyone with physical access to the device. The same data could also be recoverable through any remote backup systems in place.
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1,400-Square-Foot Roman Mosaic of Hercules’s Labors Found in Cyprus

1,400-Square-Foot Roman Mosaic of Hercules’s Labors Found in Cyprus

Construction crews working on the sewage system beneath the southern coastal city of Larnaca in Cyprus recently found themselves face-to-face with Roman-era scenes of toil: a large-scale mosaic floor of the Labors of Hercules dating to the 2nd century CE.
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Disney Wants to Track Park Visitors By Secretly Photographing Their Shoes Like a Creep

Disney Wants to Track Park Visitors By Secretly Photographing Their Shoes Like a Creep

With millions of tourists visiting its theme parks around the world each year, it makes sense that Disney would want to track how visitors move about its attractions to help minimize lines and crowds and also to provide a unique experience for each guest. But does it have to sound so incredibly creepy?
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Lincoln’s Rhetorical Fireworks

Lincoln’s Rhetorical Fireworks

When the Confederacy opened fire on Fort Sumter in April 1861, Abraham Lincoln responded within hours, ordering a naval blockade of Southern ports and calling for 75,000 volunteers to “maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union.”
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Vintage Women Fashion in Autochrome – Stunning Color Photos of Girls in Traditional Dresses from between the 1900s-20s

Vintage Women Fashion in Autochrome – Stunning Color Photos of Girls in Traditional Dresses from between the 1900s-20s

A folk costume (also regional costume, national costume, or traditional garment) expresses an identity through costume, which is usually associated with a geographic area or a period of time in history. It can also indicate social, marital and/or religious status. Such costumes often come in two forms: one for everyday occasions, the other for festivals and formal wear.
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The hidden adult themes in Beatrix Potter

The hidden adult themes in Beatrix Potter

Born 150 years ago on 28 July, the British children’s book author was far more subversive than you may have realised, writes Christian Blauvelt.
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The Restoration Of The Double-Barrel Pistol And Its Songbird By Parmigiani Fleurier

The Restoration Of The Double-Barrel Pistol And Its Songbird By Parmigiani Fleurier

Michel Parmigiani belongs to the intimate circle of watchmakers that is today able to restore super complex, vintage micro mechanical creations. Just recently, Parmigiani unveiled the result of his team’s latest task: a pistol integrating an automaton singing bird that pops out of the barrel once the mechanism has been started.
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A Brief Compendium of the Traveling Salesman's Vintage Sample Case

A Brief Compendium of the Traveling Salesman's Vintage Sample Case

Travelling salesmen of yesteryear rapping their knuckles on our front doors is not something we’d necessarily want to bring back. But now that this nomadic metier of the 19th and 20th Century is largely a thing of the past, a good number of vintage traveling salesman cases are now doing the rounds on eBay and various auction sites.
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Elon Musk endorsement sparks rush to find out-of-print history book

Elon Musk endorsement sparks rush to find out-of-print history book

A forgotten, out-of-print history book from 1929 has sold out across the internet after it was praised by Elon Musk. The Tesla chief executive and billionaire told Bloomberg on Thursday that he was currently reading a book called Twelve Against the Gods by William Bolitho. “It’s really quite good,” Musk added, sending the price of the now obscure text up from $6.35 (£4.82) on for a secondhand paperback edition, to $99.99, before it sold out at the online retailer.
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10 of the Oldest Books in the World and Where to See Them

10 of the Oldest Books in the World and Where to See Them

The beginnings of the book are hard to pinpoint, but between about 150 and 450 CE writing slowly moved away from scrolls and toward the codex, an early forerunner of the modern book. A print book is now generally defined as a series of folded leaves of parchment or paper that has been stitched and bound together between covers. The books below, some of which date back well over a thousand years, are among the oldest known to have survived intact to modern times—and many of them are regularly on display.
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The advantages of using wooden pathways in your garden

The advantages of using wooden pathways in your garden

Duckboards keep your shoes clean and your weeds at bay — and they’re rearrangeable.
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Don’t Blame Divorce on Money. Ask: Did the Husband Have a Job?

Don’t Blame Divorce on Money. Ask: Did the Husband Have a Job?

Financial stress and fights over money can eat away at a marriage. But do they cause divorce? That’s a more complicated matter. A Harvard University study suggests that neither financial strains nor women's increased ability to get out of an unhappy marriage, starting in the 1970s, is typically the main reason for a split. The big factor, Harvard sociology professor Alexandra Killewald found, is the husband's employment status. For the past four decades, she discovered, husbands who aren’t employed full time have a 3.3 percent chance of getting divorced in any given year...
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Una Lumino Callidus Spiritus: Kinetic Sculpture by U-Ram Choe

Una Lumino Callidus Spiritus: Kinetic Sculpture by U-Ram Choe

As part of the exhibition Odyssey: Navigating Nameless Seas at the Singapore Art Museum, Korean artist U-Ram Choe has a mesmerizing kinetic sculpture installed entitled Una Lumino Callidus Spiritus that consists of 51 shiny flower-like individual units with translucent shells.
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How Altruism Might Have Evolved

How Altruism Might Have Evolved

The key insight is that the total size of population that can be supported depends on the proportion of cooperators: more cooperation means more food for all and a larger population.
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Friday 29 July 2016

'Babylon 5' Star Jerry Doyle -- Dead at 60

'Babylon 5' Star Jerry Doyle -- Dead at 60

Jerry Doyle -- best known for his role on "Babylon 5" -- died Wednesday ... TMZ has learned. Sources tell us ... a call was made to his Las Vegas home yesterday afternoon after he was found unresponsive. It's unclear how the political radio talk show host and actor died ... but we're told no foul play is suspected. An autopsy is pending. Jerry starred as security officer Michael Garibaldi from 1994 to 1998 and was married to co-star Andrea Thompson from 1995 to 1997. He worked on Wall Street before going into acting.
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The Weird and Wonderful World of Renzo Picasso

The Weird and Wonderful World of Renzo Picasso

A little-known Italian architect wanted to build seven-layer "superstreets" through American cities.
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Why Cereal Has Such Aggressive Marketing

Why Cereal Has Such Aggressive Marketing

Breakfast is often lauded as “the most important meal of the day.” What is less commonly mentioned is the origin of this ode to breakfast: a 1944 marketing campaign launched by General Foods, the manufacturer of Grape Nuts, to sell more cereal. During the campaign, which marketers named “Eat a Good Breakfast—Do a Better Job,” grocery stores handed out pamphlets that promoted the importance of breakfast while radio advertisements announced that “Nutrition experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”
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What's your favorite country or state anthem?

What's your favorite country or state anthem?

<p>Going to be predictably biased here, but my vote is for the South Carolina state song, <a href="" target="_blank">"Carolina!"</a>. On top of being a genuinely beautiful song, it also to me speaks powerfully about the history of South Carolina as a state (ex. "Eutaw's battle bed" referencing the Battle of Eutaw Springs), and how that has affected our current sense of pride for being South Carolinians (ex. "they shall not touch thy noble heart").</p> <p>So what's you all's favorites? You can of course also name official songs for provinces/prefectures/etc.</p>
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The 7 biggest problems facing science, according to 270 scientists

The 7 biggest problems facing science, according to 270 scientists

Science is in big trouble. Or so we’re told. In the past several years, many scientists have become afflicted with a serious case of doubt — doubt in the very institution of science. As reporters covering medicine, psychology, climate change, and other areas of research, we wanted to understand this epidemic of doubt. So we sent scientists a survey asking this simple question: If you could change one thing about how science works today, what would it be and why?
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Are churches key to solving social problems? Fewer Americans now think so

Are churches key to solving social problems? Fewer Americans now think so

A majority of U.S. adults still say religious institutions contribute either “a great deal” (19%) or “some” (38%) to solving important social problems, but the combined figure of 58% has fallen significantly in recent years.
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Here's What 'Free Will' Looks Like in Your Brain

Here's What 'Free Will' Looks Like in Your Brain

Scientists have for the first time watched the human brain making a purely voluntary decision to act. Unlike in brain imaging studies where researchers wat
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The Babysitters Club

The Babysitters Club

What unites Yelp, Seamless and Venmo is, in part, their desire to monopolize particular spheres of adult life (“spaces,” in Valleyspeak). They also offer services that diminish the user’s autonomy in a way that might — held at certain angles to the light — read as patronizing, when we’re supposed to be the patrons. We cannot find food on our own, or choose a restaurant, or settle a tiny debt. By Jesse Barron.
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What Happened to Google Maps?

What Happened to Google Maps?

Justin O&#039;Beirne explores some surprising changes to Google&#039;s cartography.
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The Slave Who Stole the Confederate Codes—and a Rebel Warship

The Slave Who Stole the Confederate Codes—and a Rebel Warship

When three Confederate officers decided to go ashore for a night in Charleston, they left their gunboat in the hands of an enslaved pilot. It was a critical mistake. By Christopher Dickey.
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Whats your absolute favorite food to BBQ?

Whats your absolute favorite food to BBQ?

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Why poetry is good for the rational mind

Why poetry is good for the rational mind

Poetry shows us that the world is more varied and unpredictable than we might otherwise imagine. By Fiona Sampson.
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Cats, autotuning and stars: The web marks 10,000 days

Cats, autotuning and stars: The web marks 10,000 days

As the World Wide Web passes its 10,000th day, look back at some of its most head-scratching moments.
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The Office Politics of Workplace Fiction by Women

The Office Politics of Workplace Fiction by Women

The works reflect the particular challenges and preoccupations that women face in the workplace and at home.
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How Exhaustion Became a Status Symbol

How Exhaustion Became a Status Symbol

From sloth to burnout, each age remakes exhaustion in its own image. By Hannah Rosefield.
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This Physics Pioneer Walked Away from It All

This Physics Pioneer Walked Away from It All

Why Fotini Markopoulou traded quantum gravity for industrial design. By Sally Davies
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The Veggie Burger of the Future Cost $80M to Invent — And Carnivores Will Be Impressed

The Veggie Burger of the Future Cost $80M to Invent — And Carnivores Will Be Impressed

While many types of veggie burgers are made with thought and care, most come out like a weirdly textured, flavorless puck that tastes like anything but real meat. But one company has done what used to seem like the impossible: create an entirely plant-based burger that could probably fool most carnivores. Appropriately called the &quot;Impossible Burger,&quot; the beefy, but beef-free creation is available at chef David Chang&#039;s New York City restaurant Nishi.
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Thursday 28 July 2016

Petey Ulatan's warped world of cubic landscapes

Petey Ulatan's warped world of cubic landscapes

Petey Ulatan has created a surreal series of cubic landscapes that &#039;flatten&#039; views of natural and urban panoramas.
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This is How a Camera Adds 10 Pounds

This is How a Camera Adds 10 Pounds

It&#039;s commonly said that a camera adds 10 pounds, making you look heavier than you actually are. Here&#039;s a striking animated GIF that shows how much the focal length of a lens affects your apparent weight in a portrait. It’s “amazing how focal length affect shape of the face,” writes photographer Dan Vojtech, who shot this series of portraits 9 portraits at 20mm, 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 70mm, 105mm, 150mm, and 200mm.
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Technology killed bookstore chains. Can technology save indie bookstores?

Technology killed bookstore chains. Can technology save indie bookstores?

It’s great when the received narrative gets disrupted, and Oren Teicher, the CEO of the American Booksellers Association (ABA), has heard more than his share during his long tenure at the independent bookstore trade group, where he’s been the boss since 2009 and in other positions before that. The story that is told, news cycle after news cycle, is that indies were always just about to be wiped off the face of the country because of a new challenge. By Glenn Fleishman
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The 10th Annual Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year Winners

The 10th Annual Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year Winners

Since 2006, Wikimedia Commons has held an annual competition that aims to identify the best freely licensed images
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Getting Closer to Vermeer with Three New Books on the Artist

Getting Closer to Vermeer with Three New Books on the Artist

Vermeer died twice. The first time was in 1675, after the Dutch art market collapsed. The second time was when history forgot him: shortly after his death, he disappeared from cultural memory.
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Pets left hungry as smart feeder breaks.

Pets left hungry as smart feeder breaks.

Just showing yet again how useless tiot really is.
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