Tuesday 26 July 2016

'Left Behind' co-author Tim LaHaye dies

'Left Behind' co-author Tim LaHaye dies

Timothy LaHaye, the evangelical minister and co-author of the "Left Behind" book series, died Monday in San Diego following a massive stroke. The 90-year-old minister, the son of a Detroit autoworker, had a stroke while walking down his driveway Thursday to retrieve a newspaper and did not regain consciousness, his son Larry LaHaye told CNN. LaHaye, along with Jerry B. Jenkins, wrote the blockbuster "Left Behind," a series of 16 novels dealing with Christian "end times" from an evangelical perspective. In the novels, which reportedly sold more than 65 million copies, true believers have been taken to heaven in the rapture...
Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/25/us/left-behind-author-timothy-lahaye-dies/index.html?source=Snapzu

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